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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

try to read all of them

If possible, please read all the comments. After you read, I think you will change your mind.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / My cute son
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My cute son

    My son is Jackie, 3 yrs old. He was born in Toronto. Now he goes to Daycare. He is so cute; whoever sees him likes him. Especially when he talks, he is so funny.

    As a saying goes well, Child always tells the truth. I remember after my son was just 3 yrs full, my friend booked 3 tickets of wonderland (There are 4 people in my family-husband, daughter and son and me.) for me. I heard kids under 3 didn’t need tickets. But my son was just 3. So I told my son before going wonderland, "Jackie, if somebody asks you how old you are when we are at the entrance of wonderland, you're supposed to say 2." He remembered what I said. I wanted to try him and check if he remembered or not. On the way I told him to pretend being at the entrance, I asked him, "How old are you?" "2, but 3 at home." answered my son. "No, no, just say 2." "How old are you?" "2, but 3 at home" said him very seriously once again. Which made me couldn't help laughing...

    There are so many things like this. Another example, One day, I picked him and his sister, Jenny, who is almost 7 yrs old, from daycare. When we got on our car, I just put my son on the car seat, he said to me, "mommy, I am a big boy now, I have grown up, I don't need the car seat. Maybe one day when I grow down, then I am small, and I am a baby again, I need the car seat again." “How come you grow down?” said me. Both my husband and I laughed.

    Another day, he helped me to wash dishes (he always likes to be a great helper to help prepare baking a cake and swipe the floor and so on). Then I talked to him, "Jackie, I am so happy you've grown up, now you can help me, I really wish you could go to University very soon, then get a good job to make money for mommy." "Then I can be a driver, I can drive for mommy, Mommy grows down, mommy needs to sit on the car seat." said Jackie. " Jackie, people can only grow up, we can't grown down physically." Said me very seriously "oh, it is like that. Thanks, mommy, now I know" Said Jackie, "."

    Time flies like an arrow, a weekend of one week later, I remember it's Sunday night, Our family were watching AFV (America Funniest Video), when it was for advertisements, I teased Jackie, "Are you a boy or a man?" "Mommy, I am a man because I use man washroom.,” said him. I laughed, "yes, you are a man, meanwhile, you are a boy." "No mommy, I am a man now, because I am big enough and I use man washroom."...

    My family always is surrounded by my two kids' childish words. With kids we are so happy. Now they are growing day by day, Sometimes I really wish I could record what they said and tape what they did in order to show them when they really grow up. I know, sometimes I can grasp this kind of chance, sometimes I can’t. If I can, I bet they will think very interesting to watch back...

    Guys, don't you think my son funny and cute?
    本文网址: http://club.backchina.com/main/showthread.php?t=254502
    My cute son。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 孩子是好孩子,可惜有这样的妈妈,教孩子撒谎。
      • try to read all of them
        If possible, please read all the comments. After you read, I think you will change your mind.
      • If you can't read or you don'e know how to read, please let me know.
        • 我又读了一遍,你家4口人,朋友给你定了三张票,你听说三岁以下不要票,就叫你刚刚3岁的儿子说他才两岁,你想试试他是否记住,就问他几岁,他说两岁但在家三岁。 我说你教孩子撒谎,错了吗?我英文不好,请指正。
      • Nobody is perfect, so include mommy.
    • 看了第一个故事就看不下去了。
      • 女士跟大老爷们是不一样,砸砖都砸得温柔无比。
      • 偶也只看了一。
      • Aren't your English so poor?
        • 明白了。 你把我的中文当英文读, 当然很poor啦。
          • I don't think my Chinese worse than your English, for sure My English is unnecessarily worse than your chinese..
        • 本想含蓄一点, 你却非让我点破。
          Your son IS very cute, since he doesn't know how to lie.

          I couldn't finish reading not because my English *ARE* (I am using your word here, hehe!) poor, nor because your son is not cute, but because of the .......

        • Your English sucks. Very childish, as if it's written by a junior 2 in China.
          • 说实话,你的英文比她的sucks。
            • Sure, rudy should have said "your English suck!" instead of "Your English sucks" to be at the same level as 楼主。
    • 无话可说
      • I can't understand, What do you mean?
        • I mean I have nothing to say, or no comments.
          • So, just shut up.
            • so, just get out of here
              • Hi, that's my subject, If you are not happy, you should get out of here. first
                • if you put a subject on a forum, get ready for everything, if you can't, get out of here
    • 教孩子撒慌, 还好意思贴上来. 我说的够明白了吧. 别人比较含蓄不肯直说而已
      • Hi, your name doesn't match your behavior-because you blame people easily, what's more, you bring bad mood to everyone here.
        • you deserve the blame
        • Only to you, liar which was proudly showing off your bad English.
    • 这样的教育方式真的不行,千万不要教孩子占小便宜,父母是孩子的第一个老师呀!就算你三岁的儿子还受不到坏影响,你七岁的女儿这样耳酝目染就难说了。
      • 就是这意思, 我自己虽然一肚子坏心眼, 可是在儿子面前从来都是高大全形象的, 坏的东西孩子以后自己就会学了, 家长就不要再添砖加瓦了
        • 哈哈,皇上就是皇上,从来都是画龙点睛。
          • I don't know who is king and who is queen. For me everyone is the same- one mouth, one nose, two eyes and two ears and one head...
            • 拜托大姐,我那是开玩笑的话,与贴子无关。我只是很喜欢大雁的“普通人的大智慧”。
              • really? interesting; actually amusing
        • If I see my kids are doing bad behaviors, if possible, I will try to block it, even this thread, I told my son the truth, too.
          • please stop your bad behaviors first.
      • If you keep reading my other threads about my son and my daughter, I think my kids aren't even smarter than others, or at least the same smart.
        If you keep reading my other threads about my son and my daughter, I think my kids aren't even smarter than others, or at least the same smart. Because whoever sees my two kids, they always praise they are cute and smart. As a parent, I am very proud of them.
        • 你是会错意了。孩子是聪明孩子,好孩子。但妈妈为了省几块门票钱就教他撒谎,妈 妈作得不对。上梁不正,可以想象再好的孩子,要不他长大后,看妈妈不起,要不 也学会为点小便宜撒谎。大家都是好意。
          • 她说我不懂英文,我看她是不懂中文。 从头到尾也没有说孩子不好,她又跑这来说她的孩子好过其他人的孩子。什么样的好孩子也让她教坏了。
        • 我相信你的孩子一定是Smart和cute的。不过大家和你交流一下Parenting, 不用defensive吧?你既然要在网上贴教育孩子的贴子,就应该open-mind一些。都是做妈妈的人了,心态应该更平和宽容才是。
          • again sickened to see ppl like you make such statement. go back giving another look at your post(s) pls. if you still believe your comments shall by no means be perceived in a negative way, i have nothing else to say.
            • 你今天晚上sick坏了吧, 哈哈, 我好哈皮啊, 谢谢你让我觉得哈皮
        • 拜托啊!我可不想 keep reading your other threads, 英文本来就不是我的母语, 我还是读一些地道的文章吧!
        • Your kids are no smarter than anyone else since they got genes from you ...
    • 能每天坚持写好几篇英文文章, 还是要鼓励一下
      • Thank you so much! Actually I like to read Chinese, however, If you want me to choose typing, I prefer typing in English.
        • you have your preference..that's totally fine. But you are so damn defensive and rude. The thing pisses me off the most is you think your English is too good to be understood properly by certain people. BOOOO
          • Am i rude/
            That's your personal opinion. I don't know who is the first one should be blamed. but it is well known, " an eye to an eye and a tooth to a tooth." " Evil will be recompensed with evil."
            • you are absolutely rude. A mom who is proud of teaching her son to lie deserves all the bad words. last comment: shame on you!
            • Yes. You are.
            • I thought you'd have stopped. You ARE rude because you are trying to push your thought which is your son is cute on everybody. On top of that, you are badmouthing people who have different opinions. Heinous!
              • oh come on; who provokes that anyway? i see ppl lable her being defensive. pretty unfortunate. but wouldn't it be more unfortunate to see someone being smuddied or puched without any responding defence?
                • Mrs. cute son's Mom is abusing the self-defence. I never attacked her english or the way she raises her son whatsoever. I am bothered by how she takes criticism and how she fights back in an obnoxious way.
                  No sympathy for her at all.
                  • alright; maybe you are not; but take a look at other posts. what's the ground to dis her english anyway? also, i guess everyone has his or her little ego. try to put yrself in her shoes.
                    like what they said - ppl tend to "see mote in thy brother's eye". that's sthg i do not feel comfortable with
                    • I agree with you at some point. But if you scroll up and check her pessages you will see how she laughed at other people's English level. She started it first. How do you expect people to respect her????
                      • okay then; so it's not about her little story and the way she put it, is it? i have to concurr that some ppl realy do not know how to read. the whole story is about her "cute" son. i think she delivered that very well
                        the story itself is not about the lie itself anyway. why are ppl making a lot fuss about it anyway.
                        • No offence.I didn't find her son that cute probably because of my english.sigh.I got to learn some chinese English from this cute son's mom. I do think Patpat and the mom are more amusing than the story itself. Bravo!
                          • now it loops back again: did you attack her language or not?? don't swing back-n-forth. i guess i have more time to be amused.
                            • i was being straightforward.I didn't find thestory interesting.Play along with Mrs. Mom theory, I just said something she would've said anyway. My english is not good enough to understand the art behind the story.
                    • 能帮我翻译一下第一段吗? #2629245
                      • "你不懂读文章" - 我同意. 好比人家问"哎呀这花好漂亮是不是?" 你答"花盆不好看."
                        • 看清楚了,cfd可是先夸了花好看的。别人一提不该教孩子撒谎,她就跳起来说人家英语差啦,叫人家shut up啦,人家behavior不好啦,这还不rude呀?
                          • is this a new subject or what? 说你不懂阅读你还不服. 仔细看看我有评论过什么辱不辱德的东东吗?东拉西扯一会儿是人品问题, 一会儿是语言问题, 一会儿又是态度问题,拜托一个一个来好不好?吃馒头还一个一个地呢
                            • 7,她写的字摆在那儿,除了说她儿子cute,就不能说别的了?你不是说她being defensive吗?我可是觉得她不是。她这么个态度,你这么帮她说话,你们一家的?
                              • 不是"啦". 在某些方面站在她一边的"啦". 有些人的评论不是太虚伪就是太过分.
                                • 有些人的评论太过分,这也没错。她也挺过分的,所以也不值得同情了。
                              • 不是一家, 就是马甲, 或者人家就认识的,起劲的要死. 什么什么相投嘛, 不奇怪的. 人家还说我老用感叹号一点都不象哈皮girl, 这不吓得我不用感叹号了. 改用句号. 哎呀呀, 中文的句号在哪, 找不着哦.
                                这个贴自真是要笑死我了. 本来我还想说这小孩还蛮可爱的, 就是怕啊怕啊, 3岁就面临要撒慌的挑战, 真不容易.
                        • 我不是在这里欣赏英文,英文再好不等于她做人好。你懂读文章,你能把第一段读出她没教孩子撒谎?
    • 看了你整篇的发言,你那样教孩子一点也不奇怪,有一天你儿子会懂你的教导,编瞎话,占小便宜,你想想,是高兴还是悲伤。可能你会高兴。
      • 我觉得她应该觉得挺成功的, 因为占到便宜了嘛. 另外问一下wonderland的票价多少钱啊, 我记得好象就30左右吧, 值得这么做吗?
        哎呀呀, 我会不会被人家说装阔啊, 不在乎这几十块钱? 我好害怕啊, 怕被人家砸. 不过嘛, 网上的事儿, 人家要砸完全是自由嘛
    • 奇怪的妈妈,自以为是的妈妈,不知好歹的妈妈!
    • Your son IS cute but you just have to realize what you've done wrong.
    • ur english is pretty good, but ... anyway I think u can understand what i meant.
    • shit. big shit!
    • 4分。
    • 我看过史上最强的楼主对回帖的回复。。。。。。。。笑翻了
    • what a pity, a cute child has a such mom. I am sure your son will be no more cute very soon if you keep teaching your son like the story you told us.
    • 我回来了, 这个贴子还这么热, 那个开闸灌水估计是马甲哦, 鉴定完毕. 这个妈妈的英文其实okay啦, 表达意思清楚, 只是她过高估计了自己的水平, 觉得别人都没有她英文好. 这个实在太恶心.
      另外大家一开始都明确的指出了一点, 就是撒慌不对, 教小孩子撒慌不对, 人家就是不承认哪, 一个劲的说是她的贴子, 别人不高兴可以不发表意见, 得了, 如果这样的话, 死皮赖脸的往网上贴干嘛呀, 贴了就准备让别人说, 况且大家都是实事求是, 还让别人shut up, 真是***, 我就不说坏话了, 否则人家又说我的行为和名字不match.

      前面好多回贴可能太激烈已经被删了, 这个女人, 真的是某种意义上的宝贝啊, 活的宝贝.
      哎, 真是的, 我睡觉去啦, 太累了
    • the son is cute...but too bad, he has such a mother...but anyway, he has no choice. god bless him.
    • 人家是想当作家,是来秀写作的。希望得到大家的一点鼓励而已。可是大家揪住教小孩子撒谎一事不放。妈妈不认错,因为她很固执,自信,自我中心(这些都没错,只是她的性格而已)可是
      她是听不得批评的(性格的又一个特征而已,对她的丈夫都是如此). 而且特别喜欢听好听的(鼓励的话语),这里的汇贴没一个鼓励,自然让妈妈恼火拉.其实人家的英文(作为)第二语言)已经相当不错啦.况且在其他论坛,很多人把她当"洋人"的.问她是不是中国人,她自豪地说是.(心里面非常高兴有人这样问.).

      可是妈妈你也不能怪大家亚. 大家也不知道你想当作家,想秀自己的英文阿.否则大家的会忒也就不同了.

      你的儿子可是很乖的哦,3岁就是3岁,但又不能违背亲爱的妈妈的话,就说在这2岁,在家3岁. 其实很多孩子都这样的. 童真无邪嘛
      • 她为啥不早说她的意图哩? 否则的话我也要问她是不是洋人呢, 哈哈哈. 就是你最后那一段说的, 可怜的孩子啊
        • 你挺伶牙俐齿的哦(没恶意哩)
          • 我, 我, 我也是最近功课比较忙, 上来转转调剂调剂
            • 学啥地?
              • 学生物的, 快final了, 看书比较累, 上来转转调节一下, 不过我也不是随便砸砖的哦, 看不惯的我才会砸
      • 如果是为了显示她的英文,发表到英文专栏,为什么发表到亲亲宝贝,这里是大家探讨育儿道理,是她在骂别人不懂得欣赏她的英文,实际上是我们不欣赏的为人。就那点简单小故事我们都读不懂的话,就不在加拿大混了。
        • 她在这里“骂人“ 确实过激。况且到一个新的地盘“撒野“也不是那末容易地。我看了她在另一个论坛的差不多全部的帖子,她在那里是很受欢迎的。同一个话题没一个人指出她教孩子撒谎的错误。不过会铁的人数总共也不多。
          • 这位妈妈思路清晰,分析的有条有理,再问一个问题
            • 我是爸爸,不是妈妈


              • SORRY! 看走眼了!!!
          • 请问哪个论坛有她的帖子?
            • 我还是没忍住去看了,在backchina, 她告诉想移民加拿大的人Ottawa气候象中国南方,要比 Toronto 温暖很多。
      • 这位妈妈分析的实在透彻,CATHY如果希望大家到你的英语园地去捧场,这样的态度是不可行的,别说别人不愿去,去了你也怕吧?只爱听好听的,遇到不同意见不包容,不反省自身,拿对方当敌人一样的攻击,太独裁任性,不适合做版主,
        昨晚被朋友叫出去了,错过了精彩场面,可惜可惜! :D
    • 幸福的家庭. 泡杯好茶,看小姐弟两个相亲相爱的玩...外面落着意想不到的大雪,管他是否寒冷,都不可能落入温暖的房间......周末过后就是艳阳天, 更幸福的日子等着你...
      • 正话反说,还是反话正说?
        • 我没有那么多转转脑筋,所以没有那么反正.看不过大家这么对楼主, 所以公开安慰她一下.
          • 就是。这么老长时间了,也没个人给和和稀泥,我想上去拉架也没好意思。
      • Thank you so much. May good people be safe all his or her life.
        • 顺你的毛摸就是好人, 不顺你的就不是好人, I 服了U, 等我以后做妈妈, 要把这个妈妈树个榜样, 不过不是正面的
        • eccentric.
    • 想给这位cathy说句公道话。看了上面的回贴感觉就是指责她的人好过分,好虚伪。
      我想她要表达的意思也就是孩子很可爱,很纯洁,撒谎学不会。如果她的文章是表扬孩子学会撒谎了,那才有问题。 她的孩子确实可爱。我相信如果她是个品质很差的人孩子也不会很好,学撒谎学的快着呢,还用她一遍遍的教。
      • 所有的攻击是她自己找的。 1,没有人说她孩子不好。2,没有人反对她用英文。3,是她见到有人说她教孩子撒谎,马上反击所有人是读不懂英文。4,小便宜都想沾不假,没有这么明目张胆教孩子的。5,按时间顺序看回帖,#2630141。
      • Thank you so much, coldwinter . To tell you the truth, I transfer my article here, just want to tell you a good website www.backchina.com
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thank you so much,coldwinter. You are the best person I met in this website, at least now. Maybe this is the last time I come here. Because I don't like here much. Just like I said before, I just want to tell a piece of good news to ask you to take a look at other website, www.backchina.com, they have many boards including "children education" as well. I like it much more,

        To tell you the truth, I am still cathy. However, I have to change My ID, because I was forbidden to use the website- they said I offend the policy here. ridiculous! Actually, I am very friendly, however I am not the first person to "attack" people. I did that just because some people said bad words to me, which brought a bad mood to me. I am sorry to those who are innocent. "an eye to an eye and a tooth to a tooth." "Evil will be recompensed with evil." I don't know who did this to me, anyway they didn't figure out the truth, then forbid my right to use it. I think it is unfair. I don't want to reply any other postings. only you and another lady's. Because you guys make me feel a little bit warm here. If you get a chance, Please go to my column "English Garden plot" in www.backchina.com, there you will find more cozier and more like a "home".

        BTW, That day I didn't buy ticket for my son, because they didn't ask my son this question at all and let him in.

        I read one of the rule "本网站只为文明礼貌的朋友提供服务." , I am afraid many people should be kicked out of here.

        Because if I read Bad postings in my column of www.backchina.com , I have right to delete them. If possible, please read my feedbacks to the threads. Thanks a lot!

        I planned to reply some of the postings here before. Now I don't need to. Becasue you've said what I wanna say most. "Goodness will be rewarded with goodness." May good people be safe in all his or her life.

        Hopefully I'll see you there!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • you should be kicked out of here like what you said, haha, like a piece of ****, 我要文明, 我要文明, 在此以*号代替, 请你在你那文明的地儿呆着吧, 这儿太野蛮, 不适合您. 走好, 不送, 别跌着. 我在后面看到会很哈皮的, hiahiahia
        • 其实把你的老id封掉也是救了你,否则你还不知道要丢丑丢到几时哪!你觉得你英文好吗?其实谁的文章修改个几遍在拿去发表会比你的差?等到即兴发言的时候你不也露陷儿了吗?
      • 你错了, 两家共用一张月票现在是合法的啦. 还有, 她死不承认, 还攻击他人英语差值得讨伐, 我们的英语不一定比她好, 她的也不一定比我们好, 彼此彼此, 大家都是chinese english, 人为人家看不懂她写些真的太太恶心啦,
        恶心到一大批人, 除了您之外.
        • 她刚发这个帖子就有一帮人声讨她教小孩子占便宜。然后我相信她是因为实在没有心理准备才一气之下用Chinglish和大家的Chinglish 较量。人气急了什么都会说。
          她刚发这个帖子就有一帮人声讨她教小孩子占便宜。然后我相信她是因为实在没有心理准备才一气之下用Chinglish和大家的Chinglish 较量。你们吵架的内容我都没有看,但我就是看不管你们这帮人道貌岸然的样子。
          • 刚开始没有攻击她, 大家只是说那样教小孩不妥, 她先反击的哦, 反击别人水平差, 看不明白她的意思. 真的是bullshit!!! 你没有看全, 那没有怪你. 但是你没有看全就随便看不惯我们, 贴子被删也是应该的啦
      • 条件差就该是占小便宜的理由吗?别人有一些不同意见就该破口骂人吗?

        有架不是一定要去劝的, 是冬天也不必非说是夏天。

        BTW, 我可以很坦然地告诉您, 您说的那些占小便宜的是我都没做过。 N年前来的时候条件不知比cathy差多少倍。别人已经给了3张票让她省了一大笔钱, 连再一张小孩的票都不愿意买。- 我鄙视这种人!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        • 我的贴不是针对你的吧,你不用这么着急的来声明你没有占过小便宜吧?人喜欢占小便宜不等于他是个坏人,人不占小便宜也不能证明他就是个好人。
          • 拜托! 你自己的帖子说“指责她的人”,“我真的不相信国人都有这么纯洁”等等。我当然有为自己说话的权利。
            “真正精于算计的人”并不讨人厌, - 如果算计地合理合法。 有些地方小孩5岁以上开始收票, 我会安排了在孩子4岁半的时候去。说Cathy精于算计真是抬举她了。

            我也从不搅入这些争论的, 但她的原贴实在让我感到无可以抑制地厌恶。 尽管如此, 我当时也只是回了一句:看了第一个故事就看不下去了。

            她却破口回道:Aren't your English so poor?

            “Your son IS very cute, since he doesn't know how to lie.

            I couldn't finish reading not because my English *ARE* (I am using your word here, hehe!) poor, nor because your son is not cute, but because of the .......


            谢谢你对她的支持及回帖, 我终于有机会把当初出于客气没说出来的话现在说出来。

      • 记得陈佩斯和朱时茂一起演过一个小品,警察和小偷。结尾的时候,小偷陈佩斯被捉住后顺便把警察朱时茂的钱包偷了,被发现后说了一句:“习惯了”
    • 楼主以为自己发了篇奇文,意在吸引大家去她的网,那料想....
    • 客观的说你的英文不怎么地, 你可能自己没意识到用这种半吊子英语写这么长是在折磨大众, 所以你抱怨大家读不懂你的东西大家的反应在我看来已经很克制. 你那"英文"故事从第一句就不对劲:"My son is Jackie"
      "My son is Jackie" 显然是从中文"我的儿子叫Jackie"直译而来. 假如用中文写, 这样开篇便读上去一点没毛病. 但是, 一旦照搬翻成英文, 就怎么念怎么别扭, 既然说的是你儿子的事, 以"my son Jackie ......"开篇就English得多. 你贴子里面其他此类小别扭不计其数, 虽然语法上没什么大毛病. 不过要知道语法正确的英语也可以是烂英语.
      • 同感
      • 对您的佩服犹如滔滔江水。。。第一句看着极别扭,就是没发现问题在哪里。其他的错误确实很多,最明显的是特别中文化。然而作为学英语的人在这个阶段是最自信的了 - 通常认为自己的英文根英语为母语的一样了。。。

        "My son is Jackie, 3 yrs old. He was born in Toronto."

        "My son Jackie was born in Toronto three years ago."

      • 呵呵,偶说怎么偶英文那么烂居然能看懂楼主的文章,原来她符合偶的阅读习惯哦!
        • 是,有时中国人写的英文,中国人能看懂,英文为母语的人看了感觉莫名其妙,这是因为中国人犯同样的毛病.
    • 看到楼主用中文在生活百事里贴了一个帖子,让把这里的回帖都删了。(用的另一个名字)
    • 英文不好,不敢用英文写,怕被人骂。
      1。交孩子撒谎 (这是最不应该的);
      2。过于自大 (即使你的英语很好也不应该,要知山外青山楼外楼,别骂我,我已经知
      4。爱占小便宜 (但就别交下一代了)
      5。顺我者昌,逆我者亡 (晕!倒!)


