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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

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Depends on what kind of investment you select. For Mutual Fund account, I think you at least invest $500. About 存期限制, If you open a RESP account, I think you can take out your own money at any time but you need to pay back CESG to Government unless Your child goes to University or College. So when you open the account, don't think you close it till your child needs it.

Don't need. CESG can be as much as $400 each year per beneficiary (should be $500 for low income family this year). If you don't contribute, related CESG won't be pay you. For example, If I didn't buy RESP this year, I got nothing. If I buy $4000 RESP next year (Plus $2000 of this year), I will get CESG $800.

I didn't buy GICs, so I have no idea about this and you need to ask a agent in your bank. I invest my RESP in mutual Funds.

Hope it is useful for you!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 我家小儿近四个月,从出生到现在家中不停接到是否要买教育基金的电话,经纪们都很热情。我对此物不了解,不敢贸然从事,又觉得是好事,不知该如何是好?请各位jjmm支招,感谢感谢!
    • 如果时光可以倒流:-),我会换成self-directed 的。btw, this opinion is not from jjmm.
      • 愿闻其祥。我感到很困惑。
    • 买那种Pool RESP 有俩个弊端:(1)不灵活,一旦设定存款方法,很难更改;(2)中途退出有高额罚款.如果你有一定投资知识,就到各大银行开一个 Self_direct RESP account which will be controlled by yourself.
      • 不好意思,说实在的本人既缺乏投资意识又缺乏投资常识,不要见怪。不知为何要在各大银行都设户?如果是这样,那政府每年所补贴的款项又如何体现?
        • Self_direct RESP account 有前提的 - "如果你有一定投资知识", 而你 "既缺乏投资意识又缺乏投资常识", so it doesn't suitable for you.
          • 我想请问除了self_directRESP之外,是否还有其它方法?
            • 你要是想买,打电话到你的开户银行去办就可以了。不懂什么理财的话就买个GIC。政府的钱银行会去帮你要的。不要通过机构买, 中间会有很多Trick
              • 多谢。再请问GIC是什么意思?
                • Guaranteed Investment Certificates
        • Sorry, I mislead you...My point is that you can open a RESP account in any one of Canadian big banks.
          • 我不知道是不是每个家庭在孩子出生后一定要给他/她们做此类投资,以便日后的教育?为人父母可真难,什么都得考虑。
            • Not have to do. Totally depends on your financial situation. In fact, you need to pay your Mortgage, RRSP etc first, and then consider to buy RESP after that.
              • 说的在理。现如今什么都得花钱,钱又紧,可孩子的教育又是头等大事耽误不得。唉,真是两难!
                • That's why I opened a self-direct RESP account. If I don't have enough money this year, so I can carry forward this amount to next year.
                  • 开户是否有数额和存期限制?如果今年没钱入户,来年是否要将今年的补上?同时政府的补贴是否会受影响?一般存多长时间为宜?很抱歉什么都不懂,望指点,多谢!
                    • Come in
                      Depends on what kind of investment you select. For Mutual Fund account, I think you at least invest $500. About 存期限制, If you open a RESP account, I think you can take out your own money at any time but you need to pay back CESG to Government unless Your child goes to University or College. So when you open the account, don't think you close it till your child needs it.

                      Don't need. CESG can be as much as $400 each year per beneficiary (should be $500 for low income family this year). If you don't contribute, related CESG won't be pay you. For example, If I didn't buy RESP this year, I got nothing. If I buy $4000 RESP next year (Plus $2000 of this year), I will get CESG $800.

                      I didn't buy GICs, so I have no idea about this and you need to ask a agent in your bank. I invest my RESP in mutual Funds.

                      Hope it is useful for you!
                      • very good.
                        1 invest on RESP if you are able to
                        2 use self-directed and buy mutual fund since:
                        the risk is moderate and most probably with higher return than pooled RESP
                        anyway, the pooled RESP invests on funds and bonds also.
                        self-directed is more flexible.
                        as in Pooled RESP either your 1st/2nd year payment go to the sales/administration or there's a very high fee.
                        3 you can talk to the major banks, most provide service in Chinese
                    • 非常非常感谢夏日的期待所给我提供的信息,真诚祝福你每天健康平安!