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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

No worry. I lost more than your wife does in the first three month of pregenency, and still got a normal-weighted, healthy kid at birth.

No worry. I lost more than your wife does in the first three month of pregenency, and still got a normal-weighted, healthy kid at birth.
Baby does not really need a lot of nutritions in the first 3 months since it is still very tiny. If you two can stay calm as much as possible, that probably will help a lot in baby's development (even his emotion and personality development). I bet you don't want your baby feel your fear/frustration at this stage.
You may want to talk to the doctor finding out why your wife vomitting so much. Is it because of morning sickness of the pregency, or because of the other medical implications? The doctor should be able to give you some medication if needed.
As far as medication, you should not worry too much about the potential side impacts (I was on medication for over half years) but you can always ask as many questions as possible to buy a peaceful mind.
Good Luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 求助:LP怀孕14周,两周前不幸阑尾炎紧急手术,又因习惯性流产上周作了宫颈口结扎.怀孕前90斤多点现在带上肚里的孩子竟只有83斤,怎么办!现在只能吃半流食,吃干的多了就吐牛奶也吐,怎么才能恢复体重啊?母亲孩子都在受苦,心疼,不知怎么办?
    • 问医生。我一个朋友靠打点滴。而且好像头3个月有些人体重是降低。
      • 她现在天天只能在床上躺着。你是说在家打点滴吗?靠打点滴无法恢复体重啊。我想知道有什么办法能让她尽快的恢复过来,吸收更多的营养。现在天天只能喝稀粥,长久下去不是办法啊。
        • 1 试试苏打饼干。2 菜里面不要鸡精味精。3 稀饭,你可以多煮点花样,菜粥,海鲜粥,皮蛋瘦肉粥。4 没办法,吐了之后,再接再厉继续吃。
        • Try some chicken soup, fish soup. Pray for you
    • 我的妇科大夫说吃面食多,大人和肚子里的孩子都容易长胖。等她能稍稍吃点干的以 后,多吃面食试试,面条,馒头,面包。
    • 一次吃少点,我儿子上次吃什么吐什么,医生让每次喝10毫升,等5-10分钟再喝,就不吐了。
    • 谢谢楼上诸位。
    • No worry. I lost more than your wife does in the first three month of pregenency, and still got a normal-weighted, healthy kid at birth.
      No worry. I lost more than your wife does in the first three month of pregenency, and still got a normal-weighted, healthy kid at birth.
      Baby does not really need a lot of nutritions in the first 3 months since it is still very tiny. If you two can stay calm as much as possible, that probably will help a lot in baby's development (even his emotion and personality development). I bet you don't want your baby feel your fear/frustration at this stage.
      You may want to talk to the doctor finding out why your wife vomitting so much. Is it because of morning sickness of the pregency, or because of the other medical implications? The doctor should be able to give you some medication if needed.
      As far as medication, you should not worry too much about the potential side impacts (I was on medication for over half years) but you can always ask as many questions as possible to buy a peaceful mind.
      Good Luck