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看看, 歌剧的good old days...

But around 1924 a renewal of interest in opera began, wihch had its origin in Germany, Every small town in Germany has an opera house.There were said to be, around that time. at least the first-class and twenty second-class operatic stages that functioned most of the year round. We must not forget that in Germany the opera takes the place of our musical comedy, movie, and theater combined, every good citizen owns his weekly subscription to the opera, so that there was almost a social obligation for opera to renew itself as a form. Moreover, publishers of music did much to encourage the writing of new operatic works.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 读纽约时报关于老帕的文章时看老帕61年刚出道时有人对他说的一段话, 大意是: "歌剧现在已经不行了, 你抓紧唱能红上十年就不错了". 想想当时有众多的传奇人物都正活跃在歌剧舞台上, 可见唱衰歌剧的人不是现在才有啊.
    • 此一时也彼一时也,老怕后来出名了,才有这样的fairy tale,如果老怕没出名,这样的话就是真理。。。
    • Copland回忆歌剧红火时的欧州,每个城市都有歌剧院,每家都是subscriber,到今天出了老帕都不知道还有谁在唱歌剧;
      • 不知道是Copland 忽悠还是你在忽悠. 每家都是subscriber? 欧洲的城市都只有一, 两千户人家?
        • 这有什么忽悠的, 又不是全城的人同时挤到歌剧院; 估计当时的歌剧院就像现在的电影院, 经常看场电影/歌剧是很普遍的事;
          • 用统计学的术语来描述你的这个估计: it's a biased small sample estimator with a very large standard error! ;)
            • #3915244@0 美景不在了。。。
              • 以前想欣赏只能去歌剧院,现在可以听CD,看DVD,歌剧院不是唯一选择了,这并不能说明歌剧魅力下降了。
              • 现在学声乐的,参加比赛选拔的,拼命想挤进歌剧院的人,仍然一浪高过一浪。。。
                • 不是说歌剧不好, 是演出成本和欣赏成本都太高,走高端市场会越走越窄; 歌剧有魅力的原因之一是人声是最美的乐器,但这些都可以由别的体裁代替;
                  • 你都承认人声是最美的乐器了,干嘛还老盼着歌剧死,你子孙后代听什么呀?说说什么体裁能代替歌剧来展现这最美的乐器?
      • 多明哥?:P :)
        • 猜对一个, “3高”接着猜。。。
          • 呵呵,我不太懂歌剧,不过3高还是知道的。卡累拉斯其实嗓子挺亮的,喜欢他多过 多名歌
    • 百老汇可能也抢了一些歌迷走吧
      • 歌剧重来就没有流行过. 三十年代会有人说除了Caruso都不知道谁还唱歌剧, 六十年代会有人说除了Callas都不知道谁还唱歌剧, 今天又有人说除了Pavarotti都不知道谁还唱歌剧......
        • 是不是把“唱”换成“听”也成立?。。。
          • 反对! 我偶尔会听歌剧! : )
            • 关键词“偶尔”让老迷很不爽。。。
        • 看看, 歌剧的good old days...
          But around 1924 a renewal of interest in opera began, wihch had its origin in Germany, Every small town in Germany has an opera house.There were said to be, around that time. at least the first-class and twenty second-class operatic stages that functioned most of the year round. We must not forget that in Germany the opera takes the place of our musical comedy, movie, and theater combined, every good citizen owns his weekly subscription to the opera, so that there was almost a social obligation for opera to renew itself as a form. Moreover, publishers of music did much to encourage the writing of new operatic works.

          • 这更象是怀旧的Mr. Copland 的pipedream, 他是艺术家, 说话不严谨可以原谅.
    • 有老迷在就有歌剧在
      • You've got it girl!
        Laomi and morningglory proved it for us quite a while ago.
      • 听起来象"英雄儿女"里面王成的话, 后面一句是"向我开跑!" 看来你觉得他们砸我还不够狠啊. :)