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Too simple, sometimes naive ...

I am not saying that he critisized human right in china is incorrect, What Harper and his Peter Mackay did wrong is that they are immature and lack diplomatic experince:

1. When Harper attacked Chinese government supported thousands of spies in Canada, he could not show even a single proved case.
2. When they gave Dalai a honour citizenship they should foresee they would have troubles with China later
3. When he critisized china for the detained canadian citizen Huseyin Celil, he forgot canadian security department helped US to deport the innocent canadian to Syria who got tortured there

After all, it is Canada who should refuse to meet China in APEC, instead of crying for china's snub. If he wouldn't sell canadian's principle for money, he should mean it and stop talking to china before she improve her human right. What we see here these days is an inexperienced government and leader -- he ask for this humiliation!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 为Harper叫好!在华人相关事务上,他代表加拿大向华人人头税苦主正式道歉,保守党政府清晰地表明对中国民主人权的支持(有利于所有中国的普通百姓),将荣誉公民称号授予第一位华人诺贝尔奖得主达赖喇嘛。坚持普世人权价值观,言出必行,下次还选保守党。
    • 第一位华人诺贝尔奖得主达赖喇嘛???
      • 核心问题: 藏人是不是华人?
      • 华人这词覆盖面太大,说是第一个“中国诺贝尔得主”应当更好些。或者说:第一个获得诺贝尔和平奖的中国人。
        • 这个说的对. 应该是第一个真正意义上的中国人得此奖.
          • 说不上吧,给他奖的原因其实就是因为他搞藏独
    • "言出必行"? How about tax on income trust?
    • 哈帕反共倾向严重, 但不是反华. 对于在加国的华人, 要比自由党政府更好一点.
      • 我觉得NDP也不错
        • NDP? 如果NDP上台,大家都可以不用工作了
          • 前提是你是工会成员
            • 我的意思是说,NDP当政会令失业率暴升,税狂涨而社会救济增加。有的人会因找不着工作而不工作,有的人会觉得领救济比工作更划算
        • NDP都是人不错的糊涂虫
    • 打回重写,随便找个,如杨教授,就比他早,我 痒痒大国华人诺贝尔奖,多了去了。
      • 应该说是中国籍人。
    • Too simple, sometimes naive ...
      I am not saying that he critisized human right in china is incorrect, What Harper and his Peter Mackay did wrong is that they are immature and lack diplomatic experince:

      1. When Harper attacked Chinese government supported thousands of spies in Canada, he could not show even a single proved case.
      2. When they gave Dalai a honour citizenship they should foresee they would have troubles with China later
      3. When he critisized china for the detained canadian citizen Huseyin Celil, he forgot canadian security department helped US to deport the innocent canadian to Syria who got tortured there

      After all, it is Canada who should refuse to meet China in APEC, instead of crying for china's snub. If he wouldn't sell canadian's principle for money, he should mean it and stop talking to china before she improve her human right. What we see here these days is an inexperienced government and leader -- he ask for this humiliation!
    • 最讨厌没事对别的国家指手画脚的领导人了
    • Harper is nothing but a jerk.
    • 言出必行?WTF about income trust taxing? It will go hell at the next election.
    • 个人比较看好Harper,希望他成为加国的Clinton式的领导人。但

      • Can BUSH become Clinton? Can BUSH's puppet-Harper become Clinton? Think, then think again. Your logic is very much a day dream. What Harper is getting to is another stupid BUSH.
        • 仅是个人的朴素直觉(Harper面较善和其对加华人的若干善举),没有逻辑。 太过左右逢源的领导人多半成不了气候。
          希望,这次I bet it again.
          • Except being BUSH'S puppet and making Canada look bad internationally, let's go and see how much Harper can achieve. I wish you win but it will never happen. A jerk can't become a leader let alone a good one.
            Harper's staged, fake face makes him look more like a killer rather than a 面较善 leader. His approach in the world affaires has been creating tentions, damaging Canada's image, inviting hatrate and indirectly promoting/increasing terror threat in Canada. Team up with BUSH would never be a good solution.
    • Harper 没有权力干涉中国内政,他只不过是政客在作秀.怎样发展经济,提高国力才是国家leader努力的方向.
    • ZT - 多伦多星报周二凌晨发表社论


    • "华人"诺贝尔奖得主达赖喇嘛..............LZ实在是强;
      PF, PF