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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 对一个近11个月大的宝宝, 有几件事请教.
    1. 我孩子非常"粘人", 几秒没看见妈妈就哭, 一整天都要抱. 完全没有自己玩不吵人的时候. 玩也一定要人陪着玩, 别人家孩子也这样吗?
    2. 到现在还无法睡整觉, 夜里要起来吃一次, 另外再闹一次半小时左右. 别人家孩子也这样吗?
    3. 11个月大孩子有什么明显智力发育特征, 说出来分享一下好吗?

    • 1。正常,2。正常,3。我每个月都去这看看:
    • 呵呵

      1, 10个月大。
      2, 自己能玩2小时, 只要有玩具给他。没玩够之前不让抱。
      3, 谁抱都可以, 爸妈在的话,希望爸妈抱,不在的话,谁都行。
      4, 晚上如醒来则闭眼吃一顿再睡。

      爬的快,喜欢爬,不喜欢走, 叫爸爸妈妈, 叫他名字能回头。 吃的多, 便便固定一天一次, 时间是上午。

      每个孩子都不一样, 没什么好比较的, 孩子健康就成,要求不要太高啦。
      • 嘿嘿
        咱俩换换孩子养吧, 我这多养了一个月, 不多收你钱, 怎么样?
        • 行呀, 不过我们还没有带11个月孩子的经验
    • My daughter is over 11month, wakes up at least twice in the night. These days crys every 1 hour. I'm dying!
      • Did you feed her every time when she was awake?
        • Feed her. Sometimes I have to walk around and shake her after feeding.
      • Same here. The total hours my son sleeps per day is only around 10-11hours. Plus he always wakes up and crys every 3 hours, I am dying too. But at least I know I am not the only miserable mother.
        • same here. My son is 7and half months old . He used to sleep well
          and wake up only once at night. But now he wakes up every two hours after 1:00am. After we pick him up , he falls in sleep quickly or he just wanna see us. Sooooo tired.
    • 1.正常2.正常3.我老大11个月可以讲话,走路,老二11个月啥也不会.总结,每个孩子都是不同的,但他们都会长大,放心吧.