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well, I had a bit experience on it,but not too much. The reason I had this thought is

that the concept of workflow is deeply integrated in may business. For example, CRM needs a lots of people got involved. They are csr, client, manager, technical service people, supplier and so on. They do have to interact with the system in different time to produce some results. The basic idea is that many business workflow needs a lots of people to be involved in. No matter how a application try to make this daily bussiness activity managed by a application system, it needs some sort of workflow engine implicity or explicity.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 现在it行业这么不景气,找不到工作,有没有朋友愿意聚在一起自己做点什么,例如好的工具软件等等,我相信大家技术都很好,但是没有good idea.我苦思冥想了半天,也就发了这个贴,没准几个朋友在一起,能够擦出点火花什么的。
    • It's been brought up millions of times. Can not continue for all kind of reasons. Some guys discussed the idea of collaborative tools based on P2P for some time already. Please have a look at the link.
      • Any response? Every one decide to swtich to Accounting now, because no job in IT? Then what if accounting market is full? It can be pretty quick, right? Because Chinese is famous at mimic others:)
    • what about workflow engine? a lite version, doesn't have to as powerfule as those bussines product, but it still has its market.
      • Details?
        • nothing much, because I have had chance to think through it. For example, CRM would definitely need a workflow engine. but those commercial products are big and expensive
          • You will focus on Business side, or on technical side, for example? I wrote sth before: 发挥DOTNET 优势 创建灵活的软件平台. Aimed for kind of engine.
      • I learn less about the business logic,if you want write a workflow engine i think you have to learn more about the business logic.do you have any experience on it?
        • You mean "not know much" about the business logic? That's how Consultance expert at. To get knowing other majors quickly:) Well, better to be business indenpendant. But the dangeous side is not to make another VS.
        • well, I had a bit experience on it,but not too much. The reason I had this thought is
          that the concept of workflow is deeply integrated in may business. For example, CRM needs a lots of people got involved. They are csr, client, manager, technical service people, supplier and so on. They do have to interact with the system in different time to produce some results. The basic idea is that many business workflow needs a lots of people to be involved in. No matter how a application try to make this daily bussiness activity managed by a application system, it needs some sort of workflow engine implicity or explicity.
      • A good workflow engine should have a GUI tool to describe busniess logic. If someone has some new idea on the way to present the logics, that could be a chance.
        • When you say workflow, is that for work approval, such as get somebody approved before buy something? That's what I am working on.
      • I has just develop a simple one,is perpareing to apply it in a junoir unit next week.i use asp.net(c#).
        I has just develop a simple one,is perpareing to apply it in a junoir unit next week.i use asp.net(c#).if it work,I 'll demonstrate it on website.after landing in Canada in Feb.I come back China in March,now I'm busy at brush my IT skill,and English,welcome to keep in touch
      • Workflow is in every business, the flow is almost always different. You can have two managers reviewing and approving requests instead of one for example. The engine should be ...
        flexible for customized flow at the same time not too difficult to work with. It is also
        important for the engine to speak common protocols to be able to communicate with legacy

        We can do a POC using modules and engines that's already available, that may get
        enough attentions from VCs...

        I'll have some time soon once my current project finishes, how about we meet this
        weekend ?
    • 作弊软件不好。俺认为找几个朋友做一些freeware or share ware不错,功能小巧,不追求微软式的大而全。创出名气了,可以适当收费,拉赞助,最好被哪个巨头买下:-)这种例子不少。
      • Then Anti-Cheating software:) Shareware has also been discussed millions of times. The point is topic. Something most people will feel interesting and agree on.
    • 问题在于需要做市场的人参与. 但大陆移民中技术人员居多, 而商业人才太少. 尤其是否非技术人员不愿意上网? 首要的IDEA是怎样把他们吸引过来?
      • I don't think write a business related software is a good idea.I think we should face to the ordinary customers.because this kind of software should be not very complex ,we just need a good "idea"!
        • 你倾向于做面向个人用户的软件? 那么大家有什么设想么? (不想引导到是做个人软件还是企业<商业,事业>软件的讨论中.) 如果有人有兴趣,也可以:) 做起来最重要.
    • 别怪话不中听, 如果你能做出很象样工具, 不会为找工作发愁的. 真还没听说很牛的IT GUY会在家待业.
    • 我觉得还是做OS比较好。没开玩笑,真的。
      • 那你就搞一个XXXwindow XX OS. 和微软竞争,也为我们中国人争口气.
      • 我们先不要斗嘴, 我有个想法, 给你个题目你能做到吗?看正文
        我们先不要斗嘴, 我有个想法,那微软每年都要推出新版的OS. 其性能肯定比前者要好,但也给用户带来不少的麻烦,比如过去的硬件设备的Drive
        更新跟不上,或找不到,这样就造成麻烦, 你要是开发一种软件能把诸如只能for Win98的drive 变成能在win2000上work,你就了不起了,这可有是好大的市场啊.
    • 我觉得要能把大家组织起来,要不总是各干各的。最好能通过internet,搞成一个相对稳定的项目。只要坚持一下,肯定会行,IDEA也会慢慢冒出好的来,这样东一个西一个,就是有IDEA,也被淹掉了。