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"a Conservative government would extend a full apology for the Chinese head tax,"

What is the attitude of liberal?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / "a Conservative government would extend a full apology for the Chinese head tax,"
    • I don't believe in this kind of tripe.
      • 这就是你不开明了,自由党是已经被证明的片子,保守党是“骗子说他是骗子”.我不以为保守党一定是好人,但是我不会更相信一个被证明是骗子的人的话。所以我不会“相信自由党,不相信保守党".自由党的主要问题不是说得不好听,而是心口不一.