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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 加拿大人的左倾高烧退得差不多了, 64%的加拿大人在调查中支持以色列.
    • 4 UN peace-keepers killed when Israel bombs U.N. post
    • Just a reminder, your source National Post is controlled by The J.
    • The ongoing [Israeli] military operation has caused enormous damage to residential areas and key civilian infrastructure such as power plants, seaports and fuel depots. UN says
    • This is what Harper wanted and what he called justified defence caused: Canadian reported among 4 UN observers killed when Israeli bomb hits post
    • If u ignore other's unfortunate like those kidnapped soldiers, nobody would help u either when u r in trouble. I think every Israelian knows this so they are willing to fight.
      What Canadian thought about this does not matter much at all! As long as Israelian want to clear that region, I don't think Haper can do much.

      Also, I don't quit understand why Israelian does not have any leader like General Sherman in US Civil War. When he marched to the sea, he left nothing but ruin in Georgia. His famous words: I am going to destroy everything, make the war so evil that nobody would ever want to start it again.
      • Everything has it's start. Dig out why the soliders are being held. As for your quote, that's nothing the J can compare with.
      • UN says Israel warned many times before fatal attack
      • 偶想,谢尔曼的残酷恐吓理论,恐怕才是中东永久和平的唯一可能性。看看那些巴勒斯坦人,就知道仇恨是改不了的。看看当年谢尔曼怎么作的巴:
        • 当年的向大海进军。
        • You will have this bitter hatred if you any of your family member or friend is brutally killed. Just my one cent.
          • sure. If you thought the southerners would ever love Sherman, then you would be complete wrong. But his strategy works! But those survivors knows the consequences of war, that ironically stopped potential repellent.
        • Very good point. In fact, many more lives were saved by necessary evil such as the Sherman’s March and Atomic bombs in Japan.
      • Even though Sherman’s March clearly broke the will of Confederation to fight and consequently brought a quick end to the bloody war, it could not happen in today’s world.
        Should General Sherman march his troops today, the lefties would literally call for his head. This age is an age of mediocre.
        • I know. that is why I doubt we would ever see the "peace" over there. Every death only promote more hatress. No end of it. If ask for my opinion? let them be.
          • I do not think we will have “real peace” in Middle East in foreseeable future neither. Actually this war is better the “phony peace” before.
    • See what your Harper says: he doesn't believe UN post deliberately targeted by Israelis
    • Wife of Canadian UN observer blamed Israel for the attack, which involved precision guided missiles, saying she believed it was intentional
    • 我也支持以色列,这一次。因为这一次不是以色列挑起来的。
      • More than 40 people, including 20 children, have been killed in an Israeli air strike on the southern Lebanese town of Qana
    • CNN投票,可是55%以上的人认为以色列这次的战争不是正义的