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The best of economic times for China are fast becoming the worst of times for the rest of us. China's "cowboy capitalism" and amoral foreign policies are triggering a whole range of economic, financial, environmental, political, and military tsunamis that threaten to engulf us—as well as the Chinese people. The ever-growing dangers lay in a model of rapid, unsustainable economic growth, coupled with a wanton disregard for both human life and intellectual property. The myriad dangers from the Coming China Wars are real—and increasingly personal. Consider these scenarios based on actual events:

  • Your father almost dies from a massive heart attack because the "Lipitor" prescription he filled on the Internet was laced with Chinese fakes. Your mother breaks her hip because the phony "Evista" medication she took for osteoporosis was nothing more than molded Chinese chalk. Your house gets robbed by a drug addict high on methamphetamines made from ephedra grass grown on Chinese state-run farms and transported to New York via Panama by Triad gangs.

  • You walk out of a Wal-Mart with a big smile and a large basket laden with cheap Chinese goods ranging from a fancy new laser printer and plasma TV to shirts, socks, and running shoes. Your smile quickly turns to a frown as your eyes begin to sting and lungs burn from the Asian "brown cloud" now visible on the horizon. It is 90-proof "Chinese chog"—a particularly toxic atmospheric smog that has hitchhiked on the jet stream all the way from China's industrial heartland where everything in your basket was first manufactured.

  • Your bank balance drops precipitously as rising interest rates drive your adjustable rate monthly mortgage payment off the charts and as you shell out more than you ever dreamed to fill your gas tank. Your mortgage payments are being held hostage to China's currency-manipulation policies. You pay dearly at the pump because of the price-shocking effects of China's rapidly rising thirst for oil.

The Coming China Wars is not just a story about how China's emergence as the world's "factory floor" is affecting you and your pocketbook. The story is far larger than any one of us or any single country. This book takes a tough, hard look at the eight major China Wars already well underway:

1.The Not-So-Swashbuckling Piracy Wars

Following a centuries-old tradition of skullduggery in the South China Seas, China has become the world's largest pirate nation. China's modern buccaneers, with the strong support of their government, are not just stealing software and Hollywood movies on DVDs. They are blatantly counterfeiting virtually the entire alphabet of goods—from air conditioners, automobiles, and brake pads to razors, refrigerators, and the world's most recognizable pharmaceuticals such as Lipitor, Norvasc, and Viagra.

In the process, these pirates are posing grave health risks to hundreds of millions of people. They are also destroying all semblance of global intellectual property law protections vitally needed to spur innovation.

2. The 21st Century Opium Wars

With an unholy triangle of Triad gangsters, international smugglers, and corrupt Communist Party officials as cartel kingpins, China has emerged as one of the world's biggest dope dealers. Most despicably, China is not just the world's "factory floor" for legitimate goods but also for the so-called precursor chemicals used to produce all four of the world's major hard drugs: cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and Ecstasy.

China has also retained its historical role as a major transit area for opium from the Golden Triangle, and it is rapidly emerging as a highly efficient production center for Ecstasy and speed. Not coincidentally, Chinese criminal syndicates are awash in illicit cash, and China's banking system is becoming an important hub for global money laundering.

3. The Air Pollution and Global Warming Wars

With claim to 16 of the world's 20 dirtiest cities in the World Bank's environmental Hall of Shame, China has been dubiously crowned as the most polluted nation on Earth. As a result of its rapid industrialization and lax environmental controls, China's prodigious toxic emissions are now spewing well beyond its environmentally porous borders.

Storms regularly rise up from China's Inner Mongolian desert steppes and blanket Korea and Japan with tons upon tons of toxics-laden dust. Chinese chog regularly hitchhikes along the jet stream, only to descend thousands of miles away in big cities such as Los Angeles and Vancouver and to despoil visibility in pristine towns such as Aspen. With its belching coal plants and rapidly multiplying automobile fleet, China will soon eclipse the United States as the single largest contributor to global warming.

4. The "Blood for Oil" Wars

With its economy rocketing, China has emerged as the world's second largest petroleum consumer behind only the United States. Astonishingly, China now accounts for almost half the growth in global oil demand and is the primary catalyst for an oil market hurtling toward $100 a barrel.

To lock down its petroleum supplies—and lock the rest of the world out—China has adopted a reprehensible foreign policy based on President Hu Jintao's amoral mantra of "just business, no political conditions." It has shipped ballistic missiles and transferred nuclear weapons technologies to the radical Iranian regime, used its diplomatic veto in the United Nations to sanction genocide in the Sudan, and facilitated the looting of public treasuries by dictators in oil- and mineral-rich African countries from Angola to Zimbabwe.

This unconscionable blood for oil diplomacy has resulted in the slaughter of millions, the impoverishment of millions more, and a rapid spike in nuclear proliferation in both the Middle East and Asia.

5. The New Imperialist Wars

In a supreme historical irony, one of imperialism's worst former victims has become the 21st century's most relentlessly imperialistic nation. From Brazil, Cuba, and Venezuela to Equatorial Guinea and the Ivory Coast, China dangles lavish, low-interest loans and sophisticated weapons systems as bait. It then uses its "weapons of mass construction"—a huge army of engineers and laborers—to build everything from roads and dams to parliament buildings and palaces.

After these unwitting countries are driven ever deeper into China's debt, China's imperialistic quid pro quo is the rapid extraction of the country's raw materials—Bolivian tin, Chilean copper, Cuban nickel, Congolese cobalt, gold from Sierra Leone, Rwandan tungsten, and the vast mineral wealth of South Africa.

As the despotic puppets running China's "new colonies" transfer billions in bribes to their Swiss bank accounts, the peasants these despots rule over slide ever deeper into poverty.

6. The Damnable Dam and Water Wars

China is the dam-happiest place on Earth. With far too little water, far too much of that water horribly polluted, and the once-mighty Yellow River running dry for more than 200 days a year, China is facing a severe water crisis that already pits angry farmers against encroaching industrialists, millions of displaced "peasants with pitchforks" against corrupt government officials, and downstream versus upstream provinces.

This is also a fierce diplomatic battle being waged between upstream and downstream countries. Upstream, China is constructing a phalanx of mega-dams on the Mekong River despite the strong protests of the downstream countries of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. These dams—including one that will be more than 100 stories tall and the tallest in the world—now threaten the food supply, transit routes, and livelihoods of more than 50 million people living in the Lower Mekong River Basin. Already, the Mekong has recorded its lowest levels ever and has flowed close to rock bottom near the end of its journey in Vietnam.

Precisely because of these many and varied economically driven conflicts, we and our children are destined to fight a complex and highly interrelated series of wars with China on many, many fronts. As you will see in the chapters that follow, a reckless and ruthless Chinese government is directly to blame for many of these Coming China Wars. However, it is also disturbingly true that China's hyper-growth is causing the world's most populous nation to spin out of the control of its leaders.

As China's economy continues to grow at unprecedented rates, the "strange bedfellow" combination of a totally unrestrained free market capitalism operating under a harshly repressive totalitarian umbrella is becoming more and more like a political and social Molotov cocktail rather than an exemplary economic model for the rest of the world. That is precisely why the greatest danger to the world community may be China's coming "wars from within." These wars from within may be triggered by any number of internal ticking economic and demographic time bombs that threaten to bring on that which the Chinese people fear most—"chaos" or luan.

7. China's Wars from Within

Over the past decade, the number of protests and riots in China has risen to nearly 100,000 annually. This is hardly surprising to any astute China watcher. People are being pushed beyond tolerance as the Chinese countryside becomes a slave labor camp and dumping ground for every imaginable pollutant.

The rural peasantry is being sucked dry by wastrel government tax collectors. Corrupt local government officials seize land on behalf of developers, pocket the monies that are supposed to compensate villagers, and then enlist local gangsters to quell protests.

In the big cities, unpaid construction workers leap to their deaths in protest of wages that go callously unpaid. Meanwhile, on China's Western prairies, ethnic separatist tensions continue to smolder over the ongoing "Hanification" of the mostly Muslim population on the Western frontier.

8. China's Ticking Time Bombs

China is rapidly graying—getting old faster than it is getting rich. China is now facing a pension crisis that will make solving the unfunded social security liabilities of equally graying countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany look like strolls through the park.

China is also a nation getting increasingly sick. Environmental pollution serves as a deadly catalyst for an explosion of myriad cancers and an epidemic of respiratory and heart diseases. This rapid rise in ill health is coming precisely when China's once-vaunted public health-care system has totally unraveled.

Adding to these extreme pressures is an HIV/AIDS epidemic that may soon become the worst in the world. This epidemic began with the most scurrilous HIV/AIDS blood donor scandal on the planet. It is being rapidly fueled by rampant intravenous drug use, a late-blooming 1960s-style sexual revolution, and the explosive reemergence of China's once-infamous flesh trade.

The radical remedies and reforms that will be required to avoid the chaos, casualties, and hardships of the Coming China Wars—both within China and beyond its borders—will never occur unless we gain a much better understanding of the basic economic forces driving these political, financial, social, energy, and environmental conflicts. My abiding hope, particularly for the children, is that a better understanding of the complexities of the economic origins of the Coming China Wars will help lead to their peaceful resolution. Cultivating such an understanding—and calling China and the rest of the world to action—are the ultimate goals of this book. The fictional News Release from the year 2012 leading off this Introduction is just one glimpse of a future that we all should urgently seek to avoid.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 政治人物讲话象小孩。真是一道风景!“奥巴马扬言:若当选,要禁止所有中国玩具”
    • 太没水平.赢选票也不是这个赢法.
      • 你所有的言论中,这句话我最爱听. 西方民主政治什么都好,唯独这种急功近利的言行让人鄙视.民主选举本来是个很好的制度,可是为拉选票而胡言乱语就是一种政治垃圾人的品行.
        • 谢谢, 不过你未必全都知道我说了些什么. 一个复杂的体系肯定会有问题. 因此制度至关重要, 从整体上说一个人的生命有限, 一个国家和政党或体制, 没有权利因为思想和信仰去剥夺别人的自由. 尽管政客可以胡说八道, 但开放民主的体系使得人民相对比封闭独裁体系更能判断.
    • This is kind of symbol. I believe it's just beginning, North American will forbid lots of chinese goods in future. They are going to convert citizens' expense habit by affecting their concept of Chinese products.
      • 最近碰到一本书,<中国战争到来:他们在哪里打及他们怎么赢>,极尽危言耸听,看个前言就憋气

        The best of economic times for China are fast becoming the worst of times for the rest of us. China's "cowboy capitalism" and amoral foreign policies are triggering a whole range of economic, financial, environmental, political, and military tsunamis that threaten to engulf us—as well as the Chinese people. The ever-growing dangers lay in a model of rapid, unsustainable economic growth, coupled with a wanton disregard for both human life and intellectual property. The myriad dangers from the Coming China Wars are real—and increasingly personal. Consider these scenarios based on actual events:

        • Your father almost dies from a massive heart attack because the "Lipitor" prescription he filled on the Internet was laced with Chinese fakes. Your mother breaks her hip because the phony "Evista" medication she took for osteoporosis was nothing more than molded Chinese chalk. Your house gets robbed by a drug addict high on methamphetamines made from ephedra grass grown on Chinese state-run farms and transported to New York via Panama by Triad gangs.

        • You walk out of a Wal-Mart with a big smile and a large basket laden with cheap Chinese goods ranging from a fancy new laser printer and plasma TV to shirts, socks, and running shoes. Your smile quickly turns to a frown as your eyes begin to sting and lungs burn from the Asian "brown cloud" now visible on the horizon. It is 90-proof "Chinese chog"—a particularly toxic atmospheric smog that has hitchhiked on the jet stream all the way from China's industrial heartland where everything in your basket was first manufactured.

        • Your bank balance drops precipitously as rising interest rates drive your adjustable rate monthly mortgage payment off the charts and as you shell out more than you ever dreamed to fill your gas tank. Your mortgage payments are being held hostage to China's currency-manipulation policies. You pay dearly at the pump because of the price-shocking effects of China's rapidly rising thirst for oil.

        The Coming China Wars is not just a story about how China's emergence as the world's "factory floor" is affecting you and your pocketbook. The story is far larger than any one of us or any single country. This book takes a tough, hard look at the eight major China Wars already well underway:

        1.The Not-So-Swashbuckling Piracy Wars

        Following a centuries-old tradition of skullduggery in the South China Seas, China has become the world's largest pirate nation. China's modern buccaneers, with the strong support of their government, are not just stealing software and Hollywood movies on DVDs. They are blatantly counterfeiting virtually the entire alphabet of goods—from air conditioners, automobiles, and brake pads to razors, refrigerators, and the world's most recognizable pharmaceuticals such as Lipitor, Norvasc, and Viagra.

        In the process, these pirates are posing grave health risks to hundreds of millions of people. They are also destroying all semblance of global intellectual property law protections vitally needed to spur innovation.

        2. The 21st Century Opium Wars

        With an unholy triangle of Triad gangsters, international smugglers, and corrupt Communist Party officials as cartel kingpins, China has emerged as one of the world's biggest dope dealers. Most despicably, China is not just the world's "factory floor" for legitimate goods but also for the so-called precursor chemicals used to produce all four of the world's major hard drugs: cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and Ecstasy.

        China has also retained its historical role as a major transit area for opium from the Golden Triangle, and it is rapidly emerging as a highly efficient production center for Ecstasy and speed. Not coincidentally, Chinese criminal syndicates are awash in illicit cash, and China's banking system is becoming an important hub for global money laundering.

        3. The Air Pollution and Global Warming Wars

        With claim to 16 of the world's 20 dirtiest cities in the World Bank's environmental Hall of Shame, China has been dubiously crowned as the most polluted nation on Earth. As a result of its rapid industrialization and lax environmental controls, China's prodigious toxic emissions are now spewing well beyond its environmentally porous borders.

        Storms regularly rise up from China's Inner Mongolian desert steppes and blanket Korea and Japan with tons upon tons of toxics-laden dust. Chinese chog regularly hitchhikes along the jet stream, only to descend thousands of miles away in big cities such as Los Angeles and Vancouver and to despoil visibility in pristine towns such as Aspen. With its belching coal plants and rapidly multiplying automobile fleet, China will soon eclipse the United States as the single largest contributor to global warming.

        4. The "Blood for Oil" Wars

        With its economy rocketing, China has emerged as the world's second largest petroleum consumer behind only the United States. Astonishingly, China now accounts for almost half the growth in global oil demand and is the primary catalyst for an oil market hurtling toward $100 a barrel.

        To lock down its petroleum supplies—and lock the rest of the world out—China has adopted a reprehensible foreign policy based on President Hu Jintao's amoral mantra of "just business, no political conditions." It has shipped ballistic missiles and transferred nuclear weapons technologies to the radical Iranian regime, used its diplomatic veto in the United Nations to sanction genocide in the Sudan, and facilitated the looting of public treasuries by dictators in oil- and mineral-rich African countries from Angola to Zimbabwe.

        This unconscionable blood for oil diplomacy has resulted in the slaughter of millions, the impoverishment of millions more, and a rapid spike in nuclear proliferation in both the Middle East and Asia.

        5. The New Imperialist Wars

        In a supreme historical irony, one of imperialism's worst former victims has become the 21st century's most relentlessly imperialistic nation. From Brazil, Cuba, and Venezuela to Equatorial Guinea and the Ivory Coast, China dangles lavish, low-interest loans and sophisticated weapons systems as bait. It then uses its "weapons of mass construction"—a huge army of engineers and laborers—to build everything from roads and dams to parliament buildings and palaces.

        After these unwitting countries are driven ever deeper into China's debt, China's imperialistic quid pro quo is the rapid extraction of the country's raw materials—Bolivian tin, Chilean copper, Cuban nickel, Congolese cobalt, gold from Sierra Leone, Rwandan tungsten, and the vast mineral wealth of South Africa.

        As the despotic puppets running China's "new colonies" transfer billions in bribes to their Swiss bank accounts, the peasants these despots rule over slide ever deeper into poverty.

        6. The Damnable Dam and Water Wars

        China is the dam-happiest place on Earth. With far too little water, far too much of that water horribly polluted, and the once-mighty Yellow River running dry for more than 200 days a year, China is facing a severe water crisis that already pits angry farmers against encroaching industrialists, millions of displaced "peasants with pitchforks" against corrupt government officials, and downstream versus upstream provinces.

        This is also a fierce diplomatic battle being waged between upstream and downstream countries. Upstream, China is constructing a phalanx of mega-dams on the Mekong River despite the strong protests of the downstream countries of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. These dams—including one that will be more than 100 stories tall and the tallest in the world—now threaten the food supply, transit routes, and livelihoods of more than 50 million people living in the Lower Mekong River Basin. Already, the Mekong has recorded its lowest levels ever and has flowed close to rock bottom near the end of its journey in Vietnam.

        Precisely because of these many and varied economically driven conflicts, we and our children are destined to fight a complex and highly interrelated series of wars with China on many, many fronts. As you will see in the chapters that follow, a reckless and ruthless Chinese government is directly to blame for many of these Coming China Wars. However, it is also disturbingly true that China's hyper-growth is causing the world's most populous nation to spin out of the control of its leaders.

        As China's economy continues to grow at unprecedented rates, the "strange bedfellow" combination of a totally unrestrained free market capitalism operating under a harshly repressive totalitarian umbrella is becoming more and more like a political and social Molotov cocktail rather than an exemplary economic model for the rest of the world. That is precisely why the greatest danger to the world community may be China's coming "wars from within." These wars from within may be triggered by any number of internal ticking economic and demographic time bombs that threaten to bring on that which the Chinese people fear most—"chaos" or luan.

        7. China's Wars from Within

        Over the past decade, the number of protests and riots in China has risen to nearly 100,000 annually. This is hardly surprising to any astute China watcher. People are being pushed beyond tolerance as the Chinese countryside becomes a slave labor camp and dumping ground for every imaginable pollutant.

        The rural peasantry is being sucked dry by wastrel government tax collectors. Corrupt local government officials seize land on behalf of developers, pocket the monies that are supposed to compensate villagers, and then enlist local gangsters to quell protests.

        In the big cities, unpaid construction workers leap to their deaths in protest of wages that go callously unpaid. Meanwhile, on China's Western prairies, ethnic separatist tensions continue to smolder over the ongoing "Hanification" of the mostly Muslim population on the Western frontier.

        8. China's Ticking Time Bombs

        China is rapidly graying—getting old faster than it is getting rich. China is now facing a pension crisis that will make solving the unfunded social security liabilities of equally graying countries such as the United States, Japan, and Germany look like strolls through the park.

        China is also a nation getting increasingly sick. Environmental pollution serves as a deadly catalyst for an explosion of myriad cancers and an epidemic of respiratory and heart diseases. This rapid rise in ill health is coming precisely when China's once-vaunted public health-care system has totally unraveled.

        Adding to these extreme pressures is an HIV/AIDS epidemic that may soon become the worst in the world. This epidemic began with the most scurrilous HIV/AIDS blood donor scandal on the planet. It is being rapidly fueled by rampant intravenous drug use, a late-blooming 1960s-style sexual revolution, and the explosive reemergence of China's once-infamous flesh trade.

        The radical remedies and reforms that will be required to avoid the chaos, casualties, and hardships of the Coming China Wars—both within China and beyond its borders—will never occur unless we gain a much better understanding of the basic economic forces driving these political, financial, social, energy, and environmental conflicts. My abiding hope, particularly for the children, is that a better understanding of the complexities of the economic origins of the Coming China Wars will help lead to their peaceful resolution. Cultivating such an understanding—and calling China and the rest of the world to action—are the ultimate goals of this book. The fictional News Release from the year 2012 leading off this Introduction is just one glimpse of a future that we all should urgently seek to avoid.

        • Thanks for the recommendation.
      • 这里有经济和政治原因. 大家想象李光耀近期的一个疑问: 为什么他们不怕印度崛起? 如果仅仅以为中国比印度更强大就错了.
        • 你说说, 是因为意识形态?
          • 对. 过完节我准备写个东西.
      • 哎,醒醒吧
      • 哎,醒醒吧 -giss(rr); 10:59
    • 其实,美国总统候选人对中国发无知的言论,就象是MN故意走光,或者是裸奔什么的,得手之后就从良。:-)
      • lol.
    • 这是非常明智的选择,不要笑话,说明我们还没有了解美国人的思想
    • 美国社会也有“粪青”。这些“粪青”的选票也是要的。说一些不伤害其他人的,但是又迎合“粪青”的话,能够多得些选票,一般候选人都会做的。这也是普选制的一个缺点。
      • 不纯粹是“粪青”吧?或许“粪老”更多!:-)
    • 我看了那个民主党候选人的竞选辩论#82304@1,这不是简单的作秀。每个候选人的竞选理念不同,但在这个问题上,似乎所有的竞选者有共识。。。
    • It's easy to understand their worry. If China and India develops to become as rich as America, it will add another 5 new Americas to the world.
      Since the world does not have enough oil, food and other resouces to satisfy the need of 6 America. The new Americas will inevidably have a war with the old America to secure the resources they need. So the old America wants to stop them before they become new Americas.
      • 我认同这个观点!
    • 除了把Obama拎出来之外,多想想为什么他会说这样的话。竞选首先是要使自己符合民意。好几个候选人,包括Obama都说了类似的话,说明这类观点多少有点群众基础。
      • 总统选举这样子的“群众运动”,需要一个炒作点,中国问题是长期以来的炒作点。
    • 如果中国玩具没有质量问题,奥巴马根本就没机会说这句话。与其指责别人,倒不如老老实实想办法改进质量,才是最根本的。
      • 美国破车老是recall,为什么不把它们车厂都关了?提高产品质量和借产品质量进行攻击是两回事。信不信,即使质量再好,老美还是会借智慧产权,如商标,来攻击。
        • 中国产品质量就和那些Recall的看齐,然后天天嚷嚷是政治问题,你倒看看能不能解决问题? 从消费者角度看,即使没有政治问题,你愿意买Recall的产品吗?
          • 是美国总统候选人把中国产品质量当作政治问题来讨论的,如果像加拿大把产品质量当作政治问题来讨论就公平一点。请不要混淆视听。
            • 有民意基础,政治家们才会去讨论,你把本末给搞反了。
              • 你都不觉得周围的民意都是扇出来的吗,都说 士嘉堡不安全,你自己觉得如何呢?!
          • 连Toyota 都recall, 还不是销量第一。
      • Who's responsibility? The toy companies' or the manufaturers'? Whatever the clients ask for the toy makers make for them. Low cost means cheap material and low quality. Plus toy companies have final says on what they want or not.