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另一个莫扎特 (3)

瑞士苏黎世歌剧院演出, 指挥: Nikolaus Harnoncourt.

La Clemenza Di Tito 是莫扎特在写<魔笛>的同时写的一部正歌剧. 虽然是正歌剧(opera seria), 但音乐却象是后来的意大利Bel Canto歌剧.

一个被推翻的罗马皇帝之女Vitellia对现任的皇帝Tito是爱狠交加. Tito不仅占着她本来可以继承的皇位, 而且对她的感情视若不见, 要娶另外一个女人做皇后. 嫉恨中的Vitellia让被她的女色所迷惑的Sesto去刺杀Tito. Sesto是Tito非常信任的好友, 但为了Vitellia他理智全无, 答应去刺杀Tito. 下面的咏叹调是他内心的独白. 爱尔兰女高音Ann Murray 演唱 (不是那个加拿大唱country的Anne Murray).

I go, but, my dearest,
make peace again with me.
I will be what you would most
have me be, do whatever you wish.

Look at me, and I will forget all
and fly to avenge you;
I will think only
of that glance at me.
Ah, ye gods, what power
you have given beauty!

在去刺杀Tito的路上, Sesto有些犹豫不决, 但其他一些要推翻Tito的人已经动手了, 皇宫起火, Sesto顾不了太多, 只好不顾一切地去完成刺杀的任务.

Oh heavens, what frenzy this is,
what a torment within my heart!
I quake, freeze, set out, draw back;
every breath, every shadow, alarms me.
I never thought it so hard to undertake villainy.
But I must fulfil my task. At least let me go
to my death with courage. Courage? And how
can a traitor show that? Unhappy Sesto!
You a traitor! How shameful a name! And yet
you hasten to earn it. And hwom are you betraying?
The greatest, the most just, the most merciful
prince on earth, to whom you owe everything
you possess, everything you are. Handsome reward
you make him, in truth! He raised you up
to make you his slayer. Let the ground
swallow me up before I become such. Ah
Vitellia, I have no heart to further your wrath
I would be die before striking him this blow.

[fire breaks out in the palace at this time]

It must be stopped...but how?
The Palace is already ablaze.
I hear a great din of arms and soldiers:
alas, repentance is too late.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 另一个莫扎特 (3)

    瑞士苏黎世歌剧院演出, 指挥: Nikolaus Harnoncourt.

    La Clemenza Di Tito 是莫扎特在写<魔笛>的同时写的一部正歌剧. 虽然是正歌剧(opera seria), 但音乐却象是后来的意大利Bel Canto歌剧.

    一个被推翻的罗马皇帝之女Vitellia对现任的皇帝Tito是爱狠交加. Tito不仅占着她本来可以继承的皇位, 而且对她的感情视若不见, 要娶另外一个女人做皇后. 嫉恨中的Vitellia让被她的女色所迷惑的Sesto去刺杀Tito. Sesto是Tito非常信任的好友, 但为了Vitellia他理智全无, 答应去刺杀Tito. 下面的咏叹调是他内心的独白. 爱尔兰女高音Ann Murray 演唱 (不是那个加拿大唱country的Anne Murray).

    I go, but, my dearest,
    make peace again with me.
    I will be what you would most
    have me be, do whatever you wish.

    Look at me, and I will forget all
    and fly to avenge you;
    I will think only
    of that glance at me.
    Ah, ye gods, what power
    you have given beauty!

    在去刺杀Tito的路上, Sesto有些犹豫不决, 但其他一些要推翻Tito的人已经动手了, 皇宫起火, Sesto顾不了太多, 只好不顾一切地去完成刺杀的任务.

    Oh heavens, what frenzy this is,
    what a torment within my heart!
    I quake, freeze, set out, draw back;
    every breath, every shadow, alarms me.
    I never thought it so hard to undertake villainy.
    But I must fulfil my task. At least let me go
    to my death with courage. Courage? And how
    can a traitor show that? Unhappy Sesto!
    You a traitor! How shameful a name! And yet
    you hasten to earn it. And hwom are you betraying?
    The greatest, the most just, the most merciful
    prince on earth, to whom you owe everything
    you possess, everything you are. Handsome reward
    you make him, in truth! He raised you up
    to make you his slayer. Let the ground
    swallow me up before I become such. Ah
    Vitellia, I have no heart to further your wrath
    I would be die before striking him this blow.

    [fire breaks out in the palace at this time]

    It must be stopped...but how?
    The Palace is already ablaze.
    I hear a great din of arms and soldiers:
    alas, repentance is too late.

    • SF
      • 现在server好象很慢, 曲子半天都不出来.......
        • 比较老的东东要删掉,因为it's being downloaded from all over the world.
    • Sesto的咏叹调狠好听. 特别喜欢一支管乐给女声拌奏的效果, 象这里的单黄管. 听过一个八罗克女高音咏叹调, Norrington用的是双簧管, Gardiner给换成了独奏小提琴, 好象是更多情了, 却是十分的不对味儿.
      • 上次我听Kassarova唱的Sesto也很好, 另外Kozena也不错. 记不清Gardiner的版本是谁唱的了.
    • 看样子是要把selzberg的音乐会回放一遍了.
    • 圈阅
      • 谁家的领导?
        • 冒号!
    • 刚听完Clemenza,enjoyed very much! 第一幕最后真过隐哪, 也就这个地方有点belcanto的意思。其他地方呢,一听还是莫扎特,很多地方那个熟悉的感觉,旋律听到上面就知道下面。
      belcanto歌剧的乐队部分没有莫扎特的那么突出,宣叙调的歌唱性更强,整个音乐显得更连贯。莫扎特的泳叹调虽然好听,但还没有belcanto的那么销魂,节奏也是,莫扎特的比较固定,belcanto却更加自由灵活,而且它的double aria结构莫扎特没有。
      • “旋律听到上面就知道下面”,还是你厉害,俺是听了后面忘了前面。。。
        • 莫扎特的你肯定能, 他有些东东都是有套路的.
    • 没啥感觉。还是前两天电视里看到听到的‘陕西华阴老腔’过瘾。
      • 老腔:古朴浑厚 传唱千年的原生态艺术
      • “他大舅他二舅都是他舅,高桌子低板凳都是木头。太阳圆月亮弯都在天上,男人笑女人哭都在炕上……”
        • libretto好!
      • 要有context,感觉就不一样了,所以要听整出戏。
        • 多谢大侠指点
          • 不谢, 还真不习惯这个称呼. 我猜你也不是听老腔长大的吧? 如果你都能从那直嗓子扯里悟出那么多东东, 那歌剧还不是小儿科? 能欣赏蒙娜丽萨不希奇, 能欣赏达达才叫高.
      • 哈哈哈哈。。。。。。找老腔下载没找到,找出这么篇感悟文章。听巴赫贝多芬或者西贝柳丝的看过来。
      • 你让一个老外去听秦腔, 肯定也是没感觉. Opera is an acquired taste, just like wine