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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



下面有个:Donate now towards this disaster,点开后有个表格,里面可以指定国家和希望捐助的人,大家还是分散一下,随机找个人捐,不要只捐给中国医生。这样这钱就用在他们去中国的飞机票上了。Jiang医生、Xu医生及其它加拿大医生能带去加拿大华人对灾区人们的祝福。
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  • 【转帖】加拿大医疗队马上要去中国,想直接把捐款带回去用在就在第一线上的机会啊!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_22722.aspx

    But it's not just Chinese Canadians banding together to help in the face of crisis. Several teams of doctors, nurses and paramedics are also headed to China, bringing with them badly needed skills and supplies.

    "The first team is leaving on Friday on a flight from Vancouver, and we've mobilized a rotation of four teams that are going to be going over the next 12 weeks," said Valerie Rzepka, a nurse with Canadian Medical Assistance Team.

    But they face their own obstacles. Medical workers packing for China have to pay their own way across the globe. Check below for ways to donate to their cause, and for other ways to contribute to the earthquake relief.

    他们的捐款网页 http://www.canadianmedicalteams.org/donate.htm 看了一下能用信用卡和指定捐给哪一位医生。

    加拿大医疗救援队明天赴四川地震灾区 4大银行合捐35万
    加拿大外交部长别聂尔(Maxime Bernier)周二向中国驻加使馆表达了对四川地震遇难者的哀悼,同时表示加拿大方面愿意提供各种帮助,包括人道主义援助,以及派遣灾难应变小组 (DART)到地震灾区实施救援,但中方目前对后者尚未正式回应。而由多伦多及温哥华的医生、护士及医辅人员所组成的民间志愿团体“加拿大医疗救援队” CMAT (Canadian Medical Assistance Teams)则付诸行动,准备携带大批先进医疗设备、自发组队前往灾区进行救援,目前一方面正在筹款及配备医护人员,一方面申请赴华签证。CMAT为高度专业的人道救援队伍,组建于1997年,其总部设在安省Brantford 镇,该队巨资装备移动式医疗单元(Mobile Medical Unit),可以在24-48小时内布置组建可充气扩展的野外医院。其负责人向媒体表示,他们仍然欢迎本地医生、护士或医疗辅助义工加入,同时希望市民捐款,其网址为:www.CanadianMedicalTeams.org
    本网刚刚得到的消息,加拿大医疗救援队CMAT正在调集安省医生护士支援者,每周会发出一支队伍前往中国四川地震灾区。本周五(May 16)会有先遣队出发,Dr. Jiang( 蒋曹阳医生)已短暂停业,随CMAT先遣队明天出发。本次医疗队包括一名急诊医生,护士和其他急救人员。另有Hamilton 的Dr. Haibo Xu 医师和几位安省华裔住院医生也打算加入CMAT 的行动。如果您是医药专业人士,并志愿提供帮助,请联系 CMAT 416 305-0290 或到上述网址了解更多信息。另,Dr. Jiang 需要卫星电话两部,便携式水处理器,如果有志愿赞助,请于周五上午前联系Dr. Jiang (416 670-9698)。
    此外,本地4间大银行均为四川地震灾区捐资赈灾,合共捐出35万,其中满地可银行向红十字会捐款15万,加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)捐出10万,丰业 银行5万,道明银行5万。日前,自由党国会议员詹嘉礼(Jim Karygiannis)在多伦多发出呼吁,敦促联邦政府向中国地震灾区提供1,000万元的援助,但目前联邦政府还未对此作出明确的回应。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • up
      • 嗯,这个钱落在了实处,可以直接制定给哪个医生。大家可以去这里捐。

        下面有个:Donate now towards this disaster,点开后有个表格,里面可以指定国家和希望捐助的人,大家还是分散一下,随机找个人捐,不要只捐给中国医生。这样这钱就用在他们去中国的飞机票上了。Jiang医生、Xu医生及其它加拿大医生能带去加拿大华人对灾区人们的祝福。
        • 确认一下,他们不是注册的charity, 对吗?
          • 同问,很为这些志愿者感动,想尽一份力,但不知道捐这里政府给不给MATCH?
    • I called 411 Brantford Ontario, They can not find a business named 'Canadian Medical Assistance Teams', Please confirm.
      • http://www.canadianmedicalteams.org/
    • 请大家支持啊。受难的同胞们需要即时救治。这些医护人员,并不全部是中国人。像一些护士,不工作就不会有收入的。至少有人资助以下来回的机票啊。大家帮帮顶啊。祈祷他们能够健康顺利回来。
      • 如何找赞助对象?
        • I will try to contact them tomorrow and keep you updated.
          • ding
      • 谢谢!里面有一个我的朋友,早上刚刚得知今晚就动身
        • 请你速速和你朋友直接联系,替大家透明以下吧,捐的钱会用作他们的经费还是回中国?还有,要求写,一位志愿者的名字,怎么办?是写了谁的名字就捐到谁的名下吗?谢谢。敬佩他们的行为!中国需要他们,疫情很有可能发生。同时他们的收入会有很大影响,希望他们的单位补偿些。
          • 我昨天打电话问的,你可以指定这些经费用作中国的具体的项目,甚至具体的义工身上,你指定了,他们就不收取10%的行政费,不指定,按照行业惯例,要收取10%的行政费用。昨天想捐款,结果他们的捐款网页当掉了。
            • 谢谢。
            • even if they use some as management fee, it's ok. such an organization need money to operate.
          • 我跟朋友确认过了,他今晚就动身。指定到个人名下的可以用来部分cover他们自己的行程开销(目前都是完全自费做义工,主要是飞机票)国内的住宿安排是统一的而且都在第一线,
            • please post the names here.thax
              • 已经公布了
                • where?
                  • #3497@49 Team Leaders Paramedic Dave Deines and Dr. Dave Ratcliffe, Dr. Haibo Xu, Dr. Charles Jiang, and Paramedic Chris Kaley
                    • 谢谢,我会再捐给他们。
        • 电话打不通,留言回复是24h之内,现在怎么找到这些人的名字赞助呢?
          • up
      • 最新消息——他们已经在绵阳开始工作了,加入了一个澳大利亚先期到达的救援队。
        • 好!祝一切顺利。注意安全!四川加油!
    • 刚收到的第一批救援队伍出发的信
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛From: Canadian Medical Assistance Teams <postmaster@canadianmedicalteams.org>
      Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 4:26:12 PM
      Subject: Canadian Medical Teams to depart tomorrow for China
      CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TEAMS :: www.canadianmedicalteams.org :: PRESS RELEASE
      Canadian Medical Assistance Teams to depart tomorrow for China
      5/16/2008: TORONTO/ VANCOUVER: Canadian Medical Assistance Teams will hold a news conference on Saturday May 17, 2008 at 9:30am to announce the departure of the first of several medical teams headed to aid in the relief effort of earthquake ravaged Sichuan, China.
      "Due to deploy tomorrow, are: Team Leaders Paramedic Dave Deines and Dr. Dave Ratcliffe, Dr. Haibo Xu, Dr. Charles Jiang, and Paramedic Chris Kaley," stated Valerie Rzepka, acting Chairperson of Canadian Medical Assistance Teams from Toronto. "They will conduct an in-depth assessment of the region, partnering with our contacts on the ground, in order to make the best plan for our teams to implement. Medical volunteers from across Canada have stepped up and offered their skills and expertise to the people of Sichuan. We aim to send rotations medical staff to work in our field hospital for several weeks to come."
      Volunteers pay their own way to travel to the disaster zone. Donations toward the cost involved would be greatly appreciated, and can be given through our website www.canadianmedicalteams.org
      Press Conference:
      Where: Vancouver International Airport, (YVR) Centre Court adjacent to the Jade Carving
      When: May 17, 2008 at 9:30 am PST
      Who: Bill Coltart, CMAT Regional Chair (Western Canada), and CMAT Primary Response Trauma Team.
      For further information on the CMAT Chinese response, or for media inquiries, please contact:
      In Toronto - Valerie Rzepka
      In Vancouver - Bill Coltart

      - 30 -

      To make an online donation now using VISA or Mastercard, please click here or download and print our donation form and mail/fax to our office at (519) 720-0282. Please be generous.
      CMAT respects your privacy and confidentiality. To remove your name from our mailing list, please go to the following link: https://www.canadianmedicalteams.org/secure/confirm_email_delete.asp.
      About Canadian Medical Assistance Teams: CMAT is a non profit, non governmental, non denominational organization based in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Established in January 2004, CMAT has earned a reputation as an important partner agency of the United Nations and World Health Organization, and is accredited in Sphere Minimum Standards for Humanitarian Relief. CMAT's mission is to help reduce suffering and improve the health and welfare of families, by providing medical aid to the victims of natural and/or complex disasters, both in Canada and Internationally. For Media inquiries please contact Valerie at 416-450-4270 or vrzepka@CanadianMedicalTeams.org.
      Canadian Medical Assistance Teams
      For inquiries, please send mail to postmaster@canadianmedicalteams.org.
      150 Brant Avenue,
      Brantford, Ontario. N3T3H7
      Tel: (416) 305-0290
      Fax: (519) 720-0282更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 好。最晚明天早晨我会捐出!]
    • 捐钱的程序非常简单方便.... 谢谢这些医务人员,他们做的是最实际的帮助.
    • 刚捐了,有退税。大家多捐啊。我觉得支持医疗队是最直接的帮助之一。
      • 刚刚给第一个人Dave Deines捐了100元。大家捐款的,也都把捐给谁了都贴出来。让后面要捐款的人能够平均分配一下。
        • I think the donation is enough to cover their airfares, so I didn't specify anyone's name. I stressed the need for sterilants and disinfectants, and of course, expressed my gratitude for their efforts. They are great people.
          • 你错了,如果不指定名字,是不会cover个人的飞机票的!只会对整个这次的program有帮助
    • 感动啊,白求恩又回来了
    • 不管是否是华裔医生,他(她)们都和白求恩一样伟大。我就捐这了。
    • 我捐给了 Paramedic Chris Kaley. 为这些不是中国人的博爱感动,而且在这些人中,他的收入是最少的。平安归来!
      • 你怎么知道他们的收入?
        • 我不知道具体的数值,但是Paramedic的工作人员肯定比医生少得多。
          • 也不绝对,这里面还有没获得独立行医资格的实习医生,论收入只怕更少
            • 哦,我是把上面列出来得DR.全部理解成拿到license 已经执业的医生了。看来,有些误解。
    • 直接捐给CMAT吧。 虽然会有10%的管理费, 但可以帮助CMAT买药品,器械,支付运作费用。 这也是必需的呀。
      • 同意。我们现在多捐一点,可以支持更多的救援人员去灾区。我想目前灾区最缺的就是救援人员了。
      • 同意,我也是直接捐给CMAT了,主要是看到介绍说几周后会派ROTATION的人去.那批人肯定不会向第一批这样受关照,但他们的贡献却一样大.不希望看到他们到时候缺经费.
      • 同意, 我没捐给specific person , 但注明是medical expense
    • 我昨天下午8点左右给他们在多伦多的人打过电话,听到里面很嘈杂;然后电子邮件询问是否需要没有医疗背景的人做义工,可以自己负担旅费,当晚11点多收到回信,说是感谢,但是只招收医生和护士。回信见内。钦佩他们!
      Dear Mr. Chen,

      Thank you for your inquiry. At the present time, we are nearing the completion of our recruitment campaign. Unfortunately we are only able to accept medical professionals with current registration from a Canadian province for our projects.

      We appreciate your kind offer of support, however at this time are unable to accommodate your request.

    • 给Dr. Xu and Dr. Ratcliffe各捐了50.
    • 捐了,支持医疗救援队。
      • 我也想捐医疗队,快说说怎么捐的?要指定谁的名字,还是人名下?
        • ZT 3497@49 Team Leaders Paramedic Dave Deines and Dr. Dave Ratcliffe, Dr. Haibo Xu, Dr. Charles Jiang, and Paramedic Chris Kaley
          • 谢谢
          • sorry!能具体描述一下细节么,我用visa捐钱,在哪里著名指定人员的名字?谢谢,帖子太多,又是英文,总结不出要点。
          • 搜到你的帖子3497@49 但是To make an online donation now using VISA or Mastercard, please click here or download and print our donation form and mail/fax to our office at (519) 720-0282. Please be generous, 点击哪里,根本不work
            • 别急,我昨晚捐的,很快,但是快12点了。再等等。我刚才试了一下,根本上不去。
              • 不能不急呀!我刚才填了表格,input visa卡号,email等等信息,结果submit之后说email error,要我用BACK button退回上一页面,检查发现email输错一个句号。我第二次submit,就说XXX error,我不知道是不是应该出现一个成功页面让我可以打印收据,或者给我的邮箱发信确认。
                • 我都不知道捐钱成功了没有!所以请捐过钱的说说要点!比如1. 进入那个网页捐款,2.强调填写表格应注意那几项内容 3.怎样是submit成功(有email证实信么?),并打印收据 4.是不是需要将收据fax或email给CMAT,谢谢.太着急了
            • 你要走到该页的最后=两行,在BACK TO TOP的上面点击Donate securely online now towards this disaster,表格就跳出来了。
              • 啊呀,我用的是最上面的绿色button DonateNow,并且还发生了状况(#4140@49) (#4143@49) 怎么办?怎么办?1. 有没有email发给我来证实我已经捐了钱呢?2. submit之后一定会有可以打印的收据是么?谢谢!
      • 星岛日报的新闻介绍:
    • 凌晨三点从家出发去接医生朋友送他去机场赶早上7点的飞机,得到些最新消息跟大家分享
      • 强烈建议已经捐了钱的同学,把你们如何操作的补助和要点贴出来。网址,如何注明指定给谁等等。谢谢!
      • 有没有到中国的后续消息?如到什么地方,见闻。
        • 捐款给CMAT的人会有一个account log on 就可以查看用款的细节
        • 没那么快,他们的路线有些绕。今早7点从多伦多出发到温哥华汇合另外3名队员,当地时间9:30在机场有个新闻发布会,然后飞到香港,再从香港转成都,目前还在天上飞着呢联系不上
    • 捐了, didn't 注明指定给谁, but it says "Your donation has been received!". I'm going to tell my BF to donate, and tomorrow, I'll ask my co-workers too.
      • 请问你submit以后,有没有什么确认信息?和可以打印收据的页面。谢谢
      • 因为刚才出了问题(#4140@49)(#4143@49),所以特别想知道1.有没有email发给我来证实我已经捐了钱呢?2. submit之后一定会有可以打印的收据是么?谢谢!
        • i got an email confirmation from "CMAT Postmaster", saying that
          CMAT has received your online credit card donation of $50.00 CDN.

          You have specified that the funds be used for the following: China - Where needed the most - ChengDu - the victims of earthquake.

          Please allow 24-48 hours to process your credit card donation.

          In the next 24-48 hours you will be sent a user id# and password to access your account online.

          Once you get this information, go to https://www.canadianmedicalteams.org/secure/default.asp to log-on.

          On behalf of the children, women and elderly beneficiaries of your donation, we thank you for your kind support.

          Canadian Medical Assistance Teams
          For inquiries, please send mail to postmaster@canadianmedicalteams.org.
          150 Brant Avenue,
          Brantford, Ontario. N3T3H7
          Tel: (519) 758-0397
          Fax: (519) 720-0282150 Brant Avenue, Bra... Larger Map
        • submit 之后, there's a confirmation saying that "Your donation has been received! ....."
    • 刚捐完!注意填写support的人名不能太长,我就是因为填写太多的人名,所以才会出错。submit成功会有Thank You !Your donation hasbeen received!页面显示,并说明3-4周内将会有receipt 通过信件寄给捐献者。
      • Donated yestoday.
        • 顶!让更多的人知道CMAT,捐款更直接
          • 顶!