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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

You'd better keep following up. I had bad experience for the birth cirtificate of my baby. Don't believe the govenment's working efficient!!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I sent birth registry in early of May, got no any info for 3 months. But the registration fee was taken. I went to 900 Bay Str. to check in August, was told that I can apply the birth certificate on their website for only 10 working days. So I applied immidiately, but still nothing coming. The damn service telephone is always busy. Have to go to office again after 3 weeks. This time I was told the mail was returned to NorthBay office!!! I was asked to write the mail address again including the buz code. After 2 week, nothing happan, went to ask again. They said it was not returned to North Bay office, they agree to print again. I was asked to write address and buz code again. After 10 days, I went to the 900 Bay again, they told me it was in Toronto waiting for delievery. The second day, we got a message from Purolator, a delivery company, said they don't have the buz code so that unable to enter the apartment building. I leave to governemnt at least 3 times!! I have to go to Purator's office to pick it up by self. When I open the mailer, there is only the short form of birth certificate, but I ordered both the long form and short form. What a dreammare! and the it has not finished. The parking near 900 Bay str. is $4 per half hour. 5 and half months! The service of the damn Purolator is bullshit.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 准备今年宝宝回中国过年,但宝宝的出生证还没出来,9月初才寄去申请注册,不知道来的及回去过年吗?听说可以做临时出生证然后可以申请护照,不知道具体是怎么做,请有经验的GGJJ教教我,谢谢
    • 同问同问。
    • 登记号一般2个半月,出生证在网上申请,10天之内,(我是一个星期不到),护照10个工作日,也就是2周,中国签证4个工作日,所以应该差不多。
      • 听说申请护照要有担保人,不知要找什么人担保呢
        • family dactor, lawer..
      • 请问是收到申请号后才到网上申请出生证吗?谢谢。
    • You'd better keep following up. I had bad experience for the birth cirtificate of my baby. Don't believe the govenment's working efficient!!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I sent birth registry in early of May, got no any info for 3 months. But the registration fee was taken. I went to 900 Bay Str. to check in August, was told that I can apply the birth certificate on their website for only 10 working days. So I applied immidiately, but still nothing coming. The damn service telephone is always busy. Have to go to office again after 3 weeks. This time I was told the mail was returned to NorthBay office!!! I was asked to write the mail address again including the buz code. After 2 week, nothing happan, went to ask again. They said it was not returned to North Bay office, they agree to print again. I was asked to write address and buz code again. After 10 days, I went to the 900 Bay again, they told me it was in Toronto waiting for delievery. The second day, we got a message from Purolator, a delivery company, said they don't have the buz code so that unable to enter the apartment building. I leave to governemnt at least 3 times!! I have to go to Purator's office to pick it up by self. When I open the mailer, there is only the short form of birth certificate, but I ordered both the long form and short form. What a dreammare! and the it has not finished. The parking near 900 Bay str. is $4 per half hour. 5 and half months! The service of the damn Purolator is bullshit.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Is lineup long at 900 Bay? plan to go there, thanks.
        • Normal it is. You can go at 8am, very few people.
      • 是用purolator寄的啊?!看来我也没收到出生证,也是因为没有buzz number了。怎么办,一定要去 900 Bay 吗?
        • 想不出其他办法, 电话打不通, E-MAIL没人回.
      • After 2 months of waiting, we also found that Purolator returned our daughter's birth cert. to the government. While we do not have buz code, just door bell. We complained at their website.
        After being told the gov. will send it again. This time I take vocation and wait it at home. Yesterday they send the birth cert. to us. The delivery guy is not responsible at all. They have a digital siganiture device, I told him I am not the person showing there(it's my husband). He said " I do not care, just give me a siganiture."

        That is why my friend' birth cert. missing! They said sb. already signed while they didnot get it at all. And purolater does not know who accepted that cert.
        • May I ask if you applied the long form? and does it coming together with short form? Thanks. Where did you complain? on the government's website? I will complain them definitely.
          • Yes, we get both. And compained here. http://www.purolator.com/customer_service/suggestions.html
            While we called the gov. to find that the cert. was returned and get know that they will send it again.
            You are right the phone is always busy. Be prepared to dial for about 30 minutes.
            Good luck.
            • thanks for your info.
              • Follow-up: dialed many many times, waited about 30 mins, was told it was sent in Oct.3. With the tracing #, find the letter is lying in Purolator office since Oct.4. DAMN!!! Have to pick up again.
            • Purolator means Pure Later, doesn't it?
          • I have to say I was very lucky yesterday! I really spoke with a soul after 25min music listening on 416-325-8305.
            I have to say I was very lucky yesterday! I really spoke with a soul after 25min music listening on 416-325-8305, I was told it would take 4 month to get it since I missed some information when I applied it online, and they were hiring 20 more people to do the work. Damn!
            • Thanks for encouraging. Dialed many many times, just got conected. Keep waiting now and listing music for 15mins already.
              • 努力了一个小时,终于和agent说上话了。说9月19日已经寄出去了。没收到。说purolator不会在楼下留note的,因为任何人都可能拿到它。现在信已经在回office的路上了。之后又重申了地址,留了buzz number,多留个电话。等吧。
    • 在这里借问一下,办中国护照一定需要long form吗?还是short form也可以?
      • 加拿大护照是,中国护照不知道。为什么办中国护照,放弃加拿大籍?
      • short form可以,我们就是用这个办bb护照的
    • 刚给宝宝延期加拿大护照回来。看还是有这么多朋友问关于宝宝护照的事情,我在这里把全过程说一下,希望对大家有用。
      1。如果出生纸还没有下来,就用travel letter申请护照,travel letter可以在市政大厅申请。记得是25元钱。
      2。填好护照的申请表(有两种)一种是你有professional or certified职业的朋友可以给你做证明认识你2年以上的签字。(这种人包括:医生,教授,注册会计师,注册工程师,警察等,必须认识你两年以上,必须是加拿大公民)
      3。如果用travel letter apply passport, then u need a confirmed ticket with show up ur baby's name

      如果你的出生纸哪天下来了,带着你的出生纸,和这个有效的护照去做extensionl, do not need anything else, pay 12 dollar, no need to fill in the application again.主要,要的是long form的出生纸。
      • 我怎么记得护照是三年有效的,我记得不对吗?
        • 临时的是一年
    • 急问: 那张PPT132的表上需要有宝宝父母双方的签字吗?还是有一方即可?
    • As to passport application, Just share my experince for your refernce...
      I have applied for my daughter's passport in toronto yesterday. They are ok with short form. I also called passport office to confirm the type of birth cert. before I went. Basically as long as the parent were married when the child is born, short form is acceptable.