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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I am not well read like you. This is what your link gives Ontario Premier McGuinty Appoints Homosexual Activist as Health Minister

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ontario Premier McGuinty Appoints Homosexual Activist as Health Minister
TORONTO, October 23, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and his Liberal cabinet were sworn in today. Among his roster of cabinet members, highly controversial homosexual activist and pro-abortion MPP George Smitherman was appointed Health Minister.

Smitherman's background is so outrageous that his participation in Gay Pride parades and his public advocacy (already in 2000) of homosexual marriage pales in comparison. The Toronto Sun reported in October 1999 that Smitherman protested a Toronto public-health department request for the John's list from an escort agency whose prostitutes were found to be HIV positive. He and Toronto City Councillor Kyle Rae, also a homosexual activist, admitted to having had sex with HIV-infected men but said it was of no consequence since they wore condoms.

The Toronto Centre-Rosedale MPP bragged in campaign literature that he was the "first openly gay MPP". In response to a pro-life questionnaire for candidates, Smitherman told Campaign Life Coalition: "I believe in a woman's right to make her own decisions about her reproductive health. And I'll say so - in very clear terms, I am pro-choice."

Smitherman led the charge on a Catholic high-school which refused to allow a male student to bring his homosexual boyfriend to the school prom. With Smitherman acting as litigation guardian since the student was under 18, the student filed a $100,000 lawsuit against the school which resulted in an interim ruling requiring the school to allow the homosexual prom date. When the school refused to back down as a result of the threat of a lawsuit, Smitherman warned it would threaten Catholic school funding and "embroil World Youth Day."

Smitherman also went on record to oppose funding for independent schools saying they were 'homophobic."

The full list of Liberal cabinet appointments:
Greg Sorbara, Finance Minister
George Smitherman - Health Minister
Gerry Phillips -- Chairman of Management Board
Dwight Duncan -- Energy
Michael Bryant -- Attorney General
Steve Peters -- Agriculture
Marie Bountrogianni -- Minister of Citizenship, head of a new Children's Services Ministry
David Ramsay -- Natural Resources
Monte Kwinter -- Community Safety
Jim Watson -- Consumer and Business Services
Harinder Takhar -- Transportation
Christopher Bentley -- Labour
Mary Anne Chambers -- Training, Colleges and Universities
Sandra Pupatello - Community and Social Services
Leona Dombrowsky -- Environment
Madeleine Meilleur - Culture, Francophone Affairs
John Gerretsen -- Municipal Affairs
Joe Cordiano -- Economic Development and Trade
Rick Bartolucci -- Northern Development and Mines
Jim Bradley -- Tourism and Recreation
David Caplan -- Public Infrastructure and Renewal
Dave Levac will be Chief Government Whip.

See the CTV coverage:
http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/10669224...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / What do Haper and Bush's guys do? listen to the wonderful tape and read the good story! DISGUSTING!!!!
    • Haper and BUSH, if your guys are not gay, what are they...... read and see
      • 瞧瞧LIEberal小麦手下的卫生部长,George Smitherman,承认曾经和一位HIV阳性男子发生性关系,时候他说没关系,因为带套了。DISGUSTING!!!!
        • You may know that Harper's best man JOHN BAIRD is GAY too. It's nothing new that George Smitherman is an openly gay.
        • Foley, Gay Republicans, And The List
    • Can you believe Harper / BUSH and their guys? Listen to this, and listen to it again....
      • 您能相信自由党前临时党魁自由党前外交部长,Bill Graham是gay吗,为什么自由党如此热衷推动同性婚姻呢? 他曾与一位15岁的男妓发生关系。DISGUSTING!!!!
        • Never heard of that. Are you an insider or what? I only know that both Harper and BUSH are strong against gay but funny that they both have strong connections with GAY.
          • can you read? haha. you should do your homework. His is King of GAY...
            • I am not well read like you. This is what your link gives Ontario Premier McGuinty Appoints Homosexual Activist as Health Minister
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ontario Premier McGuinty Appoints Homosexual Activist as Health Minister
              TORONTO, October 23, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and his Liberal cabinet were sworn in today. Among his roster of cabinet members, highly controversial homosexual activist and pro-abortion MPP George Smitherman was appointed Health Minister.

              Smitherman's background is so outrageous that his participation in Gay Pride parades and his public advocacy (already in 2000) of homosexual marriage pales in comparison. The Toronto Sun reported in October 1999 that Smitherman protested a Toronto public-health department request for the John's list from an escort agency whose prostitutes were found to be HIV positive. He and Toronto City Councillor Kyle Rae, also a homosexual activist, admitted to having had sex with HIV-infected men but said it was of no consequence since they wore condoms.

              The Toronto Centre-Rosedale MPP bragged in campaign literature that he was the "first openly gay MPP". In response to a pro-life questionnaire for candidates, Smitherman told Campaign Life Coalition: "I believe in a woman's right to make her own decisions about her reproductive health. And I'll say so - in very clear terms, I am pro-choice."

              Smitherman led the charge on a Catholic high-school which refused to allow a male student to bring his homosexual boyfriend to the school prom. With Smitherman acting as litigation guardian since the student was under 18, the student filed a $100,000 lawsuit against the school which resulted in an interim ruling requiring the school to allow the homosexual prom date. When the school refused to back down as a result of the threat of a lawsuit, Smitherman warned it would threaten Catholic school funding and "embroil World Youth Day."

              Smitherman also went on record to oppose funding for independent schools saying they were 'homophobic."

              The full list of Liberal cabinet appointments:
              Greg Sorbara, Finance Minister
              George Smitherman - Health Minister
              Gerry Phillips -- Chairman of Management Board
              Dwight Duncan -- Energy
              Michael Bryant -- Attorney General
              Steve Peters -- Agriculture
              Marie Bountrogianni -- Minister of Citizenship, head of a new Children's Services Ministry
              David Ramsay -- Natural Resources
              Monte Kwinter -- Community Safety
              Jim Watson -- Consumer and Business Services
              Harinder Takhar -- Transportation
              Christopher Bentley -- Labour
              Mary Anne Chambers -- Training, Colleges and Universities
              Sandra Pupatello - Community and Social Services
              Leona Dombrowsky -- Environment
              Madeleine Meilleur - Culture, Francophone Affairs
              John Gerretsen -- Municipal Affairs
              Joe Cordiano -- Economic Development and Trade
              Rick Bartolucci -- Northern Development and Mines
              Jim Bradley -- Tourism and Recreation
              David Caplan -- Public Infrastructure and Renewal
              Dave Levac will be Chief Government Whip.

              See the CTV coverage:
              http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/10669224...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • The Liberal Party and Child Sexual Abuse
              • Again, National POST. What else your source could be?
              • you can also google "Lawrence Metherel".
                • This is what GOOGLE gives me, WOW
                  • haha, You can do whatever you like. enjoy..
                    • That's so real and it makes you happy.
                • Again, this is what GOOGLE gives me
                • MORE ... Top Five Republican Gay Sex Scandals
                • This Gay Republicans
                • And this "Gary Mitchell is an openly gay man who served as campaign manager for Conservative Vancouver Centre this election"
        • What's Harper and BUSH's stance? See Bush and the Gay Debate
    • Conservatives and RepUBLICAN.... LIARS AND CHEATERS
      • You mean LIEberal, right?