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多伦多, 不再哭泣

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我的这首诗英文版在加拿大获奖 The Ted Plantos Memorial Award for 2005

并在加拿大国家电台CBC Radio播放,现译成中文)

多伦多, 不再哭泣
( 纪念 Cecilia Zhang)

我梦见你深红色 ,
日出如华彩绚丽 ,
枫叶如火燃烧无尽 .

穿越银色的丝线 ,你在航行 ,
透明的羽翼滑行在新月上 ,
而细雨霏霏闪着光亮 .

下边的城市被黄色的丝带围了起来 ,
里面的街道在回忆中冷寂无声 ,
细长的建筑群蜷缩着沉默 ,
而人群四处搜寻着证据 .

你微笑的海报 ,
被心碎的人们携带 ,
遍历了整座城市 ,
他们驱动四轮去追寻你 ,
翻开每个阴暗的角落 .

来临的春天很冷 ,
凄冷如披露的新闻 .
烛光和慰问卡满载我们的思念 ,
衷心希望你在天堂永远安息 .

你玉驾的彩虹滑进我的梦里 ,
柔和的光注入我的诗里 ,
闪烁在你眼里的星星 ,
在和谐的歌声中一同升起 .

.疾风吹开我的眼泪 ,
气流蕴湿我的音调 ;
天使在你的近旁 ,
带领你走向永恒的天堂 .

微风轻声低徊 ,
沙滩抚慰海涛 ,
你躺下的地方将开满鲜花 ,
伤害你的人将受到惩罚 .

愿风带来你的芬芳 ,
愿鸟歌唱你的曲调 ,
愿爱人们编织你的梦 ,
愿无家的人找到你的灯笼 .

我用诗句喷绘我的梦境 ,
细磨忧伤出离我的心灵 ,
我的声音在海啸中回荡 ,
" 多伦多, 不再哭泣 !"

( 注: Cecilia Zhang 是九岁的中国女孩, 在2004 年被人从多伦多的家中绑架 , 而后被杀害.


Toronto, No More Weeping

(in memory of Cecilia Zhang)

I dream of you in crimson,
morning sun blazing in its glory,
maple leaves flaming on the skyline;

Through silvery threads you are sailing,
sheer wings gliding upon the crescent,
with drizzle drifting in its glowing.

The city below railed off by yellow ribbons,
streets inside muted in cold reminiscence.
The slim buildings huddle in silence,
as crowds hunt for evidence.
They spin their wheels to chase you,
plough shadows of each angle.
Your smiling posters traverse the entire city
carried by the heartbroken.

The coming spring is very cold,
even as chilly as the breaking news.
Candles and cards confide our yearning
wish for you to reside in peace in heaven.

You ride on a rainbow to my dream;
pour soft light upon my poem.
Starlets gleaming in your eyes,
rise up in primal unison.

Whirlwinds brush away my tear,
streams moisten my tone.
The angel, a presence very near,
walks you into the eternal heaven.

Breezes wave their rustle.
Beaches cradle their ocean.
Where you lay shall burst into rich blossoms.
Whom you suffered by, shall pay for the crime.

May winds bring in your fragrance.
May birds sing in your tune.
May loved ones weave your dreams.
May the homeless find your lantern.

I paint my dream with each line,
and hone the blues off my mind.
My voices echo with tsunami howling,
"Toronto, no more weeping!"

http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=1049更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 多伦多, 不再哭泣
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我的这首诗英文版在加拿大获奖 The Ted Plantos Memorial Award for 2005

    并在加拿大国家电台CBC Radio播放,现译成中文)

    多伦多, 不再哭泣
    ( 纪念 Cecilia Zhang)

    我梦见你深红色 ,
    日出如华彩绚丽 ,
    枫叶如火燃烧无尽 .

    穿越银色的丝线 ,你在航行 ,
    透明的羽翼滑行在新月上 ,
    而细雨霏霏闪着光亮 .

    下边的城市被黄色的丝带围了起来 ,
    里面的街道在回忆中冷寂无声 ,
    细长的建筑群蜷缩着沉默 ,
    而人群四处搜寻着证据 .

    你微笑的海报 ,
    被心碎的人们携带 ,
    遍历了整座城市 ,
    他们驱动四轮去追寻你 ,
    翻开每个阴暗的角落 .

    来临的春天很冷 ,
    凄冷如披露的新闻 .
    烛光和慰问卡满载我们的思念 ,
    衷心希望你在天堂永远安息 .

    你玉驾的彩虹滑进我的梦里 ,
    柔和的光注入我的诗里 ,
    闪烁在你眼里的星星 ,
    在和谐的歌声中一同升起 .

    .疾风吹开我的眼泪 ,
    气流蕴湿我的音调 ;
    天使在你的近旁 ,
    带领你走向永恒的天堂 .

    微风轻声低徊 ,
    沙滩抚慰海涛 ,
    你躺下的地方将开满鲜花 ,
    伤害你的人将受到惩罚 .

    愿风带来你的芬芳 ,
    愿鸟歌唱你的曲调 ,
    愿爱人们编织你的梦 ,
    愿无家的人找到你的灯笼 .

    我用诗句喷绘我的梦境 ,
    细磨忧伤出离我的心灵 ,
    我的声音在海啸中回荡 ,
    " 多伦多, 不再哭泣 !"

    ( 注: Cecilia Zhang 是九岁的中国女孩, 在2004 年被人从多伦多的家中绑架 , 而后被杀害.


    Toronto, No More Weeping

    (in memory of Cecilia Zhang)

    I dream of you in crimson,
    morning sun blazing in its glory,
    maple leaves flaming on the skyline;

    Through silvery threads you are sailing,
    sheer wings gliding upon the crescent,
    with drizzle drifting in its glowing.

    The city below railed off by yellow ribbons,
    streets inside muted in cold reminiscence.
    The slim buildings huddle in silence,
    as crowds hunt for evidence.
    They spin their wheels to chase you,
    plough shadows of each angle.
    Your smiling posters traverse the entire city
    carried by the heartbroken.

    The coming spring is very cold,
    even as chilly as the breaking news.
    Candles and cards confide our yearning
    wish for you to reside in peace in heaven.

    You ride on a rainbow to my dream;
    pour soft light upon my poem.
    Starlets gleaming in your eyes,
    rise up in primal unison.

    Whirlwinds brush away my tear,
    streams moisten my tone.
    The angel, a presence very near,
    walks you into the eternal heaven.

    Breezes wave their rustle.
    Beaches cradle their ocean.
    Where you lay shall burst into rich blossoms.
    Whom you suffered by, shall pay for the crime.

    May winds bring in your fragrance.
    May birds sing in your tune.
    May loved ones weave your dreams.
    May the homeless find your lantern.

    I paint my dream with each line,
    and hone the blues off my mind.
    My voices echo with tsunami howling,
    "Toronto, no more weeping!"

    http://www.coviews.com/viewtopic.php?t=1049更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 华夏之韵诗歌朗诵会
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛华夏之韵诗歌朗诵会

      为了繁荣华人社区文化生活, 促进加拿大华语诗歌创作和交流,TORONTO社区文化中心, 酷我-北美枫文学网站, 北美华人文学社, TORONTO教育研究会将在多伦多联合主办<华夏之韵诗歌朗诵会>

      时间: 2006年8月19日6.00PM-10.00PM
      地点: METRO HALL 3rd Floor Room 313 ( 55 JOHN STREET,TORONTO, ON),Toronto

      1. 华语诗歌朗诵比赛
      2. 文艺节目(乐器, 舞蹈等)

      1. 参赛人请将下列信息于七月30日前发至联系E-MAIL
      (1).姓名, 联系电话和E-MAIL 地址
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      联系E-MAIL: hxzs2006@coviews.com 请在主题中注明2006华夏之韵诗歌朗诵会
      联系电话: (416)971-7883 联系人: 钟先生
      费用: 全免更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 写得真好!谢谢。。。
      • thanks.