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:) NEI HANG KAN MEN DAO, WAI HANG KAN RE NAO. ;-) Just like wine tasting, to encourage beginner, you say that good wine is whichever makes you feel and feel good. You certainly wouldn’t say it to a sommelier. ;-)

:) To an opera beginner like me, how can I really enjoy 音乐和唱 if I don't really know 故事 first. See, I didn't even know that Azucena百感交集的死去了since you couldn't see it from the show - the show ended right after Azucena turned back and cried out.

Next time I'll do my homework first before I go for the opera so that I could enjoy 音乐和唱 more. ;-)

Hey, you this "fake" opera beginner is making me this authentic opera beginner sweat hard. ;-) But, I'll sweat harder to catch up since I do enjoy sweating. ;-)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 喜欢歌剧的注意: COC Mar 31 在Hummingbird Centre 开始上演威尔第的<游吟诗人>. (#1987524) (#1987827) (#1988009).
    • 回来了吗?查email吧,你给我的电话号码不完整啊。
    • 有订票去看的吗?我订的是4月3日下午场的。
      • 我会去门口等退票~~~ 如果愿意相见,我可以左手带手套~~~:)
        • 你没有订上票吗?
          • 没有订票,但我准备等票~~rush ticket~~
            • rush ticket便宜还是怎的?#2180882
      • 我也会去, 联络暗号是什么?
        • "暗号~照旧":))
          • 手拿一枝牵牛花:))
            • 狗 (yi3) 巴花
              • 狗蚁巴花儿!
                • 狗尾巴花~
                  • 可别象X888那么凶! 还有手里拿着花的感觉吗?:))
    • 记号
    • 普契尼的"女人",威尔第的"男人".威尔第的作品除<茶花女>外,尽是男人的天下,女人虽然重要,却遮不住威尔第男人的万丈光芒!去看看<游吟诗人>的英雄气概吧!还有他身边死心塌地的女人........
      • 不尽如此: 阿伊达(Aida), 命运的力量(La Forza del Destino) ~~~
        • 还有, 图兰朵的女主角应该是柳儿还是图兰朵?今夜都无法入眠了, 还不是图兰朵呀~~~
          • 当然是图兰朵! 不过唱图兰朵难度较大, 而柳儿的角色相对简单, 很容易唱出感情, 所以很多时侯听众会更喜欢柳儿. 但如过由好的戏剧女高音---象Birgit Nilsson--来唱图兰朵, 效果就大不一样, 你一定不会把柳儿当主角的!
            • 是这个理儿~不过~怎么说柳儿也是死了~还当不上主角~
        • 我最喜欢的意大利歌剧首选Aida
          • 我更喜欢IL Trovatore
      • 威尔第的“男人”真是太男人了!!!!!!!!!!威尔第男人的万丈光芒是威尔第母亲的福气,威尔第女人的幸事!!!!!
        • 坚实温情的儿子---威尔第母亲的福气:
          • I was her son before I loved you, your suffering cannot hold me back ...
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Di quella pira
            IL TROVATORE

            The hideous flame of that pyre
            burns and consumes my whole being!
            Cowards, extinguish it, or I will quickly
            quench it with your blood!

            I was her son before I loved you,
            your suffering cannot hold me back ...
            Unhappy mother, I fly to save you
            or at least to die with you!
            or at least to die with you!
            or at least
            or at least to die with you!

            I cannot bear such grievous blows ...
            Oh, how much better it would be to die!
            Oh, how much better it would be to die!

            The hideous flame of that pyre
            burns and consumes my whole being!
            Cowards, extinguish it, or I will quickly
            quench it with your blood!

            I was her son before I loved you,
            your suffering cannot hold me back ...
            Unhappy mother, I fly to save you
            or at least to die with you!
            or at least to die with you!
            or at least
            or at least to die with you!

            To arms! to arms!...

            Unhappy mother, I fly to save you
            or at least
            or at least to die with you!

            Unhappy mother, I fly to save you
            or at least
            or at least to die with you!

            To arms! to arms!
            To arms!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • If you love me still, if a son’s voice yet has power over a mother’s heart, seek oblivion from your soul’s terrors in sleep…
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Mother?. . . are you asleep?

            I’ve tried and tried to sleep, but sleep
            flies from these eyes . . . I am praying.

            The cold air makes
            your limbs ache maybe?

            No; I long only to escape
            from this living tomb,
            for I suffocate here.


            Do not grieve, the cruel men will
            not be able to torture me!

            Alas! How is that?

            Do you not see?. . . Death has
            already set his sombre imprint
            on my brow!


            They’II find a cold, mute
            corpse - nay, rather a skeleton!


            Can’t you hear? People are coming.
            It’s the executioners . . . they want
            to drag me to the stake!
            Defend your mother!

            There’s no one; reassure yourself.

            The stake!

            No one is coming here!

            The stake, the stake, dreadful word!

            Oh mother, mother!

            Once a savage crowd followed
            your grandmother to the stake.
            See the dreadful flames!
            They’re touching her already!
            Already her burning tresses
            send up sparks heavenward!
            See her eyes
            how they start from her head!
            Alas, who will rid me
            of such a horrible sight?

            If you love me still, if a son’s voice
            yet has power
            over a mother’s heart,
            seek oblivion from your
            soul’s terrors in sleep,
            and repose and peace.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 诚实坚实宽广的爱情---威尔第女人的幸事:
          • Ah yes, my love; when I am yours, and you are my wife; I shall be braver, my arm will be stronger. But if in the pages, of my destiny it is written that I should be…my thoughts will fly to you.
            Ah s? ben mio
            IL TROVATORE

            Ah yes, my love; when I am yours,
            and you are my wife,
            I shall be braver,
            my arm will be stronger.
            But if in the pages
            of my destiny it is written
            that I should be among the victims
            run through by enemy iron,
            that I should be among the victims
            run through by enemy iron,
            with my last breath
            my thoughts will fly to you.
            and only in heaven to precede you
            death to me will seem.

            With my last breath
            death will come to me.
            Only in heaven to precede you
            death to me will seem.
            Death to me will seem?br> And only in heaven
            And only in heaven to precede you
            death to me will seem,
            death to me will seem.
          • I am paying with my blood, the love I centered on you! Do not forget me, Leonora, farewell, Leonora, farewell, farewell!
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Miserere ?Quel suon,
            quelle preci solenni

            Have mercy on a soul about to set out
            upon hat journey from
            which there is no returning!
            Have mercy on it, divine bounty,
            may it not fall prey to hell!

            That sound, those sad and
            solemn prayers fill the air
            with sombre terror!
            The anguish with which I am filled
            checks the breath on my lips and stops
            my very heartbeat!

            Oh! death is ever
            slow in coming
            to him who longs to die!

            Oh heaven!

            .. farewell, Leonora, farewell!

            I feel my senses fail me...

            Have mercy on a soul about to set out
            upon that journey from
            which there is no returning!
            Have mercy on it, divine bounty,
            may it not fall prey to hell!

            Above the dreadful tower.

            Have mercy!

            alas! it seems as if death...

            Have mercy!

            ... on wings of darkness

            Have mercy!

            Have mercy!

            Oh, those portals, perhaps,.

            Have mercy!

            ... will open for him
            only when his body
            is already cold,
            厀hen his body is cold!

            Have mercy!

            I am paying with my blood
            the love I centered on you!
            Do not forget me
            Leonora, farewell,
            Leonora, farewell, farewell!

            I forget you! Me, forget you!
            Have mercy!
            I am paying with... . my blood...
            You, you!...forget you!
            Have mercy!
            the love I centered on you!
            Me forget you!...
            Me forget you!...
            Have mercy!
            Do not forget me
            Farewell, Leonora, farewell,
            Have mercy!

            You, you! Forget you!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 组织好了吗?一共有多少人去?
      • 昨天不是有7,8个了,再加上我们4个。
        • 大家一起热闹一把挺好. 在这里的确比较没劲, 似乎还没有国内的文化生活丰富.
    • 我们四个歌剧幼儿园水平的,已经买了票,并且打印了你全部的中英文介绍。从今天开始,我们在家里一点儿点儿拜读讨论,从剧情,演员,作曲,历史背景,什么都要研究,我们要从此爱上歌剧。务必请您在开演前,抽10分钟答疑。谢谢。
      • 希望有更多的朋友喜欢歌剧!-----一定要把作业作好!
        • 嗯,谢谢鼓励,我带两个从来想不到歌剧跟自己有什么关系的人去,不知道他们会不会喜欢。//刚做功课时竟然发现有两首合唱是我唱过的。
          • 见面的时候, 你就高歌一段, 我就上前认人, ~~~就这么定了~~~
      • How about we meet at the front door of the Humingbird Centre at 1:30pm?
        • goooood yah.
          • 如果你发现了老音乐迷,别忘了给个暗号,我好找机会给他一个.........
            • 怎么没看见你呀?:) 看见你我就说我是迷老,呵呵。
              • 不给暗号,我怎么敢................
                • 你去看了,你也来评评。
                  • 放松放松已经评的够过瘾了,我没什么好说的了. 冒昧问一句, 您是第几次看歌剧.?先看<游吟诗人>算是比较好的. 加上那么多背景资料的积累.从此也许您会真正喜欢歌剧!
                    • 呵呵,西洋歌剧在剧场里是第一次,感谢迷老指引,不然都不知道什么时候演,而且带孩子,不是有组织的话,又放弃了。//以前在一个小国,图书馆里可以借DVD之类的,但只能在图书馆里看。我把几个图书馆里的歌剧都看遍了,很激动。
                      • 特理解您的感觉!
    • <游吟诗人>是TSO, COC近几年的演出除Mahler’s Symphony No. 5之外再次能这样令人感动的力作。现在放松放松完全可以理解为什么迷老,牵牛花会为她发烧,为她痴迷。感谢你们的发烧,你们的痴迷带给放松放松的感动!!!N个hugs!!! ;-)
      • 嗯,开场的确是让人感动的。遗憾的是,那时Leonora和Manrico还没开好声当然他们是越唱越好,Leonora最后很棒,Manrico比较没什么感情,当然无论是戏剧冲突还是感情冲突都不在他身上,他没有发挥也正常,只是不知道他凭什么



        • 哈,俺还是最喜欢Manrico。Manrico唱 #2218998,#2219010 时,俺的眼泪是唰唰地往下流。这样的剧情, Leonora唱得再好也盖不过Manrico。除非Manrico太差太差啦。;-)
          • 我觉得开始时Manrico声音出不来,三个人唱的时候,被完全盖住了,当然这是在开始的时候。女人,你怎么那么愿意流泪呀,那个Manrico简直就是怕瓦落地嘛!没感情!
            • #2180681俺不是早说过了嘛?!不过话说回来,今儿俺第一次看《游吟诗人》,注意歌词要多过歌手。;-)
          • 你是不是喜欢看足球?
            • 喂,你是想让我今天又哭又笑发疯咋的?!!!;-)
              • 也大可不必为剧情那么激动,男人编的,也是男人向往的.............
                • 嗯,这到提醒了我。男主角和Leonora比,没有为爱去死的撕心裂肺;和Azucena比没有丧母丧子之痛以及抚养仇人的儿子有了母子之情却又看着他死去。起时这两个男人Manrico和Luna,是男人创造的,把自己置身戏外,看着周围女人
                  • 为它的音乐癫狂还是值得的. 我觉得歌剧的剧情都不怎么样,骗一下 teenagers还差不多.
                    • 迷老,我听出来了,她说你的智商和teenager差不多。//所以我一再说,戏剧戏曲,不出新戏,没有让时代共鸣的内容,这个再高雅,也挽救不了颓势。
                      • 可别这样说,老迷该不高兴了! 我的意思是我们主要是喜欢歌剧的音乐,剧情只是一方面, 那些故事都比较经典和简单, 骗我们的眼泪 当时小激动一下,就可以了.
                • 俺有话说。和三八的感受#2219867也很不同。最近紧。It could take quite a while。可不说出来难受的是自己。大家也不用注意。;-)
                  • 我们都是性情中的人!
                  • 步同的感受?你感到两个男的为Leonora(你)做了什么了?没有,我看没有,要么演技太差,漂亮的声音没有传载感情。要么编剧导演太差,没有在必要的时候给男人一个机会,任由Leonora在那儿咏叹。//BTW,Luna的声音还是传情的。
                    • 还得补一句,Manrico象是在台上示范科学发声法,并不是在演一出特定的戏。//咳咳,好像我瞎说了一通对Manrico的不满,迷老至今也没有对他的评价出台。抱歉。:)
                      • 对不起, 上次把他给遗漏了. 我给他一个A-- (低于A-, 但高于B+). 主要是刚开始他在台后的演唱不太好. 他的High C 还是不错的, 很嘩众取宠.
                        • 是呀,嘩众取宠,我当时也激动了一下,但马上就凉下来了,不够坚挺也不够坚实也不够持久并且有闷起来的感觉。是意外地没有吸饱气吗?那也是他临场失误了。总之缺少气息支撑,随时会断下来,让我为他担心,因而也就不能跟着hot。嗯,
                • Il Trovatore 让我感动的不是爱情,而是一个男人对母亲的爱和他对自己女人的诚实,一种男人的单纯和温情。Manrico和Luna这两个男人让我感觉比较真实,而Leonora和Azucena让我感觉比较遥远。

                  对Azucena,在Manrico为她唱出“my first loyalty is to my mother”,安慰她“Mother?. . . are you asleep?...The cold air makes your limbs ache maybe?... If you love me still, if a son’s voice yet has power over a mother’s heart, seek oblivion from your soul’s terrors in sleep, and repose and peace”,Azucena的first loyalty 不是Manrico,而是复仇。As the axe falls, Azucena cries out: “He was your brother! Mother, you are avenged!” 天哪,这要换了是我,最后的哭喊应该会是“妈妈,您的仇报了!天哪,还我的儿子!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
                  • 我想Azucena正是象你说的那样, 所以她百感交集的死去了.
                    • 就知道我要犯错!;-)
                      在至少有时间,花时间读完全剧本之前。But, would you agree if I say 38 is so good at being “pushy”?! ;-)


                      • :) 大妹子,戏剧讲究戏剧冲突。这和故事不太一样儿。歌剧除此以外主要还是音乐和唱,声音传情是蛮重要的。正如牵牛花所说,歌剧里的故事都是骗小孩子的。当然不是说不能去研究,是先评歌剧特有的东西嘛。
                        • :) NEI HANG KAN MEN DAO, WAI HANG KAN RE NAO. ;-) Just like wine tasting, to encourage beginner, you say that good wine is whichever makes you feel and feel good. You certainly wouldn’t say it to a sommelier. ;-)
                          :) To an opera beginner like me, how can I really enjoy 音乐和唱 if I don't really know 故事 first. See, I didn't even know that Azucena百感交集的死去了since you couldn't see it from the show - the show ended right after Azucena turned back and cried out.

                          Next time I'll do my homework first before I go for the opera so that I could enjoy 音乐和唱 more. ;-)

                          Hey, you this "fake" opera beginner is making me this authentic opera beginner sweat hard. ;-) But, I'll sweat harder to catch up since I do enjoy sweating. ;-)
                          • Good girl. See, you know a lot of stuff now that you do not sound like a beginner any more. I am a beginner as that was the first time I was sitting in a theater for a live Italian opera. :)
                            Pay me so you can find one to teach you breath support and breath control, that will be the first thing to do to step towards Italian-style opera. :)
                            • Send me your resume and a bio first! I could be an extremely difficult but very picky student. ;-)
                              • :) I am treaky, I did not say I am the one who will teach you but I will tell you one who can teach you when I receive the money, that one might be me though.
                                • Bought a whole lot of opera CDs yesterday. Allow me to smell them first. Don’t be startled if and when I take your bait later on. ;-)
                          • 还有,婴儿的哭声会让引起你的注意,婴儿的笑会让你破涕为笑,有的声音让你恐怖,有的让你高兴。更有些歌无词,但婴儿听了会入睡。二胡声让你伤感,竖琴声让你畅快。你的情感能随歌剧的进展而起伏,尽管你不知道具体的歌词。

                            • Do enjoy your 瞎听 theory! And do enjoy the technical/professional/XB discussions among you guys! ;-)
                              • Mine XB is just a blindly anyways show-off.
      • 我的评分
        我觉的伯爵和Azucena都唱得很好, 应该给A-.

        就象x888讲的, Leonora在第一幕唱得一般, 我准备给她C的. 在最后一幕那两段长的咏叹调开始之前, 我就跟王朔说: "现在是看真功夫的时侯了," 结果Leonora出我意外地唱得非常好, 让我改变了对她的看法. 应该给她个B+.

        我非常喜欢COC的舞台设计, 灯光用得也很好, 很现代, 应该是A.

        但对导演有意见, 把著名的合唱<铁佔之歌>改成了<击剑之歌>, 还有把Manrico用马车推上来...太花哨了. B

        乐队和指挥: 开始的鼓声不够阴沉, Manrico唱<柴堆上炉火雄雄>时有些跟不上. B+
        • 呵呵,我都觉得Leonora最后换了个演员,不敢相信,离得远,看不清楚:)
        • 我证明你说的话~~=:)
          • :) 人如其言。借您贵言,看了一下图灵奖的帖子。图灵奖我不熟,Turing Machine倒挺熟。:)
        • 等两天看我的帕老DVD版阅后感,偷偷予告一下.
          • 嗯,虽然不喜欢帕那个傻唱样儿,不过毕竟是知名歌星:),等有空我拿你的看看吧。
    • 我有问题:那些跑龙套的,每天也是那么练吗?成不了角儿?日子是怎么过的?特别是那些开眼前就躺在那儿的尸体,真的很竟业。可是他们赚多少钱?
      • 有的话不知当讲不当讲~~~可能会得罪老弟~~
        • 但说无妨。//哪个老弟?迷?不怕。我?更不怕。
          • 其实我想说的是,您说的那帮人和合唱的差不多,也就是属于每天练,经常练,也成不了角儿~~~
            • 谢谢。看来,我要重新考虑育儿大计。唉,想让她轻轻松松混口饭吃也不容易呀。
      • 唉,没有人回我。要是我女儿学歌剧修不成正果,是不是就得跑龙套挖?以前在个小国家,跑龙套甚至合唱都是登广告在民间招的,在人才济济的中国合唱跑龙套可能都是专业的。这个加拿大地大人少不不很少,跑龙套合唱都是什么人呢?
        • 孩子属于未来, 我们属于现在. 还是不给他们设计江山的好.
          • 也是。但不试的话,不知道怎么挖掘他们的兴趣,设计还太早,只是试着引引,她没兴趣就再往别的上边儿引引,trial and error。
            • 远远看你女儿挺可爱的!
              • 呵呵,你藏得很深哪,我1点13就到了,接着就不停地四处张望,看见几个华人模样的人,企图将目光聚集并获得一点通的回应,都失败了。可以说,寥廖无几的华人在我脑中都有烙印,你是哪个?有没有故意回避我犀利的目光?
                • 我还以为是在中国, 人长的都一样. 在这儿是比较难藏.不过我还是藏起来....
                  • 哼哼,做我后边有一对儿男女,那位置可以把我们这几头华人面孔一览无疑,那我知道了。//那女的蛮有气质的。
                    • 有气质就不够漂亮?
                      • 漂亮不漂亮?你告诉我那是你,我就说你漂亮:)//嘿嘿,这么说我已经知道那个是你了:)
                        • 你说的人的确不是我. 那我也谢谢你说我"漂亮",我想如果大家都喜欢上了歌剧,日后一定有机会碰面的.抱歉了!
              • 你真是"有组织, 无纪律",本来老迷组织这次活动的目的, 一是锻炼队伍, 二是发现培养新人,但是, 在这里我还是要表扬一下"牵牛花"和大伙儿捉迷藏,在这个意义上, 不仅超越了当时在场的前辈, 也超越了她自己~~~
                • 非常遗憾没能和大家面对面的好好分享. 在rolia我从各位那里学到很多音乐方面的知识,同时也感受到朋友们对音乐的热情.每天我都会不自觉的到rolia 的乐韵书香看看,象有一份寄托在这里.............
                  • 难道这是真的~世界上总有惊喜让我们不知所措~~o, lala~~
                    • 不能激动,任何时候都不能. 一激动就年轻,再一激动就变baby了!--:))
                      • up!!好贴岂能跌入深谷!!