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If you have local newspaper in your area, you may find out a lot of this kinds of information.

There are quite a few child care agencies in the market. (Search Google using 'Nanny Toronto', tons of them.) The way they work is (at least @ Wee Watch): they will provide several child care providers in your desired area, you will have interview with them.( Of course they are going to impress you to get the chance.) You might find out a lot of information on the web about how to determine whether it is a qualified provider or not. They are all screened by Wee Watch for health and security aspects. Personally I think it is better than hiring someone's parents to take care of your kid.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 我儿子12个月,找了一家父母探亲的中国人帮着带,每天8点送6点接,需要多少cad?
    • I want to know, too.
      • 七八百一个月。
        • 有怎么便宜吗?能介绍?
          • i wanna find a baby sitter, too. whr u live?
          • 这么便宜可能要给现金,然后不报税。我看报纸上老外的要60元一天,给支票,然后可以报税。
            • 当然给现金,探亲的报税干吗?去年有老两口愿意$800给我带一个孩子(快两岁)兼做家务准备晚饭。
              • Fairview Mall附近
              • 是你可以报税来争取退税。
        • 看清楚了,是12个月大的baby. 照你那么算一个小时才2,3块钱, That's the price for children bigger than grade one, not for baby.
          • 我的大孩子两岁半时找人看$500一个月(8个小时,但包接送),还有的老人$300都愿意看,
            $500还是我三家比出来的最好的。所以我想一岁的baby $800应该可以找的到,超过8小时再加一点吗。
            • 6 个月的大概会收多少?
    • 不懂。7,8百为什么不送daycare? 不少都是这个价,就是要排队。
      • 七八百是两岁以上的,一岁的去daycare大概要一千二左右吧,所以私人看比daycare应便宜200-300左右。
        • oh, thanks,
    • I ever sent my son (10 months then) to Wee Watch, $35/day. Wee Watch is an agency who helps you to find a home run daycare. They provide receipt at the end of the year. (Sorry, I don't have Chinese input now.)
      • 可否告知这个agent 的电话. 我正要找这种home daycare. 多谢!!!
        • Wee Watch Private Home Day Care 1-800-663-6072 www.weewatch.com
      • If you have local newspaper in your area, you may find out a lot of this kinds of information.
        There are quite a few child care agencies in the market. (Search Google using 'Nanny Toronto', tons of them.) The way they work is (at least @ Wee Watch): they will provide several child care providers in your desired area, you will have interview with them.( Of course they are going to impress you to get the chance.) You might find out a lot of information on the web about how to determine whether it is a qualified provider or not. They are all screened by Wee Watch for health and security aspects. Personally I think it is better than hiring someone's parents to take care of your kid.
    • 我刚刚找了一位阿姨上门照看2岁的孩子8-5点, 周一-----周五. $1200/月
      • 这个价格,那些打LABOUR工的真应该好好想想,不如给人带孩子,1200 是税后啊;当然还有出到1800的,带两个。
      • 如果你住在大陆移民聚集的公寓楼附近,2岁的孩子一天8个小时500刀一月一定能找得到。
      • 这个价格好,如果有人给我$1200照看2岁孩子我很高兴喽,正好和我的小家伙做个伴儿,$1000都行,保证孩子们玩的好,吃的好!
        • 你不够老:)不理解那么信任/迷信老人带孩子好。我concern的是如果万一孩子有个闪失(只是万一),中国老人连打911都不会。前段一个印度家庭小孩在游泳池淹死,就是家里叔叔不会英语,耽误了。不是危言耸听啊
          • 呵呵,其实向我这样不信任老人带孩子的也不少
            • 你是对的,照看小孩是责任非常重大的工作,特别是三岁以下的孩子。
          • 有道理.另外我发现现在找看护小孩工作的不仅仅是老人.很多是40+的中年人, 自己的孩子已经上高中/大学了, 还有一些20多岁的年轻人.要是孩子大点,我挺喜欢年轻人帮忙看孩子的.
        • 要是我的孩子绝对不会送给想你这样的有孩子差不多的人带,出了钱不说,自己的孩子还是别人孩子的陪伴,受委屈(你别说不会,发生争执的时候谁不偏向自己的孩子),甚至于给孩子的心灵受到伤害.
          风筝的方法好,请一个人来家,或送day care都强过这种.
          • 你的孩子送过来我还不看呢,压根就没想过给别人带孩子,看不出我那跟帖是句玩笑吗。
      • why not try daycare?
        • 1.见不得孩子哭,2.想等孩子3岁以后再送daycare,3.在家请人照看会精细一点4.孩子正处于学说话期,想让她讲中文...总之找了N多的理由.
          • hehe, you have so many excuses. Use my daughter as an example:
            1. She's happy everyday in daycare.
            2. She plays with her classmates everyday, learns from each other.
            3. Daycare teachers are inspected by the supervisor at daily basis. Wthout inspection, a nanny at home might not treat your kid very good.
            4. My daughter's Chinese and English are both very well.
            5. Daycare meals are more balanced and provide more choices.
            6. Teachers teach kids with appropriate plan and schedule.
            7. There are many activities inside and outside of daycare arranged for daycare kids.
            Of course you have your way, above is just my experience.
            BTW, my daughter is 3 now, she satrted daycare at very early age.
    • 这帖人气旺,借问一下:请个月子阿姨,朝9晚5,行情多少?
      • 请问一下,给支票送看小孩,报税有什么好处?
    • 送到我们家来吧!保证你们放心,孩子高兴。
      爱心全职妈妈在家看护2个学龄前儿童,SCARBOROUGH SHEPPARD/MARKHAM,可以帮有这方面需要的网友们带孩子。谁有兴趣可以发邮件我 yangjin_2000@hotmail.com
    • 我年轻并有daycare经验,有college证书和急救证书,可提供合适的activity给您的宝宝.本人特喜欢小孩子,不是乱发广告,只是看到大家的帖子觉得我很适合干这个.
      我在多伦多downtown,在中国就是老师,在政府的daycare干过,但觉得没什么发展,个人觉得这边的home daycare不是很多,而且很多家庭是上不起政府daycare的,所以以后想走这条路.如果你想找个20多岁的年轻人看护你的孩子或想问问上政府daycare的问题,call我647-444-2638,我们聊聊.

      E-MAIL: qing91240@163.com
      • 能请你介绍一下政府的DAYCARE吗?哪里可以查到他们的信息?
        • 你的问题太笼统了,我不好回答,能不能具体点,你想知道什么呢?如果你想找个离你家近的幼儿园,给你个网址吧。
          • 如何抵税?