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and here is to you, engelc

Your eloquence makes me feel it's not a waste of time to argue with my fellow country man.
I don't know why you decided to give up everthing in your own country and came to this land of multi-cultural society. But I can tell you I did so because I found western culture has superiority upon Chinese culture. That's why pretty Chinese girls prefer to marry white guys than with my fellow Chinese guys.

It's not just because white guys look more masculine, driver better sports cars. Their culture encourage respect of science, engineering, and democracy. These values happen to be my pursuit.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 《暗恋桃花源》剧组公开向社会征询赞助事宜:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛多伦多第一个华人业余话剧团的第一部话剧《暗恋桃花源》目前排练顺利。计划年底免费公演,但仅靠剧组成员的热情和投入是完不成这个计划的。 现征求在加拿大的企业或个人赞助。

    该剧情节生动, 表演精彩,必会吸引广大喜欢话剧艺术的华人观众。

    有意者, 请发email 到:




    在这一切之中,一位不知从哪来的神秘女子游荡在剧场之中,她到处寻找一位或许存在,或许不存在的在这一切之中,一位不知从哪来的神秘女子游荡在剧场之中,她到处寻找一位或许存在,或许不存在的男子“刘子骥”……更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 暗恋桃花源》联络有进展!已与一华人文化机构取得联系!
      • 对方要求我们提供进一步演出的资料,需要面谈! 对方可以提供可以容纳150人左右,有音响的演出场地
        • that's so cool! thanks!
          • 原来是一只会游水的小鸟。呵呵,一定是被某条鱼拉下水的!还可能是条飞鱼!
        • 我强烈要求扮演那床被子
          • 那我就演那件衣服,或者裤子
            • 袁老板已经同意你的要求
            • 衣服?内衣,裤子?底裤。就这样袁老板还同意啦?哇塞!
    • up!
      • 我回来得似乎很有些晚了,改天去看你们排练好了。:)
        • 没问题。
          • 有蒋匪甲、土匪乙之类的position吗?玩玩票可以吗?
          • 有没有左树一,右草二的position?俺也想玩!!
            • 有几个主要配角现在空缺:婴儿,南阳刘子冀,袁夫人。
              • 要玩就要玩得有追求,怎么着俺也得扮演主要的---
        • 大家一直翘首等你加入剧组,扮演那个疯女人
      • up!
        • The most of the most important is we need a set to support the play. The costume is also critical. We should plan to shot the play one more time by the middle of Oct.
      • up!
    • 希望早日看到你们的演出,不知道你们在哪发面需要帮助?
      • Desperately, We need a sponsor to give us a bit finacial support for our official performance.
        • Secondly, we need someone to help us design a banner for online advertisement. Urgent!
          • 需要有时间的朋友协助我们做舞台美术!
      • What kind of help do you think you may offer? background set design, set painting, or costume design and making? We need someone who has sense of color to meet the story and match the charectors in the play.
    • 现场目击《暗恋桃花源》剧组演员为艺术shi 身!感动啊!
      众人齐齐赞叹2人为艺术shi 身的专业精神。袁老板悲壮地一拍胸脯:“shi的还是下半身!”
      • :-DD
      • hahahaha
    • 《暗恋桃花源》排练花絮之二:江滨柳临场忘词不怕,现编!

      云之凡:(轻轻握住江的手) 滨柳,你的身体怎么样?
      场外注解:忘词了!! 众人捏汗!!

      • 《暗恋桃花源》排练花絮之三:“为什么一个个只有那么大?”

        袁老板: (激情地)。。。在那遥远的地方,我看见我们延绵不绝的子孙,在那里手牵着手,肩并着肩。一个个都只有这么大。(用拇指和食指比划)
        春花: (迷惑) 为什么只有这么大?
        袁老板:(不假思索) 因为小嘛!

        观众愕然,随即笑倒。 (注解:原台词为:“因为远嘛!”)
    • Oh, my teeth.
      • what happened to your teeth? do you need any help to look for it? :)
      • pei~
        • ?
          • up
        • 我还没收到你的地址啊?
          • we are in toronto. where are you?
            • 和你住在一个城市,呵呵。
              • cool! give me your contact and I will let you know our next getting together.
              • 风筝姐姐,要不您老的马甲改为:多捐钱别退休?
                • ^_*当初俺力挺你江滨柳就知道肯定不错。什么时候让俺看看录像吧?
                • 风筝姐姐:您站得高,看得远。帮我们想想办法吧!
          • 我发到你的rolia 信箱了,现在再发一次
    • Cool, if you need any advertising web coding please contact me. And if need any actor, can you give me a shot?
      • Can you help us designing a banner 广告? 尺寸:120(w)*30(h),不要超过10k为宜。Thanks in advance. our contact is: anlian2002@canada.com
        • I've created some banners and sent them to Mindy.
      • 谢谢RUDY。 你只要按照尺寸做, 任何形式都可以。
      • //hand Rudy!
    • 呵呵,俺典型虎头蛇尾。吆喝了半天却一直没来得及去看你们正式的排练,实在是无可奈何:( 不过等你们公演的时候,俺一定捧场去!!!
      • 不用等到公演吧!现在就需要您啊!
        • 可是俺现在实在是忙呀,15号以前要交5个paper,还要忙着找房子搬家:( 不过等你们正式录像的时候,或许我可以去做化妆。至于衣服方面,wal-mart有我看好的布料,还有我的缝纫机一直都在哦!
          • 好啊好啊。正在为服装问题发愁呢!你看到的布料什么质地、颜色、幅宽、价格?你的缝纫机好可爱哦,你操作缝纫机的手工也一定好好。。。吧吧吧吧吧
            • 各种单色布料单幅大概3尺4,好像是人造棉,好像是$1.95/米,你需要买的是大量的白色棉布,彩色的其次。我的缝纫机不太可爱,因为功率不够大,还是需要大量手工。上次北溟说有个女孩可以用手缝,是不是你呀?^_^
              • 我有一部新的缝纫机,要用的话,可以拿去。
                • JJ,因为功课太紧,俺已经不得不quit剧组制作拉。呵呵,今天是好不容易才逮到空刷rolia。不过我想snowing 她们或许需要缝纫机的,我这里有一个,你有一个,理论上应该够了。
                  • 谢谢啦!那可就把这2台缝纫机列入inventory list 啦!致敬!
                  • 雨雨妹妹和风筝姐姐,我们开始准备做服装,需要请出您们的缝纫机了!
            • 姐妹们,跑题了,跑题了.CHANGE ANOTHER TOPIC, HURRY UP! 大家赶快千呼万唤,把财神爷爷奶奶唤出来吧.
          • We already started filming. We despirately need someone to make up on Sunday's shooting. Please make it next time. Facial color of actors and actresses seems too pale on the screen.
    • 多谢大家的支持和鼓励。 现在我们最需要的是一点点启动资金。 希望大家能帮忙联系。

      另外, 风筝姐姐可以把你的电话发到这个信箱么? 谢谢。
      • sorry, I'm late.
        • no late. up!
    • 大家都休息了吗?我来顶一下。
      • 你是谁呀?
        • The guy who loves tomato. Do you love tomato?
          • yeah, I always eat “西红柿炒蛋”
            • Yeah.That's my favorite dish.
            • 我的西红柿蛋花汤做得一流水平啊!有空我们交流交流。开一番茄宴!
              • Terrific. No problem.
          • 青番茄有毒哦!还要油煎?听起来好恐怖!代表俺们番茄家族强烈抗议!!
    • 这是一出意味深长的戏.
      • Very true!
      • hahahaaaaaa
    • 嘿嘿,大家有钱出钱,有力也出钱啊.....先整点钱给我弄个midi键盘吧, 鼠标键盘输入音符好麻烦哟,,,,,呵呵, kidding
      • Every one is welcome, with your passion, financial support, appearance and any format of your support. We will get our immigration life much more colorful and enjoyable.
        • Thanks, engelc. you tell what i want to say.
    • 我们这可是多伦多第一个华人业余话剧团的第一部话剧耶,多有纪念价值呀,有识之士快伸出援助之手吧,不管你是衷爱艺术,还是要提高知名度。:)
    • 借这里一个地方。
      打听一下, 那里有卖价廉物美的电脑台, 书架和床垫的(是我自己用, 不是为了排戏。 呵呵)。谢谢先
      • up!
        • 您老就歇歇吧,大家都睡觉了
    • UP up up!!!!
    • 扔一块砖头
      有时间精力,我就去看Mamma Mia。

      • No pro. do what you want to do. nobody will blame you.
      • 扔过来,扔过去。。。^_*
        我可以在这里看看mamma mia, 也可以飞去broadway 欣赏opera
        我吃Italian 的 pasta, 跳 spanish 的 salsa
        • hand.
        • 说的不错
          • A word to Supreguest!
            Hi, Guest:
            Have you seen "Mamma Mia"? I have.
            I tell you something about this show, it is a comedy and light opera based on a piece of romance in Greece. All melodies and songs are from Swedish pop band "ABBA". "Mamma Mia" is an Italian word which means "Big surprise". There is no any single hint of anything to do with Canada. But this is the beauty of multi-culture, and the state of art of Canada.
            You may not like this Chinese drama, also no one would get upset with if you watch it or not. There is no even one person to be upset with your speech here. Only one thing you need to know what Canadian culture is. Please do not mess up with the passion of those folk art lovers, their spirit, contribution to own commuity and their new home country.
            The cultures are inter-changed to each other, while you learn other cultures, you introduce yours as well. Also you entertain yourselves as well.
            Is this a good debate to you?
            • and here is to you, engelc
              Your eloquence makes me feel it's not a waste of time to argue with my fellow country man.
              I don't know why you decided to give up everthing in your own country and came to this land of multi-cultural society. But I can tell you I did so because I found western culture has superiority upon Chinese culture. That's why pretty Chinese girls prefer to marry white guys than with my fellow Chinese guys.

              It's not just because white guys look more masculine, driver better sports cars. Their culture encourage respect of science, engineering, and democracy. These values happen to be my pursuit.
              • Thanks,supreguest (一枝狗尾巴花) for your reply the post. but it is not the right place and right time to argue your issue. if you want to talk more about it, could you get another post on it? Thanks again.
    • up!
    • 请问你们的排练是对外开放的吗?我也想去看看,行不行?
      • quote what engel said above: "Every one is welcome, with your passion, financial support, appearance and any format of your support. We will get our immigration life much more colorful and enjoyable"
        • 可我找来找去都没有找到时间地点什么的,你能再提点我一次吗?谢谢。
          • 我们下次排练的时候通知你,好吗?请把联络方法发到anlian2002@canada.com
    • 精神可佳。出个主意,不知是否感兴趣?
      我的一个 香港朋友,他太太是一个港人自办的业余剧团演员。这个剧团成立很多年了,
      • Many thanks, Jim, can you send your phone number to anlian2002@canada.com
        • Thanks, Nanjing man! How can we find them? Would you mind passing a word to your friend's wife? At least it is a point where to start.
        • 这样行吗?我明天给我朋友打一个电话,跟他先打个招呼。先让他太太有个准备,然后听回话吧。我想这是一个互助互惠的行为,没有理由拒绝吧。可惜我也缺钱还债。否则坚决支持你们一把。
          • Many thanks!
    • 每看一次, 理解就深一次!
      • great minds think alike!
        • up!
      • welcome to join in!
    • 早上和朋友联系了,约在明天午茶时见面。对方要求备足资料。 但我从现在到夜1点前都不在多市。所以如果你们仍然有兴趣的话,请把电话号码放到我邮箱里,我一到家就和你们联系。
      • Great! thanks Jim. In case we could not make it on Sunday due to short notice, is it possible for us to take a rain check? please give us ur phone contact to anlian@canada.com if you don't mind.
      • already left my phone number in your email. hope to hear from you soon.
    • 现在急需能帮我们画布景的人才!请热心的朋友报名到:anlian2002@canada.com
    • 戏如人生, 人生如戏. 多看戏, 多演戏, 才懂人生乐趣!
      • Agree!
        • 你在这里很活跃呀....你是照片集里那个女演员吗?
          • Snowing is the producer of this drama.
      • 这是一个寓言故事
        • 我也帮着u
      • 我在想: 理想和现实的差距有多大。
        假如我在戏中表达了我的观点我的态度我的思考; 那么戏外, 我会坦然的面对种种不如意么?

        假如我在戏外每日忙忙碌碌, 难以停下来看看,想想 那么戏中, 我会真实的完整的演别人的戏, 说自己的话么?

        知其不可为而为之。 而如今, 竟象作茧自缚!
        • 既然人生如戏,又何必太在意,心平气和,海阔天空:
        • What do you mean by 作茧自缚?Is the drama a burden to you?
        • last night, they had Matrix on TV again.
          It reminds me that the reality has limit while dream has not.
          How can we expect something with limit fits something without limit?
          We might be trapped by the limited reality temporarily, while the unlimited dream will set us free.
        • 你想有多大,就有多大.
          • Thanks!