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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

歌词是歌德的诗: <Winter Journey through the Harz Mountains>. 该诗的英文翻译见内:

But who is that apart?
In the underbrush his path loses itself.
Behind him
The shrubs clap together,
The grass stands up again,
The wasteland engulfs him.
Ah, who heals the pains
Of him, for whom balsam became poison?
Who drank hatred of Man
Out of the fullness of love?
First despised, now a despiser,
He furtively consumes
His own merit
In unsatisfying egotism.

If there is in Thy Psalter,
Father of love, one note
To his ear audible,
Then refresh his heart!
Open his clouded gaze
To the thousand springs
Next to the thirsting one
In the desert!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 我忍受不了孤独了, 也跟这你们主流一下, 帖个伯拉姆斯吧: <女中音狂响曲>, 指挥: Otto Klemperer, 演奏: Philharmonia Orchestra, 女中音演唱: Christa Ludwig----不喜欢可别怪我啊
    • 砸!不喜欢还贴,立场太不坚定了...
      • 批判是要有素材的. ;)
      • 受蒙蔽无罪,反戈一击有功
    • 歌词是歌德的诗: <Winter Journey through the Harz Mountains>. 该诗的英文翻译见内:
      But who is that apart?
      In the underbrush his path loses itself.
      Behind him
      The shrubs clap together,
      The grass stands up again,
      The wasteland engulfs him.
      Ah, who heals the pains
      Of him, for whom balsam became poison?
      Who drank hatred of Man
      Out of the fullness of love?
      First despised, now a despiser,
      He furtively consumes
      His own merit
      In unsatisfying egotism.

      If there is in Thy Psalter,
      Father of love, one note
      To his ear audible,
      Then refresh his heart!
      Open his clouded gaze
      To the thousand springs
      Next to the thirsting one
      In the desert!
      • 中文的有吗?
    • 第一次听到这种音色,很特别^_^ 谢谢米老师,正在学习中。
    • 嗯, 伯迷们呢? 又都晕过去了?
      • 没注意到啊,tanke!
      • 我不知道我能不能算伯迷, 有时候爱的不得了, 有时候有不能忍受他.
        • 是伯迷,看你说话温文尔雅,条理之中以理服人,言语之间实实在在, 偶有意外也在清理之中,,,正是老伯作曲的一贯作风, -zchzw(贾征靖); 15:35 (#3473939@0)Reply
          • 那这儿谁不是伯迷啊?
            • 我叫贾伯迷.
    • 代表马岛主欢迎老迷归来,老迷是执迷有悟,走出贝多芬的阴影,,,,
      • 激动得.....说不出....话来......我.....终于.....找到组织....了.....
        我带着定时炸弹, 把你们连锅偳了! ;)))
        • 等等马儿。人家在给您泡茶呢,一个也不能少,,,
          • #3473867
      • 这是老迷的厉害之处,知道把~~~?啊~~?!!介个。。介个。。所谓爱乐咧,被某一人迷住,是不好的。。。对不对?
    • 终于听了一遍,早说了,伯拉姆斯的音乐要先听一百遍,再发表评论
      • 有那个耐心, 不用听就知道是一定会喜欢小伯的. :))))
      • 疼心!
      • 这话可不可以理解成"听不进去"? ;)
        • 或者说没听明白
          • 和<大地之歌>比较一下, 都是女中音加管弦乐, 一个是歌德的诗, 另一个是孟浩兰的.
            • 这种得安静的听
            • 连唱都是同一个人呢(Klemperer版). 歌德的诗我怎么就看不懂捏? 还是大地之歌好听点儿, 变化莫测. 这个开始没啥感觉, 后来才有那么点意思, 情绪来了.
      • 象老迷酱紫的可造之才,不用听100便啦~~~!!
    • 怀疑歌唱者是不是贝多芬的远房侄女?
    • 瞎扯蛋,你什么时候被偶等孤独过了涅?啊~~!?
      • 这小马褂不错.. :-))
      • 恭贺马岛主正式上任
        别发那么大的火好不好, 岛务繁忙, 望岛主保养好龙体.
        • 免礼,免礼。。。
    • Otto Klemperer这个人似乎指挥声乐类是蛮有板有眼的噢!
    • 当最后一个音符借宿,我继续了发呆的状态3分钟。。。女中音、合唱队的音色,是勃拉姆斯的。。。伊人去矣~~,世间炎凉。。。万般无奈。。,一如他的第四交响曲!!!