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(ZT) 自由党再传腐败丑闻:RCMP调查财政大臣Ralph Goodale

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛自由党再传腐败丑闻:RCMP调查财政大臣Ralph Goodale

11月23日,财政大臣Ralph Goodale宣布income trust免除企业税和红利税这一重大利好消息,但在公布之前的一小时,股票市场的Income trust发生不寻常的巨大交易,因此怀疑发生内部泄密和交易事件,RMCP正式介入刑事调查。

Canadian Press

Updated: Thu. Dec. 29 2005 9:57 PM ET

TORONTO — Who knew what and when, just before Finance Minister Ralph Goodale announced that income trusts would remain free of corporate tax and that dividend taxes would be cut?

It was common knowledge that a statement was imminent _ and nobody expected Goodale to do anything unpopular ahead of an election.

So an RCMP probe into possible insider leaks could turn out to be, as one Bay Street veteran sees it, "a wild goose chase.''

Goodale made his announcement on Nov. 23 after the close of a stock-market session marked by unusual trading of many income trusts and dividend-paying shares.

That morning's newspapers had reported his promise the previous day to give the trusts issue "the greatest degree of certainty that's possible'' before the defeat of the Liberal minority government in a non-confidence vote set for three business days later.

The minister's move cut short a consultation he had launched in September into the tax treatment of trusts, a process that had been intended to go on until the end of the year.

A story on an inside business page of the Globe and Mail of Nov. 23 called this "a sudden change of timing that experts believe could pave the way for a politically popular dividend tax cut.''

The Mounties, who on Wednesday disclosed a criminal investigation into complaints by opposition politicians of possible insider trading, "are blowing in the wind, quite frankly,'' Ross Healy, president of Strategic Analysis Corp., said Thursday.

"They admitted themselves that they don't have anything and I am baffled as to what they think they're going to get,'' Healy said.

"This just strikes me as being a wild goose chase... I don't think there's anything there to find.''

Tom Caldwell, chairman of Caldwell Securities Ltd., was similarly unconvinced the RCMP will get their man.

"My gut feel is that by the time the smoke clears and a lot of money's wasted, I don't think you're going to find any clear villains,'' said Caldwell.

He added that his own firm had increased its income-trust positions in the weeks before Goodale's announcement, on the assumption that the sector's uncertainty would be resolved in due course.

On Nov. 23, given that an announcement was being moved up to before the election campaign, "you knew it was going to be positive,'' Caldwell said.

"You can interpolate, and I'm sure a lot of traders did interpolate, from the fact that there was going to be an announcement.''

That said, Caldwell noted: "Whenever you're working on a big event and there's a time lag, there's always the possibility of leaks, conscious or unconscious,'' perhaps through casual chatter by low-level workers.

"Remember, this is emanating from Ottawa, so there are people there, maybe working on this, who might not have the wildest idea of the market impact of a misplaced statement -- this is just a hypothesis.''

Tory Leader Stephen Harper said Thursday that it's unlikely investors would have bet big money on mere speculation about the government's intentions.

"People don't usually invest that kind of money on the speculation of a government decision unless they have pretty good reason to believe it's going to occur,'' he said in Vancouver.

"And I can tell you, having been in contact myself with some market players in the days preceding that decision, that decision was not widely anticipated.''

The Ontario Securities Commission, meanwhile, refused to say what it is doing in the case, if anything.

"We routinely monitor trading and we review instances of unusual trading,'' said spokeswoman Wendy Day, but "the OSC practice is neither to confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.''更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / (ZT) 自由党再传腐败丑闻:RCMP调查财政大臣Ralph Goodale
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛自由党再传腐败丑闻:RCMP调查财政大臣Ralph Goodale

    11月23日,财政大臣Ralph Goodale宣布income trust免除企业税和红利税这一重大利好消息,但在公布之前的一小时,股票市场的Income trust发生不寻常的巨大交易,因此怀疑发生内部泄密和交易事件,RMCP正式介入刑事调查。

    Canadian Press

    Updated: Thu. Dec. 29 2005 9:57 PM ET

    TORONTO — Who knew what and when, just before Finance Minister Ralph Goodale announced that income trusts would remain free of corporate tax and that dividend taxes would be cut?

    It was common knowledge that a statement was imminent _ and nobody expected Goodale to do anything unpopular ahead of an election.

    So an RCMP probe into possible insider leaks could turn out to be, as one Bay Street veteran sees it, "a wild goose chase.''

    Goodale made his announcement on Nov. 23 after the close of a stock-market session marked by unusual trading of many income trusts and dividend-paying shares.

    That morning's newspapers had reported his promise the previous day to give the trusts issue "the greatest degree of certainty that's possible'' before the defeat of the Liberal minority government in a non-confidence vote set for three business days later.

    The minister's move cut short a consultation he had launched in September into the tax treatment of trusts, a process that had been intended to go on until the end of the year.

    A story on an inside business page of the Globe and Mail of Nov. 23 called this "a sudden change of timing that experts believe could pave the way for a politically popular dividend tax cut.''

    The Mounties, who on Wednesday disclosed a criminal investigation into complaints by opposition politicians of possible insider trading, "are blowing in the wind, quite frankly,'' Ross Healy, president of Strategic Analysis Corp., said Thursday.

    "They admitted themselves that they don't have anything and I am baffled as to what they think they're going to get,'' Healy said.

    "This just strikes me as being a wild goose chase... I don't think there's anything there to find.''

    Tom Caldwell, chairman of Caldwell Securities Ltd., was similarly unconvinced the RCMP will get their man.

    "My gut feel is that by the time the smoke clears and a lot of money's wasted, I don't think you're going to find any clear villains,'' said Caldwell.

    He added that his own firm had increased its income-trust positions in the weeks before Goodale's announcement, on the assumption that the sector's uncertainty would be resolved in due course.

    On Nov. 23, given that an announcement was being moved up to before the election campaign, "you knew it was going to be positive,'' Caldwell said.

    "You can interpolate, and I'm sure a lot of traders did interpolate, from the fact that there was going to be an announcement.''

    That said, Caldwell noted: "Whenever you're working on a big event and there's a time lag, there's always the possibility of leaks, conscious or unconscious,'' perhaps through casual chatter by low-level workers.

    "Remember, this is emanating from Ottawa, so there are people there, maybe working on this, who might not have the wildest idea of the market impact of a misplaced statement -- this is just a hypothesis.''

    Tory Leader Stephen Harper said Thursday that it's unlikely investors would have bet big money on mere speculation about the government's intentions.

    "People don't usually invest that kind of money on the speculation of a government decision unless they have pretty good reason to believe it's going to occur,'' he said in Vancouver.

    "And I can tell you, having been in contact myself with some market players in the days preceding that decision, that decision was not widely anticipated.''

    The Ontario Securities Commission, meanwhile, refused to say what it is doing in the case, if anything.

    "We routinely monitor trading and we review instances of unusual trading,'' said spokeswoman Wendy Day, but "the OSC practice is neither to confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.''更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 你怎么知道是丑闻?在事实没有调查清楚前不要乱下结论.我那天还买进的PD.UN,然后卖出赚了一笔。
      • 佩服佩服,好手段
        • 当时PD.UN的yield是差不多10%/year,PD的业务没有太大风险,why not?
    • RCMP既然已经调查了,就说明有问题,你赚的钱也有问题。赶紧退出脏钱吧。。
      • 什么乱七八糟的,我自己买股票关他们什么事。我是看见income trust跌得够厉害了,买点存着。
      • 有问题一定是Ralph Goodale有问题?你去了解一下这个政策那天是怎么出台的就知道会有多少人泄密了。我个人认为Goodale在Income Trust问题确实是不称职,但是如果说泄密不至于
        • 别人泄密还是他的责任啊。他是负责的。
        • 泄密是肯定的。他在发布这个消息之前一个月对trust是什么态度,后来什么态度,为什么180大转弯?我靠,没有和那些大财团有勾结才怪。
        • 我看了你的不少帖子,你现在是只要说自由党不好的话就反对,太党派主义了。现在要论的是这个事。
          • 不是我认为自由党好,而是认为自由党比保守党好一点.我对Martin没有任何好印象。就Income Trust这件事来说,事情经过大体这样
            Goodale想在选举前把这件事情了解,所以就弄了个proposal,好像大体是对income Trust征收一个百分数的税,找来各大投资机构和pension fund的老大来谈,结果他们强烈反对。这件事发生在11月22日。这天income trust早上在跌,我所观察的Aeroplan一度跌到11元上下,PD.UN跌到32.但是下午快收市的时候各大income trust开始放量上涨。

            11月23日早上Goodale就发布了维持income trust的税收条例现状,但是降低divident的税收的决定,显然是知道在选举以前继续在income trust上玩火是很没趣的,这条消息在开市前公布,income trust开市应声大幅上涨。

            • 你都认为能够泄密的人很多,所以他要负责任,渎职。
              • 如果是其他人泄露的,他怎么控制?说得容易。
            • 我也以为,马丁自由党说的比其他党都好听,如果是演讲比赛,我投他的票。问题是我们以为自由党要做A,投他的票,当了权,结果是Z。起码保守党和新民党你知道他们要干什么,自由党,好听,而多数种族主义言论其实来自他们。
              • 多数种族言论来自自由党?你需要读National Post.特别是2001年以前Conrad Black控制下的National Post. 现在的NP是一个Liberal控制,但是办报方向并没有变。
    • 是丑闻!!!
      • 有句话叫屁股决定脑袋,这就是个例子
    • 真是墙倒众人推呀。想当初加籍华人是非自由党不选的。如今,自由党刚刚给了华联人头税退款几百万,还是有这么多人对自由党说三道四。难道当官赚点钱就这么不可接受吗?
      • 騎警調查財長 自由黨吃悶棍 聯邦大選進程過半,對於執政自由黨來說,皇家騎警突然對財政部長古迪爾(Ralph Goodale)涉嫌泄露稅改機密一事介入調查,不啻是致命的一擊。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛星報通訊社渥太華電
        2005 年 12 月30
        聯邦大選進程過半,對於執政自由黨來說,皇家騎警突然對財政部長古迪爾(Ralph Goodale)涉嫌泄露稅改機密一事介入調查,不啻是致命的一擊。



        EKOS調查公司總裁格雷維斯(Frank Graves)表示﹕「這就像在馬田的褲子裡扔了一顆手榴彈。」他表示,這可能成為本屆大選的轉捩點,甚至決定大選的勝負。他表示,自由黨過去每當有操守問題披露時,民調支持率就會受挫。今春在前廣告公司老闆貝勞特(Jean Brault)供認出自由黨在贊助醜聞中營私舞弊的內情,以及11月戈梅里法官證實自由黨在贊助醜聞中確有一套回扣機制時,自由黨的支持率都出現明顯下跌。

        格雷維斯表示,這兩次民意受挫,都可算為時不長,但這次騎警調查是否會對選民形成長久的影響,還須拭目以待。但自由黨的軍師們應該警鐘長鳴了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 自由党太腐败了,该让别人上来腐败腐败了,否则分赃不均啊.就象美国经过Clinton8年的压迫后对经济的持续好转腻味了,所以就换换口味让Dubya上来解决巨额财政盈余的负担。
    • 那个政党领导下的老百姓日子好过,经济好,我们就选那个政党。我们小老百姓就看这个。谁会去选个虽然没有丑闻(可能也是没揭发出来吧),可老百姓越过越差的政党呢??
      • 加拿大经济最近的发展主要有3个原因:1)原油价格;2)北美自由贸易;3)GST。除了1是欧佩克的功劳,2和3都是保守党的杰作。中国的中学政治就教过,长期利好的政策通常有短期镇痛,导致下界政府拣果子。
        • 哦,谢谢,我不太懂经济的,不过,你能否prove你说的这些呢??比如经济好是因为:1)。。。2)。。。3)。。,并且这1)。。2)。。3)。。。的原因是你所说的??我也可以趁这个机会学习学习。。。还真没想到GST也是帮助我们老百姓过好日子的一个原因,我是一直痛恨它的。
          • GST抑制消费刺激投资,income tax 恰恰相反
            • 那么说Harper降低GST是不利于经济了?很有意思。

              1) 不出现财政赤字,保持经济发展;
              2) Gun control.
          • 长话短说,(你肯定不想读6百页的专著)1)油价... 2)自由贸易... 3)GST...
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1)原油价格是加拿大经济的主导因素之一。


            Martin天天自夸解决了财赤,其实他的年盈余最高不过20亿,而加拿大政府的GST年收入在30亿。你就知道为什么当年自由党靠着“取消GST”赢得了选举,却到如今反对保守党削减GST了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 谢了
            • 加拿大年盈余不超过20亿?你可真能胡说啊。去年是80亿吧?今年如果不减税能过百亿。