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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The letter to MP and senator:

Dear MP of Ontario,

I have a very big question for You and your co-worker.

I do not know what big benefits we can have from Canadian dollars close or over US dollars. I know that just in Ontario and QC, more than 1 million manufacture employee are lost job from Canadian dollar raising VS US dollar since 2003 early. How much lost is for GDP of Ontario and QC? It is about 150 billions dollar GDP lost from this Canadian dollar raising. How many family got trouble from this? It is about half million family to one million family without any stable living from this Canadian dollar raising just in Ontario. I know a lot, a lot of people have to move to other provinces (Ex: Alberta ) or US to find a new job so as to make family living. A lot, a lot of people and family have to sell their home in Toronto, Ontario and QC just for moving. Yes, a lot of family were living in Ontario or QC for over ten years but they have to move to other province or US for family living. They have to face new job skills requirement and have to learn new skills for new job market even their age is not younger. Also I know some people still stay in Ontario and QC but their life quality is not good than before because they are older, can not take any new moving hard work. Also they can not be learning some thing. They just can maintain basic life quality for breath and basic food. Who did this? It is Canadian government! The Canadian government never try to do any thing to affect this Canadian dollar raising for better Canadian manufacture development. Why Canadian government do not have any reaction for this? We also can not understand this why Canadian government very like Canadian dollar raising ? Normally, any country of the world do not like to raise exchange rate with other currency because the high currency rate can result in country manufacture even economic export down and employment rate down from high currency rate with main trade partners (US). But the Canadian government is exception for this ! We, all the Canadian citizen do not know that the government are working for whom? For US ? Did The Canadian government think about job market, export economy and even manufacture employment rate of Ontario and QC ? NO ! The Canadian government just like unemployed people move to Albert or US. But who pay moving cost from this job moving? The Canadian government pay nothing! The Canadian citizen pay it. This is our government working!
Dear MP, do you think that you can take your salary so comfortable which the salary come from your people, taxpayer who do not have job and income to make their living easy in Canada ? Please think about that whom you are working for? Where you come from ?

Yes, hopefully the MP and your co-worker can pass the message to all the people and discuss it. The topic are : What big benefits we can get from Canadian dollar raising VS US dollar? What we can export to US even world from Canadian export economy and manufacture after big currency changing ? Who has to be responsible for the big unemployed rate of manufacture since Canadian dollar raising VS US dollar ?


One citizen of Ontario, Canada

Sept 21, 2007更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 现在加元这么猛,对加国人民到底是弊大于利。记得上次加元狂涨的结果是经济萧条了几十年。我本人给安省的每一国会议员参院发了一封英文信(102位),其内容就是说加元上涨对加国的害处。要他们知道,你们拿纳税人的钱,可你们不管纳税人的生活。你们拿的安心吗?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The letter to MP and senator:

    Dear MP of Ontario,

    I have a very big question for You and your co-worker.

    I do not know what big benefits we can have from Canadian dollars close or over US dollars. I know that just in Ontario and QC, more than 1 million manufacture employee are lost job from Canadian dollar raising VS US dollar since 2003 early. How much lost is for GDP of Ontario and QC? It is about 150 billions dollar GDP lost from this Canadian dollar raising. How many family got trouble from this? It is about half million family to one million family without any stable living from this Canadian dollar raising just in Ontario. I know a lot, a lot of people have to move to other provinces (Ex: Alberta ) or US to find a new job so as to make family living. A lot, a lot of people and family have to sell their home in Toronto, Ontario and QC just for moving. Yes, a lot of family were living in Ontario or QC for over ten years but they have to move to other province or US for family living. They have to face new job skills requirement and have to learn new skills for new job market even their age is not younger. Also I know some people still stay in Ontario and QC but their life quality is not good than before because they are older, can not take any new moving hard work. Also they can not be learning some thing. They just can maintain basic life quality for breath and basic food. Who did this? It is Canadian government! The Canadian government never try to do any thing to affect this Canadian dollar raising for better Canadian manufacture development. Why Canadian government do not have any reaction for this? We also can not understand this why Canadian government very like Canadian dollar raising ? Normally, any country of the world do not like to raise exchange rate with other currency because the high currency rate can result in country manufacture even economic export down and employment rate down from high currency rate with main trade partners (US). But the Canadian government is exception for this ! We, all the Canadian citizen do not know that the government are working for whom? For US ? Did The Canadian government think about job market, export economy and even manufacture employment rate of Ontario and QC ? NO ! The Canadian government just like unemployed people move to Albert or US. But who pay moving cost from this job moving? The Canadian government pay nothing! The Canadian citizen pay it. This is our government working!
    Dear MP, do you think that you can take your salary so comfortable which the salary come from your people, taxpayer who do not have job and income to make their living easy in Canada ? Please think about that whom you are working for? Where you come from ?

    Yes, hopefully the MP and your co-worker can pass the message to all the people and discuss it. The topic are : What big benefits we can get from Canadian dollar raising VS US dollar? What we can export to US even world from Canadian export economy and manufacture after big currency changing ? Who has to be responsible for the big unemployed rate of manufacture since Canadian dollar raising VS US dollar ?


    One citizen of Ontario, Canada

    Sept 21, 2007更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 政府干预汇率不是市场经济的正道。再说了,那些土生的加拿大人现在民族情绪都很高涨,您总得让他们高兴几天吧。
    • 加元升值对安省是坏消息。但是政府不会直接干预市场经济的。政府要做的是通过税收政策等,引导、支持企业。
      • 政府是可以降息的,不干预是要有恶果的。降息楼市就挺住了。
        • not that simple. inflation rate up means oil and other goods price will goes up very quick. ON manufacture cost still goes up. CAD$ up simplely because of west side richer than east side no matter how many $ we print out.
    • you know what?i do not think the politians are stupid or less-knowledgable.maybe politc is a dirty profession,but generally politian have much wider perspective and very well-educated,well-informed. but they cannot satisfy every one.
    • FYI, 省议员不是国会议员, 省议员简称MPP.
    • 我认为加币狂涨,短期内对加拿大是件好事,但长期看,将使加拿大成为一个靠输出自然资源的国家;
    • 加拿大的进出口数字.
      • good point
        we can see which one is increasing dramatically, and which one is dropping ,Canadian dollar is relying on petrol more and more ,if the petrol products are needed more ,the canadian dollar will be kept high enough ,however the manufacture part will be harmed at the same time ,which is the main economical part of Ontario
      • 看了半天,终于看明白了.加拿大和中国一样的,加币对内贬值,对外升值.