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[转帖]Why it's time for a change

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto should be safe, clean and affordable. Isn't it time we took some action?

Citizens want a more transparent and honest government. They want better leadership. They want to know how their tax dollars are spent. They want to know why contracts are being handed out by David Miller without open tenders. Why their hard earned tax dollars are being spent on expensive stop-gap solutions like a $500 million temporary landfill in London. Why the Gardiner Expressway report was not released for two years.

We are facing some very real problems. Much of this is due to a profound lack of leadership. I want to change that. And I need your help to do it. We will reduce crime. We will put Toronto's economy back on the right track. We will control spending and make bold reforms for our kids. Toronto will be stronger as a result of these changes. I believe there has been too much talk and too little progress. Crime and violence are out of control, taxes are increasing as services decline, people feel out of touch with local government.

During his term, Miller has:

Pushed through a sole-source deal to buy subway cars for the TTC. Taxpayers will never know whether they’re getting the best value for their money.
Secretly negotiated the purchase of a landfill site near London. He then denied, and later had to admit, the existence of a report that offered Toronto the use of the site without having to buy it. Residents still don’t know the details of Miller’s deal.
Tried to keep a report on the Gardiner hidden, since his real agenda is to tear down the expressway, and voted against allowing a public referendum on the Gardiner.
Given himself and Council a nine per cent pay hike by casting the deciding vote.
Seen the departure of several senior managers and directors whose recommendations he didn’t like.
Reorganized staff which resulted in severance payments of $15 million over two years.
Surrounded himself with his cronies, rewarded his NDP friends, endorsed candidates in the last federal election and provincial by-election, and politicized City Hall.
Received money from the province for public transit, and then raised TTC fares anyway.
Arranged new taxing authority, which he plans to impose on residents if re-elected.

www.Janepitfieldformayor.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 問鼎市長的曾碧斐(Jane Pitfield)的行为值得鼓励。 她說﹕「我們為甚麼不能夠盡量開源增收入和設法節省開支而避免加重納稅人負擔。」 她投票反對市议员自己加薪9%, 但苗大偉投票贊成市长、议员 加薪9%
    • 同意!我们公司多人都要选她。起码她说的是为老百姓着想,而不是自己给自己加工资,这和贪官一样了,甚至更恶劣。
      • 他們是合法的贪
    • 我们长,他们也应该长。不能歧视他们。
      • 你什么时候涨了9%??
        • 市长的工资才不到15万吧?还不够一公司的VP高,还米bonus。偶不绝得给他们长工资有啥不对。偶觉得市长工资应该在20万左右,议员在13万左右比较合理。
          • 凭什么要这么高呢?
            • You think a mayor whose responsibility is overseeing the well-beings of sveral million people, head of thousands of social servants, and a budget in the billions
              should be compensated with less than a VP's pay in private sector?

              ~200K is comparable to the mayor of other big cities in the western world.
          • 别傻了.....
            • 别傻了.....
        • 我们长10%多一点,分几步走酱紫。
    • 我会选除miller 之外任何一个民意测验最高的----- 但估计没戏。 Miller 这斯讨好了太多工会分子,这批人在市选中还是很有票源的
      • [转帖]Why it's time for a change
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto should be safe, clean and affordable. Isn't it time we took some action?

        Citizens want a more transparent and honest government. They want better leadership. They want to know how their tax dollars are spent. They want to know why contracts are being handed out by David Miller without open tenders. Why their hard earned tax dollars are being spent on expensive stop-gap solutions like a $500 million temporary landfill in London. Why the Gardiner Expressway report was not released for two years.

        We are facing some very real problems. Much of this is due to a profound lack of leadership. I want to change that. And I need your help to do it. We will reduce crime. We will put Toronto's economy back on the right track. We will control spending and make bold reforms for our kids. Toronto will be stronger as a result of these changes. I believe there has been too much talk and too little progress. Crime and violence are out of control, taxes are increasing as services decline, people feel out of touch with local government.

        During his term, Miller has:

        Pushed through a sole-source deal to buy subway cars for the TTC. Taxpayers will never know whether they’re getting the best value for their money.
        Secretly negotiated the purchase of a landfill site near London. He then denied, and later had to admit, the existence of a report that offered Toronto the use of the site without having to buy it. Residents still don’t know the details of Miller’s deal.
        Tried to keep a report on the Gardiner hidden, since his real agenda is to tear down the expressway, and voted against allowing a public referendum on the Gardiner.
        Given himself and Council a nine per cent pay hike by casting the deciding vote.
        Seen the departure of several senior managers and directors whose recommendations he didn’t like.
        Reorganized staff which resulted in severance payments of $15 million over two years.
        Surrounded himself with his cronies, rewarded his NDP friends, endorsed candidates in the last federal election and provincial by-election, and politicized City Hall.
        Received money from the province for public transit, and then raised TTC fares anyway.
        Arranged new taxing authority, which he plans to impose on residents if re-elected.

        www.Janepitfieldformayor.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我会支持Jane ,因为现任市长在处理新移民的问题上一直是吸血鬼的态度,现任市长在对待TTC的态度上一直是鼓励横行霸道。不换掉现任市长,我们移民就没有抬头的机会
      • 现任市长苗大,在他任上spent 15 Million Dollars in severance payments to move out senior staff
        说垃圾焚化是个禁区,因为现任市长苗大伟对此十分反感,无法接受。 他认为,垃圾焚化将带来严重的环境污染。在他任上,由于他的坚持,市府无法讨论该问题。负责垃圾的总经理据称也是因为认定可以考虑这方面的选择,而被苗大伟解雇,市府为此支付了一笔不菲的离职费。
        • As a concequence, all deficit needs to be paid by house owners. ha ha ha.
          • 在他任上 Increase city debt by 700 Million dollars. +Increased spending by 1.3 Billion dollars
      • "不换掉现任市长,我们移民就没有抬头的机会" --- 做梦
        • 连梦都不敢做,那就只有让现任市长任意榨取你的血汗了?现任市长的罪行是:第一,肆意提高房屋评估价格,以合法手段提高房地产税;第二,过分维护工会利益,使新移民就业机会和就业质量大大地减少,

    • 那她打算怎么做呢。 喊空口号我也会。
      • 她在任市议员时,投票反對市长,市议员自己加薪9%。 起码她做的是为老百姓着想
        • Chinese are never smart enoguh for voting for their own interests, especially economic interests.
          • 大陆应试教育出来的理工科学生自私,胆小,鼠目寸光, 怎么玩政治经济??
            • I asked one Korean guy, how many population they have, he said about 15 mil.
              Actually 60 mil around. I felt so sad.
        • Is that it???? That only means she has wishful thinking
    • 咱不加薪,咱搞腐败,看你咋办
      • 在他任上, Pushed through a sole-source deal to buy subway cars for the TTC. Taxpayers will never know whether they’re getting the best value for their money.
        • 哇,这种事都做得出来!新移民的血汗钱啊。
          • cancelled the island bridge at a cost of 37 million dollars ( when he told us it would cost 'only a toonie')