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New election poll suggests lead for Liberals (ZT)

New election poll suggests lead for Liberals
Saturday, September 29, 2007 - 09:53 AM
By: 680News staff

Toronto - With less than two weeks until the provincial election, a new poll suggests the Liberals are headed for re-election.

An Ipsos-Reid poll conducted for CanWest Global indicates the Liberals have a commanding 10-point lead on the second place Conservatives.

Of decided voters, 43 per cent indicated support for the Liberals and 33 per cent indicated support for the Conservatives, while the NDP is at 17 per cent and the Green party is at 6 per cent.

The undecided vote has also dropped to just 5 per cent.

There has been some movement in the numbers and the poll suggests Conservative leader John Tory's faith-based school funding proposal is a contributing factor to the drop in numbers.

According to the poll, 68 per cent of Ontario residents oppose extending public funding to faith-based schools, and only 30 per cent support it.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / New election poll suggests lead for Liberals (ZT)
    New election poll suggests lead for Liberals
    Saturday, September 29, 2007 - 09:53 AM
    By: 680News staff

    Toronto - With less than two weeks until the provincial election, a new poll suggests the Liberals are headed for re-election.

    An Ipsos-Reid poll conducted for CanWest Global indicates the Liberals have a commanding 10-point lead on the second place Conservatives.

    Of decided voters, 43 per cent indicated support for the Liberals and 33 per cent indicated support for the Conservatives, while the NDP is at 17 per cent and the Green party is at 6 per cent.

    The undecided vote has also dropped to just 5 per cent.

    There has been some movement in the numbers and the poll suggests Conservative leader John Tory's faith-based school funding proposal is a contributing factor to the drop in numbers.

    According to the poll, 68 per cent of Ontario residents oppose extending public funding to faith-based schools, and only 30 per cent support it.
    • Liberal will win a MAJORITY government. Troy's political life is over.
    • 千万不能让自由党小麦组成多数政府,那它更嚣张了, 再也不顾及脸面了,安省人民就等着加税吧!
      • 我一向支持保守党。但是Tory教育政策影响到基本的核心的价值观。伤害到孩子就近上学的切身利益。对于无神论的家庭只有伤害,没有益处。
        • 哎,Tony 这回是偷鸡不成蚀把米呀。本来形势还不错。
        • 学校总数不变,公立学校必然减少。对于无神论的家庭, Tory是要用我的钱,同时削减对我的服务。
        • 我并非小麦的FAN,象小麦这样的政客多一个少一个,并不能改变什么。但Tory这种缺乏判断力的人,根本没有玩政治的本钱。成事不足,败事有余
      • 这不是钱的问题,不是可以讨价还价的问题,不是可以报侥幸心理,忽略不计的问题,不是可让墙头草议员决定的问题。我别无选择, 只有对保守党说 NO!!!
        • 现在自由党几乎占压倒性多数,不过,你如果两个党都不喜欢,是不是可以考虑NDP和绿党?
          • forget it. NDP and Green are not on my list
          • Never!!! NDP means the collapse of Ontario economy!! If you prefer to staying at home, it's a good choice.
            • (#1187448@9)
              • I'm disappointed too... But I still will go to vote.
            • Among all the choices, staying at home and letting other people to speak for you is the worst! Election is about to select the least disgusting one.
              • What I mean is NO JOB and staying at home. NDP does well in destroying economy!