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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Intermediate web developer (don't send Gmail egg to me)

Intermediate web developer

Job desc: responsible for front-end concepts, wireframes, functional wireframes, website mockups, development and integration of websites using VS.NET


HTML/DHTML/CSS/Javascript: 4+ years
Flash: 2+ years
graphics and layout/design: 4+ years
VS.NET: familiarity with the environment and the ability to use VS.NET to build a website or integrate front-end with user controls.

Good to have:

object oriented programming

Basically it's a general web developer role with additional programming skills an asset. All the stuff listed as required skills is required tho.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 有无 Web Developer 推荐啊,送Gmail蛋感谢!精通网页设计和开发,尤其Flash--AS, Cold Fusion等等(从Flash3.0就开始玩),还有视频多媒体。如果各位公司里有空缺望多多推荐啊!
    • Intermediate web developer (don't send Gmail egg to me)
      Intermediate web developer

      Job desc: responsible for front-end concepts, wireframes, functional wireframes, website mockups, development and integration of websites using VS.NET

      REQUIRED Skills:

      HTML/DHTML/CSS/Javascript: 4+ years
      Flash: 2+ years
      graphics and layout/design: 4+ years
      VS.NET: familiarity with the environment and the ability to use VS.NET to build a website or integrate front-end with user controls.

      Good to have:

      object oriented programming
      ASP, ASP.NET, VB.NET, VBScript, SQL

      Basically it's a general web developer role with additional programming skills an asset. All the stuff listed as required skills is required tho.
      • hehe! 谢谢,准备马上发简历给你,可是不知道你的email? ----BTW, 不一定要推荐工作才"送Gmail蛋"了,在座各位谁想要就说一声 :P
        • 能发给我一份么, 我把我的E-MAIL发PM给你了,谢谢
          • 已经发给你了
        • 不客气,我也是转贴,简历请发给帖子里的地址。搞定了就留个言,祝顺利!
          • 可是我找来找去也没看到你帖子里有地址啊 :( 你是不是漏了
            • Sorry, it is my fault. I found it in another post of this guy. Here you are: email jason.little@m-qube.com if insterested.
              • 十分感谢,我已经将简历发过去了。这两天忙没来得及上网,所以很迟才给你回复。Thanks again!
        • 能给我发一个G蛋吗?谢谢了先!
          • sorry, 有两天没上来,没来得及看帖子。你的把你的email告诉我,才能把G蛋送给你啊。还有没有别人要阿?
    • 我可以帮你转简历.把你的建立发到chenhongv@yahoo.com 还有,能给我一个Gmail吗?
      • 你回加拿大了?
        • 你又找工了?
      • Sorry, 这两天都在外面跑,没时间上网回复信息。rusume 已经发给你了,谢谢帮忙。另外gmail也发出去了,请查收!