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Time files! Congratulations. you are almost there. enjoy the pregnancy. it was the best time for me before the baby comes.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛个人意见:
change table: not a must-have (not practical and not safe. When baby’s small, you can change her/him anywhere; when baby can turn, s/he could fall from the table. I have one but I did not use it at all.)

Nice-to-have (for me, some are must-have :):

1) a glider ( This is a must-have to me! Great for rocking baby to sleep. Also, you and baby both get good rest in the chair. get a good one. dutailor is said to be the best in the market but it costs over $700. a $3-400 one is good enough);
2) a nursing pillow
3) e-swing (baby easily falls asleep in the swing)
4) e-pump (if you are to pump breast milk out to feed your baby. Medela double pump!!! of course you can decide whether you will need it or not later on)
5) a stroller (the one in which baby can lie down; babies are heavy and grow so fast. you cannot hold them all the time).
6) a baby carrier (it depends... My baby does not like it)
7) many small things like washing clothes, bottles, diapers, baby wipes, baby thermometer, receiving blankets, nursing bra/pads, medications, etc. I’m sure you already have a list. Try get things baby needs and that can save your work and time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 10月11月的妈妈们都怎么样了?开始购物了吗?请过来的妈妈给提点建议
    现在31周,增重27磅。精力非常充沛,每天游泳1000米左右,每周两次瑜加课。因为carry the baby low,压力比较大,所以尽量少走路,多游泳。食欲不错,但是也尽量节制,不想太重。

    1。请妈妈和准妈妈推荐一些要购买的东西。如car seat,小推车,婴儿床的话,请推荐一些牌子。


    1。car seat
    4。change table
    5。rocking chair

    • 到BABY'R'US拿本BABY CATALOG, 小BABY需要的东西差不多都包括了.
    • 我当年是刷漆(觉得对BB不好就让LG做), 贴墙纸, 做窗帘...
      Baby monitor和mobile (小床上转转的玩具)有必要买,新生儿不需要什么玩具, 四个月前mobile 和一些画片就够了.也许你没把它算大件.
      我当时还有一个放在大床边的小摇篮. 很是方便;
      还有swing, fisher-price 有一种小时候做swing, 大了当high chair 的很不错.
      Rocking chair 不要买arm上只有木头的. 我的就不好.
      Breast Pump, 推荐AVENT
      单纯的change table 单是shelf 的那种我个人不喜欢, 不大实用.还要扭着身子换, IKEA有一款, 下面是抽屉, 上面有个翻板很好用.
      如果你喜欢走步, hiking啥的可以考虑买个背小孩的.
      • 跟BB睡一间房,还需要买monitor吗? 给BB探热是用哪种好?我有Digital的,但不知道是否要买红外线耳朵探热的那种?
        • 你总能跟baby一个房吗? monitoring baby更多是在白天. 耳朵探热器快但不很准. 其实这都是锦上添花的东西. 最不能没有的是尿片. :D
        • 一岁以内的宝宝用数字的就好,耳试的我觉得不太准,三次测出来差得挺多。
      • change table 是不太实用,不能挪地方,孩子会翻身后也很危险,
        Ikea有一种吹气的塑料change pad,物美价廉,可以放在地上床上拎到不同房间换。
        还想起两样东西:1,nursing pillow,就是那种围起来的大枕头,喂bb时舒服好多;2, Food Basics的Dollar Deal那个corner,有一种$1一盒(100个)的diaper bags,又轻又薄又有香味,好过那种很贵的diaper disposal system.
        • 谢谢。bouncer是什么东西?刚刚开始在网上找东西买,还没完全熟悉bb需要的东西:)
          • 就是那种布兜做的小椅子,建议买好一点的,有一种可以变成toddler的小椅子的,类似这个:
      • 谢谢!我看网上说的mobile一直都不知道是什么东西。如果先买大床边的小摇篮,过几个月(不知道应该几个月)再买crib是否可行?
        • 那种小摇篮只能临时性的放放小宝宝,比如白天睡在那里你可以上上网什么的,搬起来方便。但一直睡不太好,毕竟小,也不如小床上有床垫那么舒服。
        • normal size 的孩子能用到四个月.好处是躺在床上摇小孩方便. crib总都要买的, 摆在大床边上一样的.其实很快你就会发现Baby的东西大多可有可无. 房子大这点就更突出. 知道谁有借来用用最好不过. 免了楼上楼下,跑来跑去.
    • 游泳池的漂白水会影响baby吗?我一直不敢游。还怕游泳衣太紧,会勒着BB,
      • no problem. It is good for ur delivery. I did between preg 4-7months
      • 如果能在海里游最好。不能的话,游泳池也可以。如果你不嫌麻烦,可以下水前,身上搽点olive oil或者其他油,游完冲个凉就好。如果嫌费劲,就这么下水,问题也不大。买个大号游泳衣。我的就用旧的,现在已经抻的快裂了,呵呵:)
    • 如果是让宝宝自己睡小床,买个monitor, ToyRus 的目录中有,去店里拿一本。还有swing也不错。rocking chair 要买好一点的,我看toyRus 里的就不错。还有,我干脆列出来好了:
      2) crib mobile
      3) swing

      1) breast pump
      2)nursing bras,
      3) nursing pillow(有的话对喂母奶时很舒服)


      • 谢谢青蛙mm.:) 唉,进了bb店,感觉有点overwhelmed,不知道从哪里开始。到网上商店看了一下,把东西都置齐了,也不便宜。:)
    • Time files! Congratulations. you are almost there. enjoy the pregnancy. it was the best time for me before the baby comes.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛个人意见:
      change table: not a must-have (not practical and not safe. When baby’s small, you can change her/him anywhere; when baby can turn, s/he could fall from the table. I have one but I did not use it at all.)

      Nice-to-have (for me, some are must-have :):

      1) a glider ( This is a must-have to me! Great for rocking baby to sleep. Also, you and baby both get good rest in the chair. get a good one. dutailor is said to be the best in the market but it costs over $700. a $3-400 one is good enough);
      2) a nursing pillow
      3) e-swing (baby easily falls asleep in the swing)
      4) e-pump (if you are to pump breast milk out to feed your baby. Medela double pump!!! of course you can decide whether you will need it or not later on)
      5) a stroller (the one in which baby can lie down; babies are heavy and grow so fast. you cannot hold them all the time).
      6) a baby carrier (it depends... My baby does not like it)
      7) many small things like washing clothes, bottles, diapers, baby wipes, baby thermometer, receiving blankets, nursing bra/pads, medications, etc. I’m sure you already have a list. Try get things baby needs and that can save your work and time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks! How is your baby? Is it a girl or boy? I really enjoy my pregnancy
        I am eager to see the baby. But I am also happy to carry the baby around inside. When I watch movies, I feel it is two people watching, because the baby will react to the movie by making different movement. Every morning, sometimes, I wake up early and sometimes the baby wakes up early. The co-existence has been part of my life, I think I will feel sad when the baby comes out. :)))
    • 再和妈妈们讨论一个问题:还剩两个月,应该干点什么?

      • 1 Eat whatever you like: if you breast-feed your baby, there's so many food you cannot eat. 2 Sleep as much as you can 3. Do whatever you want ....
        • 还有一个建议:用DV记录下你最后蠢笨的样子(可能饺子已经在拍了)。生完不久,你就想不起来当时怎么就蹲不下,怎么就起不来,怎么就翻身都要LG推一把。。。。:-)
          • 还没。不过我是想拍下小孩动时,肚子一起一伏的样子,很好玩。前几天midwife教我怎么识别bb的部位,现在知道他的小pp,小脚在哪里,可以想像他在肚子里折腾什么了:)
            • 那么教教我们怎么识别好吗?
              • 最好由她示范给你。我的bb头已经在下面,她一摸就摸出来了。硬硬的。背在左边,很大面积的平滑的手感;小屁股在上面,可以摸到圆圆的。脚丫在右面,可以摸到edge。难怪总是踢我右面的软肋,原来他的脚在那里。手就摸不到,拳起来了
                • 哈哈,我得宝宝跟你孩子的位置一摸一样,也是背在左边,脚往右边踢。屁股在上面,我33周了
                  • :)你比我早两周。他好像在这个位置很久了,过去将近两个月都踢一个位置:)
                    • My baby's back is on left side as well. Do you slepp on left side? All books tell me sleep on left side better than on right side, but , will this hurt baby?
                      • 我两边都睡,就是尽量不要平躺。后来我上生产课时,老师也说,所谓睡左边没有太多根据。两边都可以。不过我发现睡左边,bb比较老实;转到右边睡,他会动的多点,估计和他背在左边有关系。问题不大:)
      • 现在还是2人世界,所以多多享受一下浪漫2人世界,要不等宝宝出来后,就是标准的爸爸妈妈了;)还有就是能睡就多睡。
        • 是也是也。昨晚我就睡的很好,因为想到以后要缺觉,所以格外珍惜现在的睡觉机会,居然睡的很踏实了。:)这大概叫心理暗示吧:)
    • 小推车要买把手可以转向的。就是说,当你推车时, 既可以让baby面朝前,也可以朝后。
    • Hi, my due date is nov. 26th. My doctor said my baby is now biger than nomal. What should I do right now?
      • 少吃点?或少吃点碳水化合物,比如米饭白面。我也在控制体重。每顿吃89分饱,也比较舒服
      • 宝宝多少算正常?妈妈体重应该增加多少比较好呢?
        • 一般书上都有个对照表。你可以根据你怀孕前的体重查一下。不过我的助产士说范围可以很大,不要太介意。她说年龄大的孕妇增重会比年轻的多些都是正常的。对我来说25-35镑,助产士说40磅也都没有问题
          • 我20周,长了7b,我的目标是25。:)另,你还是觉得助产士比ob好吗?我在考虑换成ob呢。
            • 我们计划在家里生。所以只能是助产士。因为在夏威夷洲,医生不到家里接生。各洲规定不同。We like our midwife very much. We are looking forward to our water birth at home. :)
              • 在家里生?你这个头胎一点不考虑意外发生的情况?
                • 我们做了很多准备。也要看最后几周情况。另外我们也有back up医生,如有问题,就马上去医院。但是如果一切正常顺利,我们计划在家里生