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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / How to work with people from other cultural backgrounds...
    Now I am working in a dotcom here in Vancouver. We have people from all around the world and we are all of different cultural backgrounds. Sometime I don't feel very comfort in such environment. I felt very lonely...

    Would someone with such experience please give me some advices? How to get along with them...
    • Are you a good mixer?
      FromZtoA, different people have different answers. BY definition, it is hard for Chinese to mix up with other people. Many of my Chinese colleagues tried to stay away from Non-Chinese because they don't like to communicate with others in English.

      If you really want to mix up with other people,
      you must be strong so that others dare not look down upon you.
      • I think the only problem is the language. If you don't mind it and try to encounter it, you can enjoy a lot more.
        • Language is a big problem but not the only reason. You cannot completely share hobby, joke, interest with people' from another culture even you are professional in English...
          I got Chinese friends who's been US or Canada for couple of years, they have no problem to communicate with their local colleagues, but they seldom made friends with them. I cannot say they are loser, the big problem is different culture, if you are not born there, you cannot (or hardly) to be part of them. The same things happen to those person comes from England and worked in another different country (like states or Canada), they have similiar problem.
          • well, that's more like problems of personalities, not really the culture. and people are supposed to be independent and private here, not to be totally involved with other people .
    • IMHO
      respect privacy, share common interests(i.e., movies, music, tv, sports, important news, and etc.), and out together(i.e., lunch, coffeeshop, or any other group activities). don't be shy if you don't know something---just ask them. and be confident and outgoing, if you can.
      • Good tips, thank you so much
      • Thanks. Is Chinese people normally isolated in foreign companies? At least in my company it's likely.
    • 说实话,一般情况下,老外和中国人想法完全一样。
      • totally agree with you.