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welcome comments to the following information. (interesting topic, any1 with in-depth knowledge on this matter, please comment/advise)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Legal roots of the separate school system (ZT)

The separate school system for Ontario Catholics may have been enshrined in the British North America Act when Canada was created in 1867, but its legal roots go much deeper.


In the terms of surrender after General James Wolfe defeated the Marquis de Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham in 1759, Catholic rights were protected, including the rights of the Bishop of Quebec to exercise his functions of office, which then included the supervision of education, "whenever he shall think proper."


The Treaty of Paris in 1763, in which France ceded all its North American colonies except St. Pierre and Miquelon to Britain, granted "the liberty of the Catholic religion to the inhabitants of Canada." The guarantee of Catholic rights was repeated both in the Royal Proclamation of 1763 that abolished French law in Canada and in the Quebec Act of 1774 that established English government in its place. In 1791, the Quebec Act was repealed and the colony of Quebec split into Upper and Lower Canada, only to be reunited in 1841 by the Union Act of 1840.


In the half-century before Confederation, both Upper and Lower Canada wrestled with the political tensions caused by other faiths trying to protect their rights against the dominance of Church of England in Upper Canada and the Catholic Church in Lower Canada. They responded to the pressure by legally protecting denominational schools, rather than establishing a common non-denominational system for all students.


At the Quebec Conference of 1864, which led to Confederation, delegates called for provincial authority over education, "saving the rights and privileges which the Protestant or Catholic minority in both Canadas may possess as to their denominational schools at the time when the Union goes into operation." The constitutional protection for denominational schools, which includes Ontario's Catholic system, was included in Section 93 of the British North America Act. Since then, only two major legal changes have been made. In 1899, the province began to fund Catholic education to Grade 10 and extended the funding to Grade 13 in 1984.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 我不投PC 的票
    实在不懂了, 给PRIVATE RELIGIOUS SCHOLL 的钱从那来, 把95%的PUBLIC SCHOOL 的学生不管, 却把钱花在5%的学生?
    在一个自由和民主的CANADA还有这种怪事! 那写没有信仰的家厅和没钱上RELIGIOUS SCHOLL的孩子怎么办?
    我看不遵守诺言的DALTON 比无脑的JOHN强多了.
    • 资助教会学校有一个前提,就是必须将学校纳入公校的系统,教和公校一样的课程,包括进化论在内。估计适合的案例不多。
      • 天主教学校既然可以,其他的学校当然可以。而且加拿大6个省早已经给其他宗教学校funding。这并不是什么新鲜事。
    • 我也不认同保守党这个政策。但是一直以来只有天主教学校才能得到政府拨款,保守党只是力求平衡各个宗教学校的要求,实行平均分配。这个政策不是凭空想出来的。
    • 现在的问题不是是不是该给faith-based school钱的问题,因为政府拨款给天主教学校已经100多年了。而是是不是该一视同仁,让其他faith-based school也享受平等权利.
      安省有64.7%的学生上公立学校,30.1%上天主教学校,上私立faith-based学校的只占2.4%.同是faith-based school. 唯有天主教学校可以得到政府拨款,这些拨款都是纳税人的钱.如果政府说要加强公校教育,就应该只给公立学校拨款同时取消给天主教学校拨款.

      要么就给所有faith-based school拨款,一视同仁.没有道理只有天主教学校独享纳税人的钱,而只占2.4%的学生确连点汤都分不上. 问题是,自由党对此严重不公的问题视而不见
      • 最让人不齿的是,小麦居然好意思在电视上打广告说他支持公校,给宗教学校funding是个错误。可他自己上的就是宗教学校(天主教学校),他的四个孩子也是上的宗教学校(天主教学校),他老婆也在宗教学校(天主教学校)教书.
      • catholic 的这个权力是当年奠定加拿大江山的基础,不是来了一些新移民就可以改变的。再乐观也还要再等上好一段时间
        • 那就只能考虑第2种方案,给其他宗教学校funding.这些政客不是总是喊平权吗,既然可以花大量时间金钱去讨论同性婚姻问题给minority平权。他们应该考虑在这里让minority享受平等权利。
          • first of all, I am an atheist, equal funding to other religious groups sounds good, but I won't vote for it. I supported conservative's tax credit for private school tho last time.
            turned out not many people fancied that idea.
            this time, I am gonna support liberal, at least now the budget is sort of balanced during their term. and I don't think lying as politician is really a big problem. just don't care. as long as they will be held accountable if it is punishable.
            • 我不认为小麦还有任何accountable可言,faith-based school只是选举中的一个焦点而已,不是全部。不要忘了自由党在多元文化拨款上是如何狂造纳税人金钱的。除了投自由党之外,还有很多选择。比如绿党,或不投。
              • hold someone accountable 我是想说只要我们知道是谁干的,是谁负责的,心里清楚就可以了,将来如果需要可以再惩罚
                只是现在听到的和四年前一样, many people thought they were gonna make a right decision. anyway. good call.
                have a nice day.
                • have a nice day!!:)
        • 这话是不对的。 加拿大除了安省以外, 这个问题并不存在。 而且在整个西方也就 安省被联合国谴责。 自由党其实并不象现在口口声声说的那样不支持宗教。 DALTON上 台后还要给伊斯兰法庭裁决权
          结果惹出国际抗议以后在一个星期天才收回提议。 实际上DALTON是心疼钱, 这几百
          个MILLION留着自己化多爽, 否则还得从别处抠出钱来。
          • 同意关于小麦的评论
          • welcome comments to the following information. (interesting topic, any1 with in-depth knowledge on this matter, please comment/advise)
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Legal roots of the separate school system (ZT)

            The separate school system for Ontario Catholics may have been enshrined in the British North America Act when Canada was created in 1867, but its legal roots go much deeper.


            In the terms of surrender after General James Wolfe defeated the Marquis de Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham in 1759, Catholic rights were protected, including the rights of the Bishop of Quebec to exercise his functions of office, which then included the supervision of education, "whenever he shall think proper."

            TREATY OF PARIS

            The Treaty of Paris in 1763, in which France ceded all its North American colonies except St. Pierre and Miquelon to Britain, granted "the liberty of the Catholic religion to the inhabitants of Canada." The guarantee of Catholic rights was repeated both in the Royal Proclamation of 1763 that abolished French law in Canada and in the Quebec Act of 1774 that established English government in its place. In 1791, the Quebec Act was repealed and the colony of Quebec split into Upper and Lower Canada, only to be reunited in 1841 by the Union Act of 1840.


            In the half-century before Confederation, both Upper and Lower Canada wrestled with the political tensions caused by other faiths trying to protect their rights against the dominance of Church of England in Upper Canada and the Catholic Church in Lower Canada. They responded to the pressure by legally protecting denominational schools, rather than establishing a common non-denominational system for all students.


            At the Quebec Conference of 1864, which led to Confederation, delegates called for provincial authority over education, "saving the rights and privileges which the Protestant or Catholic minority in both Canadas may possess as to their denominational schools at the time when the Union goes into operation." The constitutional protection for denominational schools, which includes Ontario's Catholic system, was included in Section 93 of the British North America Act. Since then, only two major legal changes have been made. In 1899, the province began to fund Catholic education to Grade 10 and extended the funding to Grade 13 in 1984.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 如果向所有宗教学校投入公共资金,必然导致鼓励这些学校的发展。我认为应当从天主教学校撤资以获得公平。
        • 同意
        • 同意你。这样好象弄痛了自由党的软肋。
        • 好注意, 把给天主教学校的钱给所有宗教学校平分. ...
    • 只要不投卖滚踢,投谁都一样,我预计LIBERAL还是赢定了,只是想给他弄成少数政府,NDP还是很善于当反对派挑骨头的
      • 事实上,无论哪个党执政,一个强有力的政府总要好过少数党政府。因为少数党政府无法贯彻执行自己的政策,最后出台的往往是不伦不类的东西。
        • 是这样,但投个骗子不甘心
      • 没有那么肯定。预测的结果会否准确要看其中未拿定主意的比例有多少。目前投卖干地票的已经确定。但是不愿投他的人还没确定投谁。NDP的头很会忽有,但是信NDP的人很少。PC是最佳竞争对手,可是还没有很具体,打动人的竞选口号。
        • 总之,大家还在观望中。卖干地当年加的健康税现在成了埋葬自己的定时炸弹。
    • 现在安省高中毕业生要通过的英文和数学的统考,就是保守党以前在台上时顶着自由党的强力反对搞的;
      • 保守党又说,咱们安省的教师队伍中可能混入了一些滥竽充数的南郭先生,以后安省教师要五年一培训、五年一考,考一考你会不会吹竽。结果导致教师工会强烈反弹,成为推翻上届保守党政府的急先锋。
        • 自由党的教育主张就是缩小师生比例,也就是说不断地增加教育经费来雇用更多的老师,老师不考试,学生最好也没有统考,自然深得广大教职员工的人心。
          • 各位做家长的,可以试着和学校老师谈谈选举,老师都会说,那个保守党啊,只叫一个混。。。
      • 朋友刚搬到美国去,感觉那边的学校教育强过这边。 是不是这边的教师工会太腐败了,整天不思进取。搞得公校的老师良莠不齐,误人子弟。 是时候拿他们开刀了。这个事情只能指望安省的保守党了
        • 在美国的一些州,老师涨薪是和学生统考成绩挂钩的,英国也做过这样的试点。在加拿大,哪个人敢提这样的主张啊!
    • 咱们也应该办一个佛教中文学校,最好在省选之前就注册上.
      • 叫肉联佛学院就挺好.
    • 不给其他宗教学校funding,他们的学生家长也交税的,公平吗?一视同仁地按人头给学校钱,对学校也提要求,就对了。
      • 私立学校家长也交税,要不要一起fund?
        • 嘿嘿,给你看出来了,我估计会一起fund。。。
          • 不过,人家交的税比咱们多,却和咱按一样的标准得到education fund,咱们没有吃亏啊。
    • 看见大家的讨论就可以得出PC头头很低能的结论
      本来就不占优势,抛出这种有争议的话题,这不是自己找病吗? 在公司讨论,有人说将来这还不定是多大的无底洞呢.现在只有5万的学生,似乎钱不多,如果政府出钱,可能将来就是50万学生了. 学生转走了,公立学校又要关一批,对于想去公立学校的人恐怕会很不方便. 让大多数选民不方便,他还想上台吗? 现在即使想取消承诺,也会再得罪一批人.将来上台后,反悔还会得罪一些人.关闭公立学校,嘿嘿,弱智啊.

      如果我来选择,弱智也比骗子强点. 估计这次又是少数政府了.
      • 哥们, 政治家都是大骗和小骗, 没不骗的, 他门要是干了傻事可是老百姓吃亏呀..
      • 说得好!我也很烦撒谎的小麦,但这个保守党也真的比较弱智
    • 我投pc 的票, 目的是要自由党麦秆地知道不诚实是要付出代价的。没准儿,这家伙当选后,又要弄出各个把税来,到时候后悔都来不及。david miller 就是个例子。
      • Me too. 我投pc 的票. 目的是要自由党麦秆地知道不诚实是要付出代价的。
        • 从纲领角度讲,我最认同的是自由党.但和您们一致的想法是必须让撒谎者付出代价,所以坚决不选卖肯地的党.和两位不同的想法是:能不能换个思路?反正NDP成不了气候,选他们去议会里倒倒乱不好么?
          • NDP已经成了气候,所以建议试试绿党。NDP也需要被牵制,现在David Miller和工会等流氓团体一唱一合,已经让多伦多人够受的了.到时候省里要税,多伦多再扒一层皮。