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英国电视台播出”全球变暖的大骗局”( The Great Global Warming Swindle),来自NASA, MIT和各大学的专家们挺身而出,发表被主流媒体压制的大量不同意见


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 英国电视台播出”全球变暖的大骗局”( The Great Global Warming Swindle),来自NASA, MIT和各大学的专家们挺身而出,发表被主流媒体压制的大量不同意见
    • What a reliable source of info.! SUN!!! Yellow/Porn paper only. Making noise like this doesn't help Harper from getting scolded for his bad environment record. AB's Oil sands development counts for 40% of Canada's pollution.
    • 环境问题目前在加拿大已经演变成政党相互攻奸的武器, 已经超出了环境本身的意义.
    • 太好了。我们以后就可以肆无忌惮的烧石油,烧煤,烧天然气,开大卡车了。然后alberta生产总值又上了个台阶。
      • Great,that's exactly what Harper and Calgarian expected. Go ThanksFlames Go!
      • 你可以从自己做起搞好环保,比如不开车,不坐车,只骑自行车和走路,这样就降低了石油的需求。不烧气,不烧水,降低天然气的需求。
        • 另外你还可以给自由党建议,等他们上台了,阿省石油工业只允许开半年。学习纽芬兰经验,半年开工,半年吃救济。搞环保是要有牺牲地,自由党联邦政府再加个石油环保税吧。
      • 节约能源和揭露骗局不矛盾吧.你硬把他们搅在一起是为了掩盖什么.
        • What a reliable source of info.! SUN!!! Yellow/Porn paper only. Making noise like this doesn't help Harper from getting scolded for his bad environment record. AB's Oil sands development counts for 40% of Canada's pollution.
        • 有些人就是这么虚伪,明明油照用,汽照点。偏要给自己搞个环保的包装。真不给他用油用气,肯定骂娘。什么时候自由党员们和狄安天天骑自行车上班,我就相信他是真的环保.
        • 骗局,谁是骗子啊。好想有人是欲盖弥彰啊。把别人黑,好像能体现自己白。
          • #3557955
    • Ice cap formed thousands or ten thousands years ago are melting!!!
      Should we expect that they will be recovered when "little ice age" reoccurs in a few hundreds year’s cycle?

      Is so, we should expect that only those ice cap formed in "little ice age" melt away in current "little warmer" period, shouldn't we?
      • To Harper, BUSH, Calgarian and the alike it doesn't matter .
      • Your concern has already been addressed in the film by the Japanese scientist. The fact is the global climate always goes up and down. Some period in history was much warmer that nowdays. Besides, unless you can control the solar activities,
        there is little we can do, or we should do to alter the course of nature.
        • A true copay of Harper and BUSH. There is nothing human being can do to protect the environment? Your argument is just a piece of garbage. AB's oil sands produce 40%+ of Canada's polution. That's not something Canadians deserve.
    • 在Greenhouse emission 中, 水蒸气比CO2更多得多.UN应该再签一个协定,每人每月只能洗一次热水澡.如要多洗,可以向别人买CREDIT.
      • 好主意,从你作起。
      • 变态