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一代歌王Bob Dylan兴冲冲地准备去北京和上海为歌迷开2场音乐会,却被告知文化部为防止Dylan在演唱会上发出不河蟹之音,不给他发演出许可,Dalan一气之下取消了大陆,香港,台湾所有的演唱会,可怜的中国歌迷一睹大师风采的心愿Blowing in the wind。。。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 一代歌王Bob Dylan兴冲冲地准备去北京和上海为歌迷开2场音乐会,却被告知文化部为防止Dylan在演唱会上发出不河蟹之音,不给他发演出许可,Dalan一气之下取消了大陆,香港,台湾所有的演唱会,可怜的中国歌迷一睹大师风采的心愿Blowing in the wind。。。
    • 可怜的Bob Dylan , 就要到手的出场费。。。
      • 可怜天朝气壮如牛,胆小如鼠,偌大的神舟竟容不得一个70岁老头的音乐之旅。很多先富起来的大陆歌迷为了防止中宣部的禁演,已经买了香港甚至台湾的演唱会票,没想到老Bob再现60年代不屈风采,不仅取消了所有中国的演出,还取消了日本和韩国的演出,搞得人家也埋怨天朝。。。
        • So what? You think this old guy is 一代歌王 but many don't. An old singer, that’s it. Don’t expect you can do what ever you want in the U.S if you have your own concert being held there.
          • 11,每人的喜好不同,那么严肃干嘛
            • Not really. Some people like to take every opportunity possible to against their place of birth. That’s disgusting.
              • 上纲上线啦,说说歌手而已啦
              • 赫赫,帽子扣到这里来了,还是用英语扣,还是用很烂的英语扣......
            • 因为 米西撒加 一早就买了回中国机票,演唱会票, 现在。。。。
              • 这样的话,生气可以理解啦
          • I am not a musical type of guy but even I know Bob was and still is one of the most important figure in the pop music field. So, I mean, he is definitely more than just a ordinary "old singer" that you can find at any local music festivals. .......
    • Dylan is a nice guy, with a big gut. probably too big, make many people feel uneasy.
    • 不明白他为什么把日韩台港都取消了。不过,我党抵制他是正确的,要不党就亡了。如今这世道,谁知道哪个不是导火索?
      • 就是说,如果没有中国,日本和韩国也就可有可无了。
    • 反正没听过他的歌,来不来无所谓,呵呵
    • 您这不是给自己添堵吗?这儿Bob Dylan 迷本来就少,在乎的人就更少了。
    • 我很俗,觉得因为不能在中国唱,他就因为经济效益把亚洲行都取消了。:P
      • 不是一点点的俗。。。。人年纪大,基本就喜欢钻牛角尖
        • 难怪到处都有你的身影
    • Let's get the fact straight: He just performed in Korea and Japan in March. He was going to perform in Hong Kong and Taiwan on his China tour. They are canceled because the main attraction of the planned tour was mainland China.
      • Time to retire.
        • just curious, are you familiar with his songs?
          • He has received Grammy, Golden Goble and Academy Awards etc. Like some of his songs. But his performance has been old figured in recent years. When a celebrity is getting old the best is out of stage and leave it for younger ones.
        • I'd rather call him a song writer, and writers don't retire.
    • 啥大师呀?不就一个艺人而已?有那么夸张么?
    • 文化部不给演出证官方理由肯定是程序问题。。不河蟹云云纯属往自己脸上贴金顺便找个借口名正言顺取消虽然卖了票但是捞钱无望的演唱会。。这老头果然职业道德无底线。。
      • 就是。堂堂中国还怕一个老头?右派说话总是酸酸的。
        • 就是,堂堂中国还怕“和谐”,“64”,“法轮功”,“防火墙”这样的网络关键词?右派们也太低估我党的自信了。。。
          • 一个糟老头,能跟法轮功比?右派们也太夸张了吧?
      • 你知道内幕?据文化部一位不愿露名的人士称:文化部根本没有接到Dylan的申请。这已经是在不长时间内,中国政府第3次作类似表态了。第1次是四川一个公司买美国捍马被拒,有关部门出来说没有接到申请,第2次是谷歌向中国抗议遭受网络攻击,中国说没有收到谷歌的抗议报告。。。
    • 可怜的以大师,本来是想抛转引玉的,没想到砖变成臭鸡蛋了。
      • 1师爱吃炒鸡蛋西红柿北!嘿。
    • 此人难道有过什么反天朝的言论??
      • 此人脑后有反骨 - .....an apparently reluctant figurehead of social unrest......"Blowin' in the Wind" ... became anthems for the civil rights and anti-war movements. His early lyrics incorporated a variety of political, social and philosophical...
        • Ironically, he was probably on the watch list of FBI and CIA because of his "lefty" anti-war behavior. John Lennon was almost evicted from the U.S. for his anti-war activities.
    • 其实我很怀疑他现在能唱成啥样。不过他本来也不是靠声音,听他的人,主要是要听那些句子从他嘴里说出来,这才是最有意义的。。。