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攀登高峰望故乡 黄沙万里浪 何处传来驼铃声 声声敲心上 盼望踏上思念路 飞纵千里山 天边归雁披残霞 乡关在何方 风沙挥不出印在历史的血痕 风沙挥不出苍白海棠血泪 黄沙吹老了岁月吹不老我的思念 曾经多少个今夜梦回秦关


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 去年元夜时, 花市灯如昼。 月上柳梢头, 人约黄昏后。 今年元夜时, 月与灯依旧。 不见去年人, 泪湿春衫袖。 (生查子 【宋】欧阳修 )
    • surprise to know it was from 欧阳修 ... thought it was written by Ms. Li instead....
      • 开卷有益
    • 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。金风玉露一相逢,便胜却、人间无数。柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路。两情若是久长时,又岂在、朝朝暮暮。 (鹊桥仙 秦观)
      • give us some 关西大汉 with 铜琵琶、铁棹板
        • 情人节==关西大汉掮抗铁棹板,抱着铜琵琶,绕指柔。
          • When watching 赤壁,I felt shamed since at age of 26,Mr. Sun Quan was sitting on throne and directing a major war;people here not yet 40 but already counting the pension.......sigh...all 婉约's fault
            • 那是一将功成万骨枯的年代,还是婉约些好。
            • 誓扫匈奴不顾身,五千貂锦丧胡尘。 可怜无定河边骨,犹是春闺梦里人。 (唐 陈陶)
            • 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回?(唐·王翰《凉州词》)
    • 去年今日此门中, 人面桃花相映红。 人面不知何处去, 桃花依旧笑春风
    • 寒塘渡鹤影,冷月葬花魂 [林黛玉]。一轮月被中国人吟诵了几千年,让西人来赏月,怕是只觉得那是个large size pizza吧。
      • 他们或许想到了狼人。
        • and Dracula ......
          • 十年生死两茫茫。不思量。自难忘。千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。 夜来幽梦忽还乡。小轩窗。正梳妆。相顾无言,惟有泪千行。料得年年斷腸處,明月夜,短松岡
            • 攀登高峰望故乡 黄沙万里浪 何处传来驼铃声 声声敲心上 盼望踏上思念路 飞纵千里山 天边归雁披残霞 乡关在何方 风沙挥不出印在历史的血痕 风沙挥不出苍白海棠血泪 黄沙吹老了岁月吹不老我的思念 曾经多少个今夜梦回秦关
              • 哎,元宵节
                • 居安思危
      • 西方文学中也有很多咏月的诗的,我们不知道而已。地球人看到的都是同一个月亮,有人思乡,有人悼亡,有人看到了一个侥佻的女郎,有人看到了盆地起伏荒凉。。。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A Moon Poem

        by Edgar Allen Poe

        I saw thee once- once only- years ago:
        I must not say how many- but not many.
        It was a July midnight; and from out A full-orbed moon, that like thine own soul soaring,
        Sought a precipitate pathway up through heaven,
        There fell a silvery silken veil of light,
        With quietude, and sultriness and slumber,
        Upon the upturn'd faces of a thousand
        Roses that grew in an enchanted garden,
        Where no wind dared to stir, unless on tiptoe-
        Fell on the upturn'd faces of these roses
        That gave out, in return for the love- light,
        Their odorous souls in an ecstatic death-
        Fell on the upturned faces of these roses
        That smiled and died in this parterre, enchanted
        by thee, and by the poetry of thy presence.
        Clad all in white, upon a violet bank
        I saw thee half-reclining; while the moon
        Fell on the upturn'd faces of the roses,
        And on thine own, upturn'd- alas, in sorrow!
        Was it not Fate, that, on this July mid- night-
        Was it not Fate (whose name is also Sorrow),
        That bade me pause before that garden- gate,
        To breathe the incense of those slum- bering roses?
        No footstep stirred: the hated world all slept,
        Save only thee and me. I paused- I looked-
        And in an instant all things disap- peared.
        (Ah, bear in mind this garden was enchanted!)
        The pearly lustre of the moon went out:
        The mossy banks and the meandering paths,
        The happy flowers and the repining trees,
        Were seen no more: the very roses' odours
        Died in the arms of the adoring airs.
        All- all expired save thee- save less than thou:
        Save only the devine light in thine eyes.
        I saw but them- they were the world to me.
        I saw but them- saw only them for hours-
        Saw only them till the moon went down.
        What wild heart-histories seemed to lie enwritten
        Upon those crystalline, celestial spheres!
        How dark a woe! yet how sublime a hope!
        How silently serene a sea of pride!
        How adoring an ambition! yet how deep-
        How fathomless a capacity for love!
        But now, at length, dear Dian sank from sight,
        Into the western couch of a thunder-cloud;
        And thou, a ghost, amid entombing trees
        Didst glide away. only thine eyes Remained.
        They would not go- they never yet have gone.
        Lighting my lonely pathway home that night,
        They have not left me (as my hopes have) since.
        They follow me- they lead me through the years.
        They are my ministers- yet I their slave.
        Their office is to illuminate and enkindle-
        My duty, to be saved by their bright light
        And purified in their electric fire,
        And sanctified in their elysian fire.
        They fill my soul with Beauty (which is Hope.)
        And are far up in Heaven- the stars I kneel to
        In the sad, slient watches of my night;
        While even in the meridian glare of day
        I see them still- two sweetly scintillant Venuses, unextinguished by the sun!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 爱伦坡的诗你也引?
          • rolia的才子们应该学贯中西,赏月不是中国人的专利
            • 正因为不能学贯中西,才胡说八道的。见谅!
              • 我也是从网上现找的。 读了10分钟,有n个字都不认识;-)
    • 喜欢这句:今人不见古时月,今月曾经照古人。很有与先贤对话的意思,中间是一轮永恒的明月。
      • 没什么永恒的,月亮在46亿年前跟地球同时形成,将于40亿年后,跟地球一起融化在太阳的红巨范围内
        • 隐讳的似是而非的文学最怕赤裸裸的科学了,一遇到一点招都没有,唯有投降。
          • 就科学而言,人类或许有,或许没有机会看到太阳湮灭的那一幕。至少我们没有看到太阳初升的一刻。
            • 感谢上帝。我不需要等到太阳湮灭那一天,才见到他老人家。
        • 相对于我们,它就是永恒的。
      • btw, if you have the power to revive a past person, who you would to attempt? why?
        • 孙二娘。。。 豆豆很不服她。。。
          • 一边去!
        • A good question. Let me think...韩非子?李清照?只能说他们让我有探究的欲望。
          • 天雷勾地火,开春了。
    • 这是我所爱的。
    • 俺真是寡闻了,才发现rolia上有这么一个论坛。忍不住也浮上来冒一下。老杜说“片云天共远,永夜月同孤”。悲啊。到还是东坡的豁达些 “...人有悲欢...,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”