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哎~,赶跑一个叫板的老迷,又来了个偏执的小湖北;都一个毛病----褒一个时非得贬一个作垫背; 把富特文格勒理解成愤怒地呐喊和把小克版理解成无病呻吟同样“是幼稚的","不是无知就是对艺术工作者的不尊重“(zt); 下面这段文字说明小克版超越富特文格勒的原因:

Bulow appers to have taken a severe view of the symphony when he conducted its earliest performances with the Meiningen Orchestra. and again, Brahms could not resist a little mischief-making. Writing to the violinist Joachim after conducting some of the performances on the Meiningen Orchestra's tour. Brahms observed:"In those concerts. I couldn't make enough slowing and accelerations."(看起来勃拉姆斯把演出不成功的原因归咎自己)。Furtwangler might have approved of that(his own accounts of the symphony were rarely less than memorable)(大意是富特文格勒的演绎基本上还凑合),BUT in the final analysis a great performance needs not only expressive power(是不是楼主所说的"愤怒地呐喊"?) and a richly developed sound but also an unremitting clarity of texture and line married to an inexorable sense of forward progress.(这大概就是小克版音乐流畅且动力源源不绝的原因吧?). in his day, Toscanini provided this; the symphony had many fine interpreters, ButToscanini's performance was simply the thing itself.(看来Toscanini比Furtwangler牛一点).
And so is the recording Carlos Kleiber make with the Vienna philharmonic in 1980. Recordings by Klemperer, Boult and Karajan had set notable precedents in the stereophonic age,But Kleiber's performance was and remains, a thing apart,gloriously articulate orchestral playing married to an interpretation, at once fierce, noble and austere. that thrillingly enacts the power of Brahms's tragic discourse. (真搞不懂老迷和小湖北怎么听出无病呻吟的小资情绪出来了)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 点石成金!在富特文格勒棒下,勃拉姆斯都能如此激动人心!听腻了小克版的柔肠百转和无病呻吟,再来听富特版的铁骨铮铮和豪情万丈,真是耳目一新!看来,克伦佩勒说富特把什么都当瓦格纳演,还是有一定根据的......





    • 320kbps的富特版勃四,一定要顶!。。。
      • 今天闲来无事,把这个版本又重听了一遍。不好厚此薄彼的说哪个版本更好。指挥家的优势在于,可以随心所欲地演绎原曲作者的意境。小克与老富从时代背景,气质休养等诸多方面都不相同,指挥的结果当然也不同。以前我喜欢小克的,今天我喜欢老富的,因为我要豪情万丈。。。LOL
        • 以大师一向豪情万丈。不是吗?
          • LOL是什么你都不知道?混不下去了。。。
            据说是Lots of Laughter 。。。
            • 嘿嘿~
        • 好!
          • 嗯?
    • 哎~,赶跑一个叫板的老迷,又来了个偏执的小湖北;都一个毛病----褒一个时非得贬一个作垫背; 把富特文格勒理解成愤怒地呐喊和把小克版理解成无病呻吟同样“是幼稚的","不是无知就是对艺术工作者的不尊重“(zt); 下面这段文字说明小克版超越富特文格勒的原因:
      Bulow appers to have taken a severe view of the symphony when he conducted its earliest performances with the Meiningen Orchestra. and again, Brahms could not resist a little mischief-making. Writing to the violinist Joachim after conducting some of the performances on the Meiningen Orchestra's tour. Brahms observed:"In those concerts. I couldn't make enough slowing and accelerations."(看起来勃拉姆斯把演出不成功的原因归咎自己)。Furtwangler might have approved of that(his own accounts of the symphony were rarely less than memorable)(大意是富特文格勒的演绎基本上还凑合),BUT in the final analysis a great performance needs not only expressive power(是不是楼主所说的"愤怒地呐喊"?) and a richly developed sound but also an unremitting clarity of texture and line married to an inexorable sense of forward progress.(这大概就是小克版音乐流畅且动力源源不绝的原因吧?). in his day, Toscanini provided this; the symphony had many fine interpreters, ButToscanini's performance was simply the thing itself.(看来Toscanini比Furtwangler牛一点).
      And so is the recording Carlos Kleiber make with the Vienna philharmonic in 1980. Recordings by Klemperer, Boult and Karajan had set notable precedents in the stereophonic age,But Kleiber's performance was and remains, a thing apart,gloriously articulate orchestral playing married to an interpretation, at once fierce, noble and austere. that thrillingly enacts the power of Brahms's tragic discourse. (真搞不懂老迷和小湖北怎么听出无病呻吟的小资情绪出来了)
      • 我觉得furt这版并不缺a sense of forward motion。况且夏老师引用的这段话也只是一面之词,并不比湖北兄的观点高出多少。公平的讲,只要没触及技术层面、还停留在主观印象上的评论,只要长脑袋都可以白乎两句。酱紫~
        • 反对唯技术论,技术层面远远不是艺术的最高境界。
      • "赶跑了老迷", 夏老师以胜利者的姿态, 总能看到事情美好的一面. :)
        • 迷倒猢狲不散,YYSX有缓?:-)。。。
      • 批驳:勃拉姆斯说 “I couldn't make enough slowing and accelerations.” 所以富特的 Tempo 剧烈变化和对比,是符合勃拉姆斯的。
        Toscanini 的演绎确实不缺 forward progress,他指挥所有作品都不缺这个,但是他缺少 expressive power and a richly developed sound,“Toscanini比Furtwangler牛一点” 的结论是怎么得出的?
      • “真搞不懂老迷和小湖北怎么听出无病呻吟的小资情绪出来了”,对比听听第四乐章开头的鼓点,富特的愤青,小克的小资,一目了然。建议你好好听听。
    • 第一乐章好像有问题,我试了两次仍然有问题:只有8MB多,比特率为320KBPS,但时间是12分钟左右,播放到一半就断了。应该是30MB左右才对。老乡请查一下,麻烦再上船。
      • 修好了,enjoy !
        • 听完了?现在布置作业:
          • 老乡,要是你在GTA我们可以花一个晚上谈论这事。一句话:不仅有,而且很多。
            • 再问马岛主两个问题:
              • 马岛主 ?!
              • 铛铛铛:#4220791@0
    • 版本信息:BPO, Dec 8, 1949年,Titania-Palast 现场录音。
      • 明天出门旅行,元月2日回来,明年见,Happy New Year !
        期间不会上网,你们就使劲砸吧... ;-))
        • 不上网还砸什么? 谢谢分享; ;-)
          • 回来了,接着砸吧!2007年的第一砖是老迷扔的,2008年就看夏老师了
      • 更正版本信息:BPO, Oct 24, 1948年,Titania-Palast 现场录音。
    • 谢小胡雪中送温暖! 今晚要把它当头等大事来办.
      • 办得怎么样了?谈点心得体会吧?
        • 看你说的,音乐已经说了,体会还有什么意义。。。
    • 基本没有勃拉姆斯的韵味。勃拉姆斯不是贝多芬,他超越了老贝奋情式的激情,他坚定地犹豫,在理性中领悟深沉,在彷徨中升华。。。
      • 人的认识是螺旋式上升的。不管是谁,只要是真正热爱音乐的原声马甲, 都会重新聚集在这里。荒凉的异国他乡,怎叫人不渴望重新围坐在这冬日的篝火前,畅叙心怀。敞开你的心胸,奏出你心底的古典。我们为你喝彩。相信音乐的力量,能使人豁达。
      • 基本没有 “你所认为的” 勃拉姆斯的韵味
    • 顶。 不懂古典,只是非常喜欢听。有时似懂非懂地看看评论。觉得那种懵懵懂懂的感觉不错,就像朦胧诗,能享受到现实以外。自从发现乐韵以来,更加欣赏古典。不论是对古典的见解,还是评论,或着争议,都很珍贵。
      • 俺也不懂古典,只是非常喜欢听,纯感性,不读总谱,嘿嘿... ;-))
        • 为什麽要学着我的声音?:)可以解说一下你的总谱,马岛主就来和你辩论了。我和其他乐迷来助阵,好不好?
          • 马岛主来和我辩论?他茶壶煮饺子,肚子里有货,就是不倒出来...
            他要真讲出来,俺是说不过的... ;-))
            • ;-))