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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Agree! Here is a paraphrase if I may quote:

The healthy eye must look at all there is to be seen, and not say "I only want pale colours"- this is a symptom of disease. The Healthy ear and nose must be ready for all sounds or smells, and the healthy stomach must accept all food in the same way that a mill accepts all it was made to grind. And so the healthy mind too must be ready for all eventualities. The mind which says, " my children must live" or " there must be popular acclaim for all I do" is the ey edemanding pale or the teech demanding pap.

Marcus Aurellius

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / [睡前语录]“根据听时自己内心的情感反应来判断一个音乐作品的好坏就如根据自己醉的程度来判断酒的好坏一样。”
    至于是谁的语录我就不讲了 :)
    • 还没睡醒? 是不是睡前喝了酒?说句胡话就睡过去了?
      • 不要叫“说胡话”,应该是老迷是“发布了一条语录”。老迷这是沿袭了“最高知识下达不过夜”的优良传统。
        • 还是咱爷俩没有代沟。:)
          • 怎么这么快就认了个老头做爹,白崇拜你了。
            • 再老人面前严肃点,不要乱舞蹈! 爷俩指的是两个老大爹。
      • 醒了,被teeagers的呐喊给叫醒的------刚看完一场由九个teenagers自编,自导,自演的音乐剧:《Ridiculous》。她们自己写的剧情描述是:
        9 kids in a kick-butt, step-off, hate-you, kiss-me rock-out MUSICAL ANGST-ATHON!

        说实话,我还真的被打动了, 她们很幸运,找到了能够充分表达自己的艺术方式。
        • 小心中年危机。
          • 提醒的太晚了, 都闹过好几次了。。。现在是老年危机。;)
        • 根据听时自己内心的情感反应来判断的? 不一定对吧? 是不是又看了别人的评论才敢发言的?
          • 各位学生听好了,夏老师雨露:“凡是不能打动我的,就不可能打动别人,如果有人说被打动了,那他一定是装的,或者是看了什么评论的。“
            • 您老怎么起床了还喝酒啊?这推论怎么来的?您老不是说不能根据听时自己内心的情感反应来判断吗? 看来醉得不轻啊。
              • 到底是谁醉了?上面的语录怎么成了我的了? 告诉你吧,是那个死心塌地捧伯拉姆斯砸瓦格纳的老学究Hanslick说的,哈哈哈!
                • 怎么又把上下文抽走了? 要是这个死心塌地捧伯拉姆斯砸瓦格纳的老学究Hanslick说的, 意思是不光要听还要用脑子听;当然,听瓦格纳不用脑子也行;
                  • 数数你这句话里有几个假设?
                  • 对了,2007年就要过去了,你们批判瓦格纳的檄文怎么到现在还没有问世啊?
                    • 一是找出坐下来写点东西的时间很难,二是你们忽悠得太快, 我刚把bruckner syphonies的LPs买齐; 刚买来的Furtwangler's bsymphonies nr,4,,7,8,9
              • 说正经的,我被打动是因为她们的表演让我更了解十六,七岁的小孩都有哪些苦恼,并不是因为表演激起了我的共鸣。
    • Agree! Here is a paraphrase if I may quote:
      The healthy eye must look at all there is to be seen, and not say "I only want pale colours"- this is a symptom of disease. The Healthy ear and nose must be ready for all sounds or smells, and the healthy stomach must accept all food in the same way that a mill accepts all it was made to grind. And so the healthy mind too must be ready for all eventualities. The mind which says, " my children must live" or " there must be popular acclaim for all I do" is the ey edemanding pale or the teech demanding pap.

      Marcus Aurellius
      • 古罗马的皇帝真厉害啊!难怪人类文明最重要的一个时代叫着文艺“复兴“,最美妙的音乐叫着“古典”音乐。
    • ding.