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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛5年前因在陈冲执导的电影《天浴》中有出色的表现,李小璐以末满16岁的小小年纪便勇夺法国水城电影节最佳女演员和35届台湾金马奖最佳女主角两项大奖。别看《天浴》为李小璐赢得了巨大的荣誉,但她却被当年的“裸戏风波”困扰多年。昨天,在谈到“陈冲阿姨”时,李小璐出乎记者意料地说:“她骗了我,我不会和她再合作了。”


  《天浴》取得成功后,陈冲再接再厉筹拍《万人情妇》时,曾再邀李小璐与梁家辉做搭档,李小璐毫不犹豫地拒绝了邀请。大连晚报首席记者龚兵更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / “Why Chinese films are all about impossible love? Why don't the Chinese just have a "happily every after" story, just once, just ONCE!!!”
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是03年初老同事南希(一个土生土长的感性的加拿大白人女孩)在看了中国电影“The Girl who got sent down”(到现在我也不知道她说的是哪部电影)之后,向我发出的恳求。


    Date:01/15/2003 10:08AM
    Subject: can someone please tell me why?....

    why Chinese films are all about impossible love?

    I stayed up till late last night watching this very beautiful Chinese film called "The Girl who got sent down", and while it was beautiful, I stayed up crying after the end of the film!! and today I'm so exhausted. Listen, why don't the Chinese just have a "happily every after" story, just once, just ONCE!!! Why does she have to become a prostitute and then get shot by the guy who really loves her, but can't show her how much he loves her other than by ending her life, because earlier in his life, in a fight in Tibet he lost his manhood with "once slice of a knife"?

    Sorry, I just had to rant to the two people I know that would understand what I'm talking about.


    Sent: Wednesday, January 15,2003 11:33 AM

    My poor girl, get so involved with the "shitty" man/love story whatsoever. ;-) Come over and I'll give you a big long warm cuddle. I'm not aware of the movie that you're talking about. However, this type of movie/story/ending does not surprise me at all. On one hand, Chinese society has been a very sophisticated society for thousands of years. Free love and individualism have never been encouraged. Man has never really been man. They're just some objects blended in the order of sky, earth, king, subject, father, son. That means that man's action can hardly be from his own will. An action/decision always involves the calculation of all his roles/responsibilities. A marriage usually does not come from love, but balance to all kinds of aspects. Yeah, men seek pleasures all the time. They sometimes love. But, unfortunately, love has never been encouraged and had platform to grow. On the other hand, Chinese woman was not given a platform to perform. Their value is not important to the society, if not judged by their husband, kids, and family. However, some of them are intelligent and bold enough to love and pursue. However, most love stories fail at the end simply because there're no platforms for both of them. Love can hardly be a beautiful thing, but lust, broken promises, short-lived, and twisted. Yep, twisted is the word. Today's society and its values are/might be changing. The thing to me is that I've never really been a big fan of the word "love", but actions, whatever they are... ;-)


    Date:01/15/2003 12:24PM

    Thanks (fangsongfangsong) for the explanation. I wasn't expecting such an in-depth one, but I'm glad you took the time to write it. The point about man being an extension of a larger system is very interesting - and it explains much about traditional Chinese society and views. Also, the insight about the status of women is equally revealing. You know? I think women around the world have had it pretty rough for many many eons. It wasn't until early last century that women were allowed to vote in Canada, and in the 1920's, under the pressure of womens suffrage groups, the lawmakers in this country had tore-define "persons" in the BNA Act to include women - Imagine, before 1928 in Canada women weren't considered "persons" under the law! Anyways, let's hope with more Chinese coming from single-children homes, that they begin to feel that their individual interests in the pursuit of love becomes more important than what is "responsible", or good for the larger community. And maybe the views about women will change also. I hope they don't become like westerners, jaded, self-interested to the extreme so that they can no longer give things up to be in a relationship... but I wish for the Chinese, their own Chinese solution to the problem of modernizing their cultural views about love and women and relationships. That will be a beautiful thing.


    Date: 01/15/2003 05:24PM

    (fangsongfangsong), fyi, my response to your friend is that 1) Even though I'm 100% Chinese and grew up in China, I personally can never relate to the story described in the movie because it does not reflect a typical Chinese life 2) I think these movies are made deliberately to shock the western culture so that the movie can get an award from some kind of film festival; who doesn't like exotic and twisted things?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 因为这就是真实的生活啊。
      2) I think these movies are made deliberately to shock the western culture so that the movie can get an award from some kind of film festival; who doesn't like exotic and twisted things?

    • That's a movie about Wen2 Ge2.... contains nude and coarse language... rate xxx
    • 冯导的片我们就不说了,张导还有“有话好好说”嘛,老外看不懂。还有我们不是有周星星吗。
    • 你说的电影是陈冲的The sent down girl, 中文叫"天浴"~对这部电影我的想法是,有现象,无思考~~
      • 中国人苦啊, 常年兵荒马乱, 政治斗争, 能过上安稳日子不容易。
      • 差不多只能描述、无法思考。国内近一、二十年的文学作品也是如此。写49年前都非常精彩,后面的就马虎了。不如学沈从文,放笔不写了。
        • 喜欢沈从文。至今记得他描述的湘西女的超长的脚指头。
    • 嗯,仔细看了, 对"我的回答"和"南希的理解"这两段比较喜欢,"i wasn't expecting such an in-depth one, but I'm glad you took the time to write it"~:)
      • :)
      • :)
    • 其时我们不完全是这样的,西方只是看到一个很小的侧面而已,我至今还记得姜文在《芙蓉镇》里扫地的潇洒,那也是我在自己黑暗的日子里的光亮。
    • 你的描述,好像以前世界差不多都是这样的,不过有些国家早些改了,有些到现在还没改。如果真是天浴的话,你朋友的解释跟我差不多,象王朔说得那样,没脑的人拍的。
      • 别把王朔说的那末惨,大学时海水火焰同学一起看了多遍,顽主当时也是不错。 编辑部的故事也不错。
        • 大哥,我说的是这个王朔 ---- “你说的电影是陈冲的The sent down girl, 中文叫"天浴"~对这部电影我的想法是,有现象,无思考~~ -njzy("王朔"); 15:27 (#2254884)Reply”
        • 捣浆糊
      • 你怎么把我们家的大姐都得罪了呀。
        • 嗯,你大姐我管她叫妹妹。:) //不算得罪,她不知道是哪部电影,她朋友可能知道,因此评论不同。
          • 难到你忘了天浴的。。。。。导。。。。。。。
            • 哎呀,我忘了,。。。。。。,这下闯祸了。
    • how about HUN4 DUAN4 LAN2 QIAO2?
    • 不要砸我。。。李小璐回忆《天浴》“裸戏风波”:陈冲骗了我(ZT)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛5年前因在陈冲执导的电影《天浴》中有出色的表现,李小璐以末满16岁的小小年纪便勇夺法国水城电影节最佳女演员和35届台湾金马奖最佳女主角两项大奖。别看《天浴》为李小璐赢得了巨大的荣誉,但她却被当年的“裸戏风波”困扰多年。昨天,在谈到“陈冲阿姨”时,李小璐出乎记者意料地说:“她骗了我,我不会和她再合作了。”


        《天浴》取得成功后,陈冲再接再厉筹拍《万人情妇》时,曾再邀李小璐与梁家辉做搭档,李小璐毫不犹豫地拒绝了邀请。大连晚报首席记者龚兵更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 悲剧往往比喜剧更有感染力。如今的西方大片,受商业化影响,经常塞给人一个大团圆的结局,太俗。
      • 我以前挺喜欢看悲剧,现在喜欢喜剧了,笑过就忘,想那么多干吗?
      • 到是觉得逗人笑比引人哭难。结尾也不容易。
        • 同感。
    • 因为你不知道她说的那部电影,所以你的评论简直是不知所云!至于你那个中国朋友的意见,只能说是一堆垃圾!
      • 太对了!
    • 不光是电影和文学作品,爱情歌曲也是如此。伤感的多过快乐的,很有趣
    • 这和人的心情有关。同样是伤感的故事,人的心境不同,欣赏的角度和产生的反馈也不同,反之也一样,同样快乐的故事,如果你的心情很糟,你也快乐不起来。所以人应该保持一个好心情,既能enjoy他人的快乐,也能feel他人的伤感。
      • 你说得对。政治也是一样,如果谈起来不舒服,总是气,就不谈它。
        • 你俩说话的我的明白。;-)
          • 难得一知己呀!是不是整天去枫下时政讨论区潜水?
            • 一年能去一天就不错。但知道你们哥俩都是动物凶猛,哪里有血腥有裂口,哪里就见到你俩的兴奋。;-)
            • 另一个意思是:艺术(及谈论政治)是为人民服务的。
    • 这部电影叫”天浴“。几年前看的,至今不敢去看第二遍。是部好片子,但看后心里太沉重,无法承受的痛。MM们还是不要看了。。