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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 看来喜欢民族音乐的同学不太多了,叹一个!
    • [ZT] 山西河曲民歌 <菜园小曲> 王琳
      • 古老而优雅的山西方言
      • 俗话说:“百里不同音”。山西方言是我们中华民族语言当中最复杂、最有特色、最丰富多彩的一支语系。山西方言的形成既有历史人文的原因,也受地域地貌的影响,从而产生了“同是一乡人,三里之内不同音”这样一种十分有趣的语言现象。
    • 偶现在只喜欢对唱民歌
    • [ZT] 山西民歌 <我家乡的沁洲黄> 王琳
      • 有哪位大师能指点迷津吗?是因为大家对民族音乐太了解了,以至于都不想听了,还是对它太不了解所以感不起兴趣? 静等.
        • 静等......
        • 俺不是什么师,也不知道是什么原因,反正我是民乐的a big fan.
        • 现代社会,缺少体验民歌感情的氛围。。。没体验怎么爱?俺喜欢民歌只是俺乐感还行,能还原演绎出的味道,但像俺这样的现在太少了。。。
          • 如果是这样,我们就更有责任弘扬民乐喽.
            • 民乐就行,弘扬不弘扬再说。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛郎郎这点做得很好。郎郎擅长用听众/观众听得懂,看得懂,can relate to,买帐的语言(钢琴本身的、比较音乐的)在他的演奏会上推介中国音乐。


              Six Traditional Chinese Works

              All these pieces are from different parts of China and from different dynasties, using old (not rural contemporary) music which is still being used in old Chinese melodies. A lot of the harmonies are derived from the original scores of Chinese instruments. Unlike Mr. Tan Dun’s Eight Memories, which I have been playing for the last two years, and which are more contemporary but with Chinese roots, these pieces are traditional Chinese pieces involving ancient legends and stories, such as “The Moon Chased by the Colourful Clouds.” This piece describes a beautiful lady named Shang Ye who lives in the moon with a rabbit. This is a Chinese legend that people always thought about when looking at the moon. They sent their best regards to this lady and the rabbit. When I was a little boy, I believed this story, but now, of course, I know that this is just a legend. But who knows… The second interpretation of this piece is about a girl chasing a boy. The moon is the lady and the colourful clouds is the boy or man who likes her.

              Here you will see interesting things that the Chinese composers did and most of them are still alive today. In order to link Chinese music with western culture, Chinese composers borrowed a lot of material from western music. For example, the piece called “Moonlight Reflections” is very French, like a piece from Debussy or Ravel and is impressionistic. “The Herd Voice Flute” is the first Chinese composition for piano by a Chinese composer. This piece won the first prize at a Chinese composition competition in the 1939s. It is actually like a two-part Bach invention. I must say, it is a very successful piece of work. How he adapted Bach’s technique to Chinese piano music – it’s a miracle!

              I call the “Spring Dance” the Chinese Tango. It comes from the western part of China, from the Xinjiang Province. It sounds a little bit like an Argentinean Tango with a Central Asian flavour.

              The original name of “Happy Holidays” was “The Day after the Liberation” which is the period after China gained it’s independence in 1949. But this piece was composed during the Cultural Revolution, so it has a powerful connection with that era. The ten years of Cultural Revolution play an interesting and an important period in China’s history. And actually, it is not so far from my generation – basically, it is the generation of my parents. I think it is important to bring some of those pieces to our time, because some of that music was forbidden to be played. Because this is such a good and unique piece from the period of the Cultural Revolution, I would like to share it with you. We don’t really know who the composer is. It is an adaptation of many Chinese melodies and stories that were passed down from one generation to another.

              The last of the songs is from my region in the northeast – a traditional art dance. People dance every morning and every evening. It’s the most popular traditional dance called “The Flight of the Flowers.” This song represents the people of my region and their everyday life. It’s the very authentic and it has its own style. It’s quite different from some of the other works. This is from a folk song from Taiwan. But I really like it – it also has a Rachmaninoff style. There is some connection between this piece and the Rachmaninoff Preludes.


              *The Moon Chased by the Colourful Clouds
              *Moonlight Reflections
              *The Herd Voice Flute
              *Spring Dance
              *Happy Holidays
              *The Flight of the Flowers更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 容我考虑考虑。。。如果有时间,我来现身说法。。。大师不敢当。
        • 俺是外行,不过窃以为,民歌衰微的根本原因是:象 “半个月亮爬上来” 这样旋律优美、又朗朗上口的作品,实在是太少太少了....
          • 比如你帖的这几首民歌,除了当地人,别人连听都听不懂,怎么谈得上喜欢?
            • 民歌的生命力在于流行,但是专业音乐人士,偏要把它搞成象牙塔的东东,或者 “希望的田野” 之类的伪民歌,难怪乐迷们敬而远之...
              • 俺其实是很喜欢民歌的,这次盟主带过来的中国民歌合唱,俺喜欢得要命。可惜听来听去,就那么几首...
            • 哈,我帖的这两首歌大家肯定没听过。第二首是我自己创作的,来加拿大还是第一次拿出来。“菜园小曲”是首经典的传统民歌,它考验的是歌手的嘴皮子功夫,好比
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛相声演员说绕口令,你便知他说学逗唱的“说功”如何。而这首歌以朴素风趣的语言,欢快的旋律,密集玲珑的衬词,极佳地表达了一农妇丰收时的喜悦心情.。

              况且,现在能唱了这首歌的歌手少之甚少了, 我可不是夸海口噢。:P






              谢谢观看此帖的所有同学!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 所以我说我佩服最后那段快的... 估计是没几个人能唱出来, 是不是夸海口! 其实我喜欢新疆四川陕西宁夏云南等等地方的民歌, 当然还有山西啦, 山西尤其喜欢哪个"男儿不怕千般苦,女儿能绣万种花"... 是真的很喜欢的, 收藏了不少呢... 期待你的新作...
              • 我其实还算是喜欢民歌的, 以前最喜欢听苏风娟唱的<三十里铺>, 还有<兰花花>, <龙船调>, 等等. 新疆民歌就更不用说了. 您要是办个民歌演唱会, 我一定去. 相信这里的许多其他乐友也会去.
                • 一言为定!! ;))
      • 歌曲朗朗上口。但配器太差,尤其鼓部分,军鼓,踩叉,和吊叉的节奏混乱,音色调治的不好,应该是录音师的水平问题。 结尾太突然。 歌者的情绪不够,太理智,缺少激情,你还能唱的更好!一点拙见。^_^
        • 谢谢!不知多伦多没有好的专业的录音棚?以便录也更好的作品奉献给大家. :)
        • 对,激情不够,起伏不大。
      • 好歌。对民歌不太了解,但是听着非常民歌,味道足。
        • Thanks. :))
      • “沁洲黄”小米是山西沁县名特产品。栽培历史悠久,从明朝嘉靖年间到清朝各代,一直是宫廷贡品。1991年曾在印度、巴拿马国际博览会上获奖。1986年4月在石家庄全国赛米会上被评为一级优质米,荣获“全国最佳小米”称号。1988年4月又在河南洛阳全国赛米会上再次夺魁。
        ZT - “沁洲黄”小米是山西沁县名特产品。栽培历史悠久,从明朝嘉靖年间到清朝各代,一直是宫廷贡品。1991年曾在印度、巴拿马国际博览会上获奖。1986年4月在石家庄全国赛米会上被评为一级优质米,荣获“全国最佳小米”称号。1988年4月又在河南洛阳全国赛米会上再次夺魁。其品质优良,营养丰富,颗粒圆润,金黄鲜亮。用它做出来的米饭清香发甜,绵软可口,蒸煮皆宜。沁州黄小米经化验营养成分含:淀粉57.55%,蛋白质10.12%,脂肪4.22%,可溶性糖1.6%,18种氨基酸7.653毫克。还具有很高的药用价值,为清凉性滋养强壮品,对于各种炎症、高血压、癌症均有一定的预防和抑制作用。四季可用,是孕妇、产妇、老年、青少年和体弱多病者,不可缺少的绿色营养食品。销往全国,还出口到国外。
        • BTW,多伦多还没见到有卖的。不过,
          • 我检讨!!!!!!
            • 谢罪!:)送大家一首彭丽媛的《沂蒙山小调》。这一版我是第一次听,与她以往略有不同。
              • 老民歌,顶!