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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Conservative's tax plan benefits the wealthy, here is why: The Conservative’s planned GST reduction, is accompanied, unfortunately, by increases in income tax that far outweigh the financial benefits of the GST cut to the average family.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Harper raised income taxes in 2006, which will more than offset any savings to Canadians by reducing the GST.
The income-tax rate was reduced from 16 per cent to 15 per cent for the lowest bracket in 2005. Harper promises to increase it, back to 16 per cent.
The Liberals also increased the basic personal exemption by $500 in 2005.
Harper will claw back $400 of that.
The GST is a regressive tax.
It’s a consumption tax, which collects revenue based on how much we spend.
If you don’t (or can’t afford to) buy things, you don’t pay it, and you would therefore not benefit from a cut to this tax.
The more you spend, the more you save.
Income tax, on the other hand, is unavoidable.
You make money; you pay money.
No consumption required.
If you’re a wage earner, your opportunities to reduce your payable income taxes are slim to none (few write-offs).
The Tory plan, which they tout would save a family of four X number of dollars per year, is misleading as well.
The savings they promise depend on that family spending nearly all of their net income per year on GST taxable stuff.
A lot of the things people need to buy aren’t even GST taxable.
How many people buy that much stuff per year, let alone on things that are GST taxable?
Think about it.
You don’t pay GST on rent or your mortgage (the average person/family’s biggest expense). You don’t pay it on necessities, like diapers, or clothing.
To save $400 (the amount that Harper’s personal exemption reversal will cost each of us), each of us would have to spend $4,000 on GST taxable goods. That’s EACH of us, to get back what Harper’s going to claw back.
A couple would have to spend $8,000 to save what Harper’s reversal of the basic personal exemption cut is going to cost.
That doesn’t even begin to take into account the effect of reversing the income tax reduction. Those that can least afford to pay get the shaft again.
Works well for those that are can afford to spend – not so good for those who don’t have a lot of disposable income.
So the Tories promise, first of all, to reduce a regressive consumption tax, which will benefit those that can afford to spend more, and then they’ll raise the rate on a progressive tax that we pay (income tax).
Two moves that will primarily benefit upper income earners, and hurt those that can least afford to pay more.
Who are the Conservative going to be working for?
They’ve told us, quite clearly, I’d say.
Not lower and middle income earners. Not the average family.
What amazes me in all of this is that the Tories have released these plans during the election.
I hope that Canadians take a good look at the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Stephen Harper’s promises are as hollow as the Liberals.
Just remember that the deficit that we’ve spent the last 12 years digging out from under was primarily created by the Conservative Party, the last time they were in power.
The “excess taxation” that Harper criticizes the Liberals for is required to pay off our national debt....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 保守党中文博客:哈珀政府 2008年的施政重点
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛www.cconservativeblog.ca
      踏入 2008年, 哈珀的保守党政府执政两年内第2次减货劳税GST, 为加拿大的消费者节省 60亿元。在1992年实施时, 超过8成的国民反对引入GST, 哈珀贯彻竞选的承诺 , 比预期早3年把GST 从7% 减低至5%, 单是这两年, 消费者便省回超过 100亿元。一个普通家庭, 每年货品及服务消费4万元, 可因此省回 $800。
      还有另外两项主要税项在这新的一年亦会减低 - 入息税及就业保险金税。如果你有配偶或子女 , 你会得到的减税项目更多, 包括更高的子女扣税额 , 新的子女健身运动扣税额及更高的配偶扣税额。 这些减税安排 , 去年10月30日联邦财政部长费拉狄发表政府长远经济计划时已清楚列出。这个「加拿大优势」计划 , 建基于加国的企业精神, 高知 识水平及优越的税务政策。过去两年强健的经济增长 , 容许政府向所有国 民、家庭及商业划一减税。但因为预则 2008年的经济增长放缓及美国次按揭市场的影响持续 , 财长已表示暂时看不见再有划一减税的空间, 只可以考虑一些特定的减税项目。
      在去年 10月新一届国会重开, 哈珀政府提出的第一个法案, 就是C-2打击暴力罪案法。政府提出这个综合性法案 , 目的是希望尽快在国会通过, 用以包括保护青少年免被性罪犯的侵害 , 严厉对付吸毒后驾车人士,并使持枪犯案疑犯更难申请得到保释候审。这是政府打击犯罪活动的第一个法案。政府还希望在短期内可通过另外多个打击罪行法案 , 包括打击偷取他人身份资料、 可收到警戒作用的青少年刑事法及严厉打击制毒及贩毒分子 .
      加拿大政府在新的一年 , 将继续争取一个国际环保协定, 在2050年之前把全球温室气体排放量减少 50%。 京都协定的签署国,总温室气体排放量, 只占全球 30%。加拿大的立场非常清晰,任何对抗气候转变的协定,必需得到 所有国家的参与,特别是那些大量排放国。在去年底,政府已向工业界发出新规定,在 6个月内提交气体排放量数据。加拿大处理气候转变的基本原则是平衡环境保护及经济发展。我们是能源超级大国,面前的挑战是如何发展清洁能源。
      政府已投放 20亿元在「环保节能计划」ecoEnergy, 帮助国民改善家居节能效益,同时亦大量投资开发可再生能源及更清洁能源技术。
      清新的空气 , 洁净的能源, 还有清洁的食水, 是政府的环保指标。去年底加拿大与中国签署了产品卫生及安全备忘录 , 双方合作解决食品及消费品的质量及安全议题。加拿大政府今年将引进更严格的条例 , 让所有家庭及父母更安心购买在加拿大市场上的产品。
      最新施政报告的首要项目,就是加拿大北部的发展。今年的工作目标有 4 个:

      我们将在北冰洋建立一个世界级的研究中心,处理包括环保及资源发展等北极议题。为了确证主权,政府将完成加拿大北冰洋海床的地图绘制。国防部将增加 6至8艘北冰洋及离岸巡逻舰,以保卫加拿大三面的海洋。被派往北冰洋区的巡逻军人亦会从 4,100人,在今年内增加至5,000人。

      加拿大的军队今年将继续更新设施及招募更多新兵。政府将确定我们有足够的国防力量,保护所有国民及领土。我们亦会与国际社会合作 , 履行在联合国及同盟组织内的责任 , 扶助穷困受压迫的国家及对抗恐怖主义。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 保守党处处都是为富人的. 所谓的税收优惠, 只对富人有利, 尤其是对HUSBAND挣很多钱, WIFE在家看孩子的家庭有利. 中层以下的能得到的只是所谓GST上的和就业保险金上的降低, 好听但少得可怜.
      扩充军费, 浪费纳税人的钱.
      • “尤其是对HUSBAND挣很多钱, WIFE在家看孩子的家庭有利” - I like this:)
      • 保守党鼓励经济发展是一贯的原则。有了经济发展,才有工薪阶层状况的改善,否则会发生杀鸡取卵。作为勤劳,自立的华人最终一定是最大的受益者。阿富汗战争是一个正义的战争,加拿大有这个国际责任去支援。
      • 加拿大低收入的本来就不交什么税,还得很多其他优惠,不能在提高待遇了,不然就过分鼓励不干活的了。
        • 保守党对的是中等收入的开刀. 对低收入的只是降低福利.
          • 没仔细研究过,就是直觉减低GST怎么都好。不知道谁算过,不同收入段的人受到的影响到底怎样?五六万应该算中等收入吧?如果对五六万的人不错,应该不算对中等收入开刀。
            • 你不要断章取义. 谁说保守党对年收入五六万的好了? 我说的是他们对妇女不好, 双收入家庭中妇女至少要年收入五六万以上才能享受到他们的所谓税收优惠, 单收入家庭收入的那方收入要很高(至少八万)才享受税收优惠.
              • 你的说法奇怪呀,我填税表,没有看见分男表、女表,怎么说“双收入家庭中妇女至少要年收入五六万以上才能享受到他们的所谓税收优惠”?收入五六万以上和以下的男人怎么了?都能享受还是都不能享受税收优惠?这个论题从何而来?为什么是女人不是男人,为什么五六万?
                • 我指的是夫妻中收入低的一方, 一般夫妻中女方收入低些, 所以我就泛指妇女了.
                  • 在批评别人轻视妇女的时候,股子里其实认定女人比男人收入低是天经地义,其实是重男轻女作怪。如果你说税收优惠差别是男女收入差别引起的,这个收入男高女低的情况又不是现政府造成的,不能算到保守党帐上。且不说家庭并不是你想象的那样,女高的很多,就算你说
                    的情况,家庭一个5万一个6万,这是一个普通家庭,税后差不多8万,除去房贷,基本食品花费和储蓄,每年正像楼主博克所说“每年货品及服务消费4万元, 可因此省回 $800。“

                    还有我要说的,“HUSBAND挣8万以上, WIFE在家看孩子的家庭“,一直以来税务负担很重的,这种家庭,得到减税优惠,是应该的。
                    • 年收入十万的家庭"每年货品及服务消费4万元, 可因此省回 $800" 是不可能的. 除非他们没有孩子, 扣税扣除不需要GST的东西(包括MORTAGE,FOOD,SAVE一点RRSP等), 每年真正需要GST上的东西只有$20000以下(而且是SAVING很少的情况)
                      大部分华人家庭都拿去MORTAGE和RRSP, GST上省下部分少的可怜.
                      • 买房子是需要交GST的。这个税款最终会体现在Mortgage上。
                        • Mortage 中的利息部分就没有GST, RENT 也不用GST. 不是所有人都拥有房子.
                          • 不管是利息,还是租金,都是基于付过了GST的房款的。
                    • 同意你说的。不管家里两个人工作还是一个人工作,都是要养家养孩子。日常生活和养孩子花费的成本是差不多的。
            • 根本不用研究。任何charge GST 的商品和服务都会省,只有你不买东西不使用服务才享受不到。低收入中等收入与高收入都可以受惠,只不过程度不同。
              • 不用GST 的东东:Rent, interest portion of mortage- which is huge, food, diapers, some other necessities including daycare fee for kids (also huge)
                • 如果你生活中所需要消费的只有这些,我只有一句,回国吧。如果不是的话,你的什么只有几万以上才能享受到所谓税收优惠就是胡说八道。
                  • 对不起, 俺家是很穷, 每月下馆子的BUDGET只有两百, 算算能省的GST只有不到两块钱, 因为小费不算GST. 好在ROLIA给我个机会上这来发表意见. 至于我回不回国是我个人选择, 用不着你替我担心. 在我印象中挣的好的富人们教养都比较好, 不会象你这样损人....
                    • #4219472
                    • 你应该懂得一个基本道理,政府不可能让吃救济的低收入者和辛辛苦苦挣钱养家的人一样舒服。否则大家都去做低收入者。低收入者享受了很多政府的福利救济,这些很多都是从中等收入和高收入的税里面出的。
                      • 你说的有道理, 俺是收入低点, 但没领过任何救济. 自由党也没多好, 保守党也没多坏. 俺只不过在这里发表个人意见而已: 所得税降低对俺家来说比GST降低更实在.
                        • 我评论的也是针对你几万块钱以上才可以享受税收优惠的言论。不符合实际。没有讽刺你的意思。实际上,即使收入不高的人多多少少会受到一些好处,况且你也不可能永远做低收入者。
    • 保守党对妇女不好, 对中产阶级课于重税. 1.没有帮助妇女的计划.推行的税制根本不鼓励妇女去上班. 他们所维护的只有两种妇女: 收入高的, 年薪至少在五六万以上的或者是丈夫收入很高, 女方根本不需要上班的.
      2.他们对中产阶级课于重税, 如果夫妻双方都只是中低收入(四万左右)又有孩子的话, 就等着挨斩吧. 自由党本来要减所得税率被保守党推翻了, 反而弄个减GST的方案, 为富人服务.
      • 本人理解,减GST对每个国民都好,怎么也与“为富人服务”联系不上,请教?
        • 中低收入的能省几个GST? 食品等生活必需品本来很多没有GST, 只有富人们买宝马奔驰出入餐馆省的GST才多. 自由党本来建议的所得税税率降低被保守党改成所得税率升, GST降是为什么人服务, 不言而喻.
          • 自由党执政这么多年,降了吗? 说说谁都会,尤其在台下的时候。
            • 自由党降的是所得税.
          • 能省几个是几个,比没有强. 如果你只买 yard sale的东西,连馆子都不下,那还不如回国算了。
            • 对不起, 俺家是很穷, 每月下馆子的BUDGET只有两百, 算算能省的GST只有不到两块钱, 因为小费不算GST. 好在ROLIA给我个机会上这来发表意见. 至于我回不回国是我个人选择, 用不着你替我担心. 在我印象中挣的好的富人们教养都比较好, 不会象你这样损人....
              • 咱不富,中等收入。说的都是实话。
          • 最近没读报?所得税税率最低档已经降到15%,而且不分男人女人,只要收入高于9600(约数),人人减税(低于9600,本来没睡)高于$37178的,其它条件一样情况下,减税幅度一样多。你说这条政策是针对富人穷人的?
            • 问题是保守党降所得税慢了一拍, 现在还没真正降呢, 到时候看吧.
              • 错。这个减税从2007 Tax Year开始实施。也就是说,现在已经生效了。
                • 可惜保守党减的比例比自由党提议的比例低.
                  • 自由党提议多少?保守党减到多少?给出数据来。
                    • please refer to 4219396
          • 你能不能列举一些除了超市买的食品之外的免GST的常用生活必需品来?
            • Rent, interest portion of mortage- which is huge, food, diapers, some other necessities including daycare fee for kids (also huge)
              • 买房的时候已经交了GST。Mortgage只是在分期支付这个包含GST的房款而已。
      • 1。年薪至少在五六万以上的妇女是有技术的勤劳工人,2。在家看小孩的妇女是辛勤母亲,也是劳动者。她们理应得到更多税务减负。3。不工作不照看小孩的妇女,不论自由党保守党,都没有鼓励政策。4。2x40K家庭,怎么挨斩?具体说说?我看见的是对他们的税务优惠,包括
        儿童免税额 每娃 2000
        雇佣免税额 1000 有工作年新1000以上就有
        37,178 以下的税率从16%减到15%
        。。。 。。。
    • "在1992年实施时, 超过8成的国民反对引入GST"??? !!这都能获得通过?
      • 当年自由党就是这么上台的(克里京宣称上台后废掉GST), 结果执政14年, 1%都没 减过。马丁快下台了才减收入税。 那些相信自由党的可以用“愚蠢”来形容。
        自由党和共产党一样, 说的好听, 做的是另外一回事。
    • Conservative's tax plan benefits the wealthy, here is why: The Conservative’s planned GST reduction, is accompanied, unfortunately, by increases in income tax that far outweigh the financial benefits of the GST cut to the average family.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Harper raised income taxes in 2006, which will more than offset any savings to Canadians by reducing the GST.
      The income-tax rate was reduced from 16 per cent to 15 per cent for the lowest bracket in 2005. Harper promises to increase it, back to 16 per cent.
      The Liberals also increased the basic personal exemption by $500 in 2005.
      Harper will claw back $400 of that.
      The GST is a regressive tax.
      It’s a consumption tax, which collects revenue based on how much we spend.
      If you don’t (or can’t afford to) buy things, you don’t pay it, and you would therefore not benefit from a cut to this tax.
      The more you spend, the more you save.
      Income tax, on the other hand, is unavoidable.
      You make money; you pay money.
      No consumption required.
      If you’re a wage earner, your opportunities to reduce your payable income taxes are slim to none (few write-offs).
      The Tory plan, which they tout would save a family of four X number of dollars per year, is misleading as well.
      The savings they promise depend on that family spending nearly all of their net income per year on GST taxable stuff.
      A lot of the things people need to buy aren’t even GST taxable.
      How many people buy that much stuff per year, let alone on things that are GST taxable?
      Think about it.
      You don’t pay GST on rent or your mortgage (the average person/family’s biggest expense). You don’t pay it on necessities, like diapers, or clothing.
      To save $400 (the amount that Harper’s personal exemption reversal will cost each of us), each of us would have to spend $4,000 on GST taxable goods. That’s EACH of us, to get back what Harper’s going to claw back.
      A couple would have to spend $8,000 to save what Harper’s reversal of the basic personal exemption cut is going to cost.
      That doesn’t even begin to take into account the effect of reversing the income tax reduction. Those that can least afford to pay get the shaft again.
      Works well for those that are can afford to spend – not so good for those who don’t have a lot of disposable income.
      So the Tories promise, first of all, to reduce a regressive consumption tax, which will benefit those that can afford to spend more, and then they’ll raise the rate on a progressive tax that we pay (income tax).
      Two moves that will primarily benefit upper income earners, and hurt those that can least afford to pay more.
      Who are the Conservative going to be working for?
      They’ve told us, quite clearly, I’d say.
      Not lower and middle income earners. Not the average family.
      What amazes me in all of this is that the Tories have released these plans during the election.
      I hope that Canadians take a good look at the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
      Stephen Harper’s promises are as hollow as the Liberals.
      Just remember that the deficit that we’ve spent the last 12 years digging out from under was primarily created by the Conservative Party, the last time they were in power.
      The “excess taxation” that Harper criticizes the Liberals for is required to pay off our national debt....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谎言重复一千遍还是谎言。
      • 两道思考题:1)一家农户养鸡,三分之一的鸡产蛋多,三分之一的鸡产蛋一般,三分之一的鸡产蛋极少。请问农户应该把饲料精华给产蛋多的鸡还是给极少产蛋的鸡。或是平均分配。
        • 2)美国加拿大为什么一个成为了富有的世界头号强国,一个成为头号强国的穷跟班。一个是超级富翁云集超级企业聚集的地方,一个是靠给超级富翁云集超级企业打工和输出资源唯生?为什么一个富有且物价便宜,一个贫穷但物价比富邻居还贵?