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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

嘻嘻,我这算是打岔了。Markham的Best Buy,现在一个Sharp的录像机,89块;Sony的Mini-HiFi,样子很漂亮,147。(这个店卖的都是新货。)


Sharp VCR,四磁头,OSD,一般录像机有的功能,都有了,还算好用。

Sony Mini-HiFi,CD,卡座,收音机,银色的机壳,按键很酷,带遥控,没有Woofer,放刻的CDR也挺好。我们当时是花198买的,因为觉得就算198都值。后来过了一周又去,居然发现降到147了,马上乐孜孜地退了钱,呵呵。

P.S. 如果想买以上两样东西,建议去之前先打电话确认还有货。

5000 Highway #7 East, Box D
Markham, Ontario L3R 4M9
(905) 754-3025

Store Hours

Monday to Saturday
10:00AM - 9:00PM

11:00AM- 6:00PM

11:00AM- 6:00PM

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 刚存下点钱,想买套不太发烧的音响,预算1000刀左右,想听收音机,CD,请DX们指点一下,先谢过了!
    • 那样的话1000刀足够了,去BESTBUY看看那些配好的5+1吧带DVD的,大约700多就下来了。
      • 有没有不带DVD的5.1+功放?
        • 太有了,去找receiver。
    • 嘻嘻,我这算是打岔了。Markham的Best Buy,现在一个Sharp的录像机,89块;Sony的Mini-HiFi,样子很漂亮,147。(这个店卖的都是新货。)

      Sharp VCR,四磁头,OSD,一般录像机有的功能,都有了,还算好用。

      Sony Mini-HiFi,CD,卡座,收音机,银色的机壳,按键很酷,带遥控,没有Woofer,放刻的CDR也挺好。我们当时是花198买的,因为觉得就算198都值。后来过了一周又去,居然发现降到147了,马上乐孜孜地退了钱,呵呵。

      P.S. 如果想买以上两样东西,建议去之前先打电话确认还有货。

      5000 Highway #7 East, Box D
      Markham, Ontario L3R 4M9
      (905) 754-3025

      Store Hours

      Monday to Saturday
      10:00AM - 9:00PM

      11:00AM- 6:00PM

      11:00AM- 6:00PM
    • Spend $400 on speaker. You can buy a pair quite nice bookshelf speakers. $400 for Receiver ( Amplifier with radio receiver). And a $200 DVD player.
      • Let me thank everybody first ,before asking a question I jsut want to listen music ,I think I need peaker , revicer,amplifier,and CD player.could u give me more specific information about ur suggestion ?
        Let me thank everybody first ,before asking a question
        I jsut want to listen music ,FM radio(911,963) and CD,I think I need peaker , revicer,amplifier,and CD player.could u give me more specific information about ur suggestion ?
        let's say I 'm gonna get one set 1000 dollars equipment tomorrow ,and one or tow month later I got another 1000 dollar ,I want to upgrade ,can I still keep everything I had ?
        • SO YOU GET $2000? That's good.
          First, most receiver here combined with the AV amplifier. If you only listen to music, don't buy that kind of things. $500 AV receiver is no better than $200 pure amplifier.

          Second, spend half of your money on your speakers. Buy a pair of bookshelf speakers if your room is not large enough. With $1000 you can buy quite nice speakers. DON'T buy SONY,YAMAHA,KENWOOD,they are not professional in speakers. I pefer some Europe brands, you can check it on the website.

          If you want buy a CD player. I recomand you "NAD", simple design, not too expansive and good perfermance.

          Than buy a pure A Amplifier. Don't need much power output. 50W X50W is enough.

          The sound qulitiy of radio is not good enough. So you can not here much difference when you play radio on your $500 system and $2000 system.
          • 有钱就upgrade成Reciever做前置;破speaker做环绕... kidding. :D But considering $1000 for upgrade, a good 低音炮 is on the way.. He knows nothing. 买个家庭影院算了,又便宜又简单。反正感觉还挺好。
          • Thanks a lot ! BTW do u have good website to recommend?
        • Here is what I did for my small apt. It is not bad. A subwoofer is on the way if I find good DVD to view. under $1000.
          Shinco DVD player (MP3,盗版CD不值得好player :D)
          JBL 28N
          HK AVR210

          it is enough for family DVD; CD backgroud music.

          BTW, I bought a 2+1 computer speaker and put it on living for bed-reading which is $40. Strongly recommend.
    • Anyway, There's not much difference between $600 and $1000 equipments. If I were you, I would buy Quest Q610 Bookshelf Speakers for $99.99 and Sony STRSE585 Receiver $329.99 and Sony DVPNS315 DVD Player for $229.99
      If you only interest in music not home theatre. You can buy a good CD player pure A Amplifer and a nice bookshelf Speaker.
    • 只晓得听音乐和欣赏A/V(DVD)最好是用不同的器材,前者是要求尽量高保真地还原信号,后者强调方位准确更多一些;当然可以试着兼顾一下
      • right
        If you spend $400 for a 5.1 Receiver, it's not good for listenling music. But if you spend $400 for a pure Amplifer is much better. I once bulit my own receiver about RMB1000 much better than the $500 Receiver now I have.
        • 现在家用功放基本都有DTS 和5.1。看了futureshop, 只有HKPA2000的,应该还要个前置.
      • 对呀对呀,还得要有不同的场所,1个是歌剧院,另一个是电影院。
    • 去买600左右的主音箱,sears outlet 有时有openbox的AR,500左右的receiver,200多点的dvd。
    • I had same budget with you
      2 speakers $300
      receiver $300
      DVD player $200
      speaker cable $30
      plus tax and $15 for taxi
      • why so many ppl ignore Reciver and focus on speaker? We do not have big room; so speaker is less important.
        • 好的SPEAKER是一等价钱一等货,贵的RECEIVER很多时候是多了一些华而不实的功能,个人看法,呵呵
    • Reciever(futureshop): 500~600 HK Speaker(chinatown): 250-300 JBL sub-woof(optional) 80-200 DVD player(walmart):200
    • 如果你预算可以超一点的话,future shop有一套boss的喇叭不错。
      • personally, i don't like boss. it's said that boss is good at marketing, but not performance..:) just my 2 cents.
        • DX,帮帮忙,他只有预算一千,你还要谈performance?要谈performance价码还有底吗?
          • that's why i recommend kenwood, not those really high end stuf..:) ur comment is right, if u go with performance, there is no limit..:D
    • i would recommend kenwood HT series, it has kenwood VR series receiver and kenwood. it has very good rating on home theatre magzine before. i have one at home, very good performance. i bought it at $440 USD.
      • take a look at this one.
        • Future shop price $799 b4 tax.
    • mission speakers plus yamaha receiver and 5cd changer
      • good one!
    • 真是有钱,我想都不敢像。1000快买Audio。 我的才花了100多,放那儿很少用。
      • 生活定义不同。1000元不够听。但是1元的唇膏都太贵。
      • 俺认识的一位仁兄,刚花了一万多美刀买了一套音响。还说在店里属于中档。
        • 前几年国内THX的音箱系统,30万几乎是最小的;
        • 眼红红的说....他家地库的装修要超支。
          • 跟你说句实话--俺也眼红。:)
            • 完全没了刚毕业就敢套光所有添1万多设备的气魄。当时看见一个小弟用加的头月工资买了千上的自行车,仿佛又看见自己当年。...年轻的朋友们,千万不要早婚啊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
              • 你这最后一句真是至理名言,可惜谁会听呢。:)
                • sigh .... 曾经无数人劝我........5555~~~~
    • 说句得罪人的话:最怕那些发烧FAN, 吵得左邻右舍不得安宁,还自认为高雅
      • 拜托,人生总得有些乐趣。
      • 音像爱好者请进.
        本人观点: DVD机方面, 在其音频部分, 不要具备DTS / Dolby Digital5.1解码, 而输出DAC要192KHz / 24Bit. 能读DVD,CD,VCD,CD-R,甚至MP3就行, 还有DVD-Audio 或 SACD. 用Audio Digital Coaxial 这种DTS输出到功放上. 牌子一定要好! 在其视频部分, 这更重要, 得具有PROGRESS SCAN, 3:2 PULLDOWN, Horizontal Resolution 要500 lines or 540 lines. 输出DAC要54MHz / 12 bit, 用Y/Pb/Pr输出到HDTV的电视机上(不是功放).
        功放方面, 得具有上述的双解码功能, 外加THX, 6条CABLE各通向6只音箱. 输出DAC同上. 这里全是音频的事, 功放其实就管音频.
        本人看上的DVD是: 先锋DV-37, $1000 - $1400, 功放: JVC的RX-DP10VSL. 价格不祥, 恐怕要3,4千吧. DOWNTOWN的Bay Bloor Radio有很多选择, 属中高档.
        国货DVD最好仍是万利达N990. 功放不知道.
        • 能留个电话吗?
          • (416) 285-0882