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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


i like Michael Crawford | Sarah Brightman | Andrea Bocelli |
not your celion, she gives me a feeling of 狐媚 and snnoblish, dont' like.
but 百花齐放,求同存异啦。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 大家老讨论西洋音乐,我来给大家换换口味,推荐一下我们伊斯兰音乐。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sami-Yusuf: Mother



    Blessed is your face
    Blessed is your name
    My beloved
    Blessed is your smile
    Which makes my soul want to fly
    My beloved
    All the nights
    And all the times
    That you cared for me
    But I never realised it
    And now it’s too late
    Forgive me

    Now I’m alone filled with so much shame
    For all the years I caused you pain
    If only I could sleep in your arms again
    Mother I’m lost without you

    You were the sun that brightened my day
    Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
    If only I knew what I know today
    Mother I’m lost without you

    Ummahu, ummahu, ya ummi
    wa shawqahu ila luqyaki ya ummi
    Ummuka, ummuka, ummuka ummuka
    Qawlu rasulika
    Fi qalbi, fi hulumi
    Anti ma’i ya ummi
    Mother... Mother... O my mother
    How I long to see O mother
    “Your mother, Your mother, Your mother”
    Is the saying of your Prophet
    In my heart, in my dreams
    You are always with me mother

    Ruhti wa taraktini
    Ya nura ‘aynayya
    Ya unsa layli
    Ruhti wa taraktini
    Man siwaki yahdhununi
    Man siwaki yasturuni
    Man siwaki yahrusuni
    ‘Afwaki ummi
    You went and left me
    O light of my eyes
    O comfort of my nights
    You went and left me
    Who, other than you, will embrace me?
    Who, other than you, will cover me?
    Who, other than you, will guard over me?
    Your pardon mother, forgive me更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The link doesn't work properly.
      • i am listening.....
        • En? I'll give it another try at home then.
      • http://www.samiyusuf.com/video/index.htm
    • don't like it very much, please post another one
      • 捍卫真理需要勇气,说出真话需要勇气, 得罪MM也需要勇气~你是最有勇气的
        • 天高MM远,这就是勇气的缘由。。。
      • doesn't matter, people have different tastes, just sharing..
        Native Deen.

        click sample tracks for review.
      • a flash file, it's about Islam, but just listen the music please.
      • Canada promotes diversity, so does this forum!!!
        • 乐韵书香文化大革命正式启动!!!
          • So 我来给大家换换口味 sounds like "my one big post" from beginning。。。
            • :(... shame for myself....i dont' mean to challenge the mainstream...it's better to keep my low-profile.. hehe.
              • Be patient, brick always follows post, that’s the way supposed to be here.。。。
      • I rank Sami Yusuf as good as Josh Groban. Their voices and lyrics touch my heart in a very similiar way.
        • who is Josh Grosban?
          • a gifted young american "pop tenor". he had his debut in 19. i guess the same year of Li Yundi???
            • what is "pop tenor"?
              • I created that word which means: classically trained/influenced tenor //free style song writer/vocalist//succeeded in pop music market.
                Related styles: Adult Contemporary | Classical Pop | Vocal | Vocal-Pop

                Similar Artists: Celine Dion | Michael Crawford | Sarah Brightman | Andrea Bocelli | Russell Watson | Sissel | Joshua Payne | Charlotte Church | Brian Lane Green | Hayley Westenra
                • 嗯, 这些人里面好象我只喜欢Celine Dion, 其他的基本不喜欢. 不过Charlotte Church唱的威尔士民歌还不错.
                  • 那就爱屋及乌吧。夏洛特教堂和乔诗合唱-我祈祷。
                    i like Michael Crawford | Sarah Brightman | Andrea Bocelli |
                    not your celion, she gives me a feeling of 狐媚 and snnoblish, dont' like.
                    but 百花齐放,求同存异啦。
                  • why you don't like Bocelli? He is the most romantic love song singer. breaks my heart..............
                    • 因为他是歌剧迷.古典迷和老音乐迷
                      • that doesn't answer my question. a Canadian musician can be a Chinese food lover too.
                        • as an oper singer, Bocelli is not that good, and as a pop signer, he is not pop enough.
                          • Bocelli是师奶杀手, 他闭着眼睛往那儿一站, 师奶们就又痛又爱了,更别说再张嘴唱浪漫情歌了.
                          • 看出来乐。您是非得坐御膳房吃满汉全席,决不上斯达巴克丝的那种--不正宗,没文化...一根筋的老古董, 跟我爸一个德行。和和。
                            • 是, 是, :)
                              • My dad is a doctor, in a certain way listening into Utero too..:)
                            • i lived on Starbucks coffee when I was in Beijing, but never tasted 满汉全席 :)
                              • 俺们在乎的奏是一个“感觉”“共鸣”。不合俺的口味,管他什么天王俺也顶多“敬仰”“尊重”一哈罢了。
                                俺回中国天天吃羊肉串,杭州包子和鸡蛋汤,3。5元, and watching people...
                          • 哈哈,历史又重演了。
                            • Pavarotti第一次听录音说Boccili:这家伙是谁, 唱的这么好~~~但是~~我还是有话要说~~ -njzy("王朔"); ---老帕很谦逊嘛。听到Freddie Mercury 也这么说。有水分嫌疑。
          • one of 朔爷's idols.
            • where is Shuo Ye? Give him a hug.
            • really?!
              • turn your radio stations from FM96.3 to FM98.1 or FM96.7 sometimes.....
                • OK. but i usually listen to CBC radio two...
    • 有没有印度音乐?
      • on my hard drive!!
      • Bollywood Music
    • 纯正的伊斯兰音乐是非常具有魅力的^_^ 。
      歌曲唯一美中不足的就是歌手没有用自己的语言去演绎歌曲。自古以来,两河流域就有着悠久的历史文化。虽然他们的6声音阶不及西洋大调的7声音阶完整,但比起中国的5声音阶,他们已经具有了一些先进性。其中半音与不和谐音程以及三连音在此民族的音乐中被发挥的淋漓尽致,形成了他们自己独特的风格,更富有歌唱性与舞蹈性。比较著名的有伊朗的Googoosh, Habib, 以色列的shlomi.Shabat 。喜欢了解异族音乐的人可以在网上搜一下,值得一听^_^.
      • 歌手没有用自己的语言去演绎歌曲? yes, there are a lot. but I didn't introduce here. the Arabic Islamic songs called "anasheed" search on internet you will find more information.
        • 我只是觉得,有自己语言去表达会更完美。因为发音与旋律应是最完美的和谐。用英文去诠释6声音阶的音乐,有些美中不足。谢谢楼主^_^.
          • a sample. daouni. enjoy
          • daouni is my favorite, cause i like the lyric. it's about don't bother me, let me talk to God alone. but my other firends don't really like it.
            • Love this one: knt_mytan, too much. Thanks ! 能帮我翻译一下歌词吗?楼主,谢谢!
              • when i see my friends.:) my level of arabic is not that high yet.
                just enjoy the sounds lah, like how i listen to Indian music. listen, feel the mood and enjoy!. I'm so happy you like it!! if i get more good stuff i will share with you.
      • if you are talking about this song and Sami Yusuf, he has songs with Arabic and other language as well.
        He is popular in Western Muslim World cause there are more non-arabic speaking muslims like me so we can sing with English more easily.
        And my idea is always that Music is simply a way to express your feelings and emotion. And any type of art, no matter popular or unpopular, no matter mainstream or exotic, the creativity and emotion artists put in there deserved an applause and great respect.
        • 楼主能介绍些他的歌曲听吗?非英文的,谢谢!
          • i coudn't find online mp3.
            Do you know Cat Stevens? He was a pop singer in 70's. he converted to muslim and now is devoting to Islamic music. But I'm not really "catch a cold" with him.
            • 我有一些伊朗和伊拉克的歌曲在硬盘上,很想与大家共享,但不知道怎么发在贴上。
              • wait for someone's uploading project ready...
      • A beautiful Nasheed about Death. Furshy al turab.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛there is Arabic lyric in the flash and below is the english translation i found:


        Dust is my bed, embraces me and it’s my cover now
        The sand surrounds me even behind my back
        And the grave tells a dankness of my affliction
        And the brightness draws a line.
        Where is my family’s love? They sold my loyalty!
        And where is my group of friends? They left my brotherhood!
        Where is the bliss of money? It’s behind my back now
        And my name where is it shine between praises
        This is my end and this is my bed

        And love farewells its longing and my elegizing cried
        And the tears went dry after crying
        And the universe became narrow and so is my space
        And the grave became my ground and sky
        This is my end and this is my bed

        Fear fills my estrangement and sadness is my illness
        I expect firmness and I swear it’s my cure
        And for Allah i pray faithfully, you are my hope
        Allah! I desire heaven, to find bliss in it

        And for Allah i pray faithfully, you are my hope
        Allah! I desire heaven, to find bliss in it

        Download the Video version:
        http://www.enshad.net/farshi_alturab/normal/Big/rm/Normal_big%2080kbps.rm更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 楼主是回回?
      • 不得而知
      • I'm muslim.