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Your 2-month-old's development (from babycenter.com)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The first real smiles
This month your baby will reward all your loving care with a beaming, toothless, just-for-you smile. This will probably disarm you, even if you've just had your worst night yet. For Ron Heckman, a new father in Piedmont, California, that first smile from his 6-week-old daughter, Hadley, brought tears to his eyes. "It was a lousy day at work," he recalls. "I was sleep-deprived and the commute traffic that day was incredibly thick. When I finally got home and my wife handed me the baby, who looked straight at me and smiled this gorgeous all-gums grin, I remember thinking, 'She knows me' — and nothing else mattered."

A growing preference for complex designs
By 2 months of age your baby will begin to move beyond his early preferences for two-tone objects toward more detailed and complicated designs, colors, and shapes. Show your baby — and let him touch — a wider variety of objects now. Good choices include plastic cookie molds and soft balls.

Sleeping for longer chunks of time
If your baby is sleeping through the night now, you're one of the lucky few. Most babies still want a middle-of-the-night feeding at 2 months. But the good news is, he should be sleeping and staying awake for longer intervals instead of cycling back and forth so much. Most 2-month-olds have two to four long sleep periods and as many as ten hours a day when they're awake.

Movements are less jerky
He's no Fred Astaire yet, but your little guy is now coordinating his movements better. You'll notice that the jerky arm and leg movements of his newborn days have given way to smoother, more circular motions. While in the early days grabbing was mostly involuntary and instinctual, your 2-month-old is also able to purposely grab objects now.

Is my baby developing normally?
Remember, each baby is unique and meets cognitive milestones at his own pace. These are simply guidelines to what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then shortly.

If your baby was born prematurely, keep in mind that he'll almost always need a bit more time before he can do the same things as other children his chronological age. That's why most preemies are given two ages by their pediatricians — their chronological age (calculated from their birthday) and their adjusted age (calculated from their due date). Doctors generally assess a preterm child's development from the time he should have been born and evaluate his skills accordingly.

If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, check with your practitioner.

Your 1-Month-Old's Development

Your 3-Month-Old's Development (http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/baby/babydevelopment/718.html)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 第一次当妈妈,心理没底,请教些问题,请看帖子!谢谢!
    • 喂,要使劲喂,能吃多少喂多少!不够就用配方奶。
    • why "实在不敢多喂"? 120ml is not much for 5 weeks baby, and baby know how much she need
    • 谢谢答复,大家对第一个问题真么看?你们的宝宝5周是什么样的反映?心急,在线等!
      • 才刚刚满月的宝宝,你想让他有什么反应?
    • 我宝宝满月的时候就能逗笑了,坐在小车上盯着玩具能自己玩半小时以上。2小时左右吃一次,不过我是母乳喂,不知他吃多少。
      • 宝宝满月就能坐在小车子上了吗?
        • 是FISHERPRICE的小摇车,他2-3周就开始坐了,很喜欢。不过我宝宝高些大些,满月时就5.28kg,61cm了。
      • 我们宝宝出生的第二天早上就笑了,把护士都逗乐了
    • 我儿子也快五个星期了, 情况跟你的宝宝简直一模一样. 更累人的是, 他吃几分钟就睡着了, 任我扒光了他的衣服,擦冷水,挠脚丫, 拨下巴, 怎么都不醒. 一小时就要吃一次.
    • 5周大就学会吃手了, 宝宝很棒呀. 她这么小, 对玩具是不感兴趣, 还要在等一段时间. 她现在可能还看不清玩具呢. 6周左右是GROWTH SPURT, 宝宝是要多喂, 这样妈妈的奶也才能增多. 过了这一两周就好了.
      • 其实孩子一出生就会吃手的,我的孩子就是这样的
      • 每个宝宝都有自己的SCHEDULE, 没有必要同别的宝宝比, 该学会的总是会学会的.
      • Your 2-month-old's development (from babycenter.com)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The first real smiles
        This month your baby will reward all your loving care with a beaming, toothless, just-for-you smile. This will probably disarm you, even if you've just had your worst night yet. For Ron Heckman, a new father in Piedmont, California, that first smile from his 6-week-old daughter, Hadley, brought tears to his eyes. "It was a lousy day at work," he recalls. "I was sleep-deprived and the commute traffic that day was incredibly thick. When I finally got home and my wife handed me the baby, who looked straight at me and smiled this gorgeous all-gums grin, I remember thinking, 'She knows me' — and nothing else mattered."

        A growing preference for complex designs
        By 2 months of age your baby will begin to move beyond his early preferences for two-tone objects toward more detailed and complicated designs, colors, and shapes. Show your baby — and let him touch — a wider variety of objects now. Good choices include plastic cookie molds and soft balls.

        Sleeping for longer chunks of time
        If your baby is sleeping through the night now, you're one of the lucky few. Most babies still want a middle-of-the-night feeding at 2 months. But the good news is, he should be sleeping and staying awake for longer intervals instead of cycling back and forth so much. Most 2-month-olds have two to four long sleep periods and as many as ten hours a day when they're awake.

        Movements are less jerky
        He's no Fred Astaire yet, but your little guy is now coordinating his movements better. You'll notice that the jerky arm and leg movements of his newborn days have given way to smoother, more circular motions. While in the early days grabbing was mostly involuntary and instinctual, your 2-month-old is also able to purposely grab objects now.

        Is my baby developing normally?
        Remember, each baby is unique and meets cognitive milestones at his own pace. These are simply guidelines to what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then shortly.

        If your baby was born prematurely, keep in mind that he'll almost always need a bit more time before he can do the same things as other children his chronological age. That's why most preemies are given two ages by their pediatricians — their chronological age (calculated from their birthday) and their adjusted age (calculated from their due date). Doctors generally assess a preterm child's development from the time he should have been born and evaluate his skills accordingly.

        If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, check with your practitioner.

        Your 1-Month-Old's Development

        Your 3-Month-Old's Development (http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/baby/babydevelopment/718.html)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • my 7-week baby needs to feed every hour in daytime. If I try to ignore him, he will cry louder and louder. nighttime he sometimes still need to be feed every hour. waht can I do?
      • Up. Same with me and I have to hope that things will change later...
    • 我有朋友的儿子4周就吃120ml了。我是喂母乳,我女儿growth spurt时会一次吃一俩个小时,吃完过一个小时有要吃了。那时我经常喂着奶看DVD的。每个孩子发展有早晚,也别太担心。妈妈快乐宝宝才健康。