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Most people feel the same way even though they would never say. The majority of people voted for Obama are males including white males, and those voted for Hilary Clinton are middle aged and old women.

Women are better than men on many things, but being the President of the World's single superpower, the leader of the free world? I am not sure and neither are most American voters. If Democratics elect Hilary Clinton, they just give McCain a fatter chance to win. As for Bill Gates, I too wish his Windows cost only $10, but let's be real. The Internet invention was resolutionary. Microsoft has created software that bring huge productivity gains for the economy, and also bring people all over the world together. Information are now at our finger tips, this is the main reason behind the US economic boom in the late 90's which Bill Clinton can't get credit for. He was just lucky that the dot com boom went burst after he left office.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 看完ABC转播的民主党总统竞选辩论实况,Barack Obama给我的印象是诚实和革新,John R. Edwards说话既有激情,又有逻辑,Hillary Clinton 更适合于做律师或是演员。感情上希望Barack Obama胜出,理智上希望John R. Edwards胜出,骨子里不希望Hillary Clinton胜出。。。
    • 我喜欢Obama, 希望他能赢.
    • EDWARDS很差的,他赢了也没用。上次做副总统候选人也没有搞定bush。而且他在Iowa住了那么久还没有搞定Iowa。Obama倒是新的面孔,不过到了和共和党斗的时候恐怕还是clinton管用。
      • 有些事情很难预料. 共和党民望正低, 或许一匹黑马比一匹老马更有力.
    • 其实Obama更适合当演员,有激情与感召力,很讨人喜欢。但是也是数他最没有施政纲领与措施。在美国现在的内外交困的境况下,Hillary当选最适合美国和其它国家的利益。
      • 握手。可以问一下吗?希拉里初选赢了能不能让奥巴马做副总统一块儿喝共和党竞争?俺不太懂美国选举。
        • 2004年民主党就是这样子的:凯利和爱德华兹争到最后凯利赢了,说服爱德华资做他的副总竞选总统,最后没能搞定布什。
          • 真能这样的话,俺要高兴死了。
        • 个人认为, 如果她赢了, 找爱德做副手的可能性较大.
      • 奥巴马:美国应该向日本学习怎么管理中国人(视频)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛信源:CNN|编辑:2008-01-12| 网址:http://www.popyard.org 抄送朋友|打印保留

        八阕 http://www.popyard.org 【八阕】


        “[going back to the issue about china...]

        you know what japan does with chinese when it comes to, for example, food importation? they send their own inspectors over to china.and they set up their own safety system, and they say: if you don't abide by our rules, you can't send food into japan.

        “now the question is: why isn't the united states impose these same rules and regulations as japan is? this is the biggest market in the world.china has to sell here.


        “if you are not behaving properly [...]”


        这句if you are not behaving properly [直译:你没教养], 非常offensive.我记得当时就是听了这句以后,开始讨厌这个黑鬼。


        你如果真的对质量问题很在意,你可以说,我们应该对中国更加严厉一点。你不会一副看不起人的态度说:他们真没教养。居然还有人说选了这个黑鬼会给穷苦的少数民族带来好处。我们要感谢欧巴马的"诚恳",让我们看到他心中对中国人歧视的一面。当然,日本人还可以投票给他,他对你们日本管理中国人的态度很满意。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 美国这次该轮到民主党了。经济眼瞅着就不好了,需要民主党来搞搞国内经济。等将来有钱了,再选个共和党出去打仗。
    • 不希望Cinton赢。最近几个米国前总统中,Carter是和平使者,虽然在位的时候治国不行,后面的经营很是赢得了声誉。Reagan,Bush退了就养老那也罢了,连Gore因种种也捞个和平奖,
      就个Clinton上窜下跳都可以外号Mr 300k了。Hillary要当选,天字一号的Lobbyist非她老公莫属。
      • Reagan时候对经济做了很多工作, 为后来打下重要基础.表现能结束冷战是最大的和平. 如果是卡特连任, 苏联说不定跨不了那么快.因此Reagan在国内和国际上的评价高于其他人.
        • Don't forget the skyrocketing budget and trade deficits, and the huge gap between the rich and everyone else, these are all Reagan's legacy too, and now Bush's as well.
          • Reagan和克林顿都是美国历史上少有的伟大总统。克太太明显太老了给这个挑战的职务。
            • Maybe she is tired, but she does look old in the video. Given the big challenges facing the next President, he or she must be strong, creative, tough and energetic. Obama and McCain may have a better chance.
          • John McCain 和Rudy Giuliani 有希望。还是共和党胜算大。
            • I don't think Rudy Giuliani has any hope.
            • 如果最终是John McCain和民主党的任何对手竞选,我个人希望John McCain赢,作为一个越战老兵,做为一个战俘,作为一个将门虎子(他的爷爷和父亲都是海军上将),作为一个等待了8年之久的候选人,不论从那方面来说,He deserves president。。。
              • 如今世界美国面对的复杂的挑战需要这样老兵的经验。
              • 身体一定要棒。
              • 美国海军好像出很多的领导和人才。
      • 这一张挺有女人味儿的
    • Republican candidate Ron Paul is very good! He is very different, even from Democrats. He is not very popular now, though.
      • I also like Ron Paul. Most of his supporters are urban liberal.
    • Frankly, there are no much difference among them. but I do wish my stocks are going up and making more money for my kids. Clitons are best bet!
    • McCain is a better bet. America is facing so many challenges, I just don't think a women would do the job. They need another Reagan, confident, strong and knows how to motivate people and tell them everything is going to be fine.
      Beside, Bill Clinton shouldn't take credit for the economy boom in the late 90s. He should thank Bill Gates for that.
      • 这个太露骨的discrimination了吧。那你也可以说还不想让个黑人来执政呢。另外Thanks bill gates for what? ripping people with his software?
        • Most people feel the same way even though they would never say. The majority of people voted for Obama are males including white males, and those voted for Hilary Clinton are middle aged and old women.
          Women are better than men on many things, but being the President of the World's single superpower, the leader of the free world? I am not sure and neither are most American voters. If Democratics elect Hilary Clinton, they just give McCain a fatter chance to win. As for Bill Gates, I too wish his Windows cost only $10, but let's be real. The Internet invention was resolutionary. Microsoft has created software that bring huge productivity gains for the economy, and also bring people all over the world together. Information are now at our finger tips, this is the main reason behind the US economic boom in the late 90's which Bill Clinton can't get credit for. He was just lucky that the dot com boom went burst after he left office.