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Why EV Tariffs Won't Stop Chinese Cars

Why EV Tariffs Won't Stop Chinese Cars
Today, China has the manufacturing capacity to supply half the world's cars. And it has its eyes on the United States. While there are already Chinese-owned ...

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Why EV Tariffs Won't Stop Chinese Cars
    Why EV Tariffs Won't Stop Chinese Cars
    Today, China has the manufacturing capacity to supply half the world's cars. And it has its eyes on the United States. While there are already Chinese-owned ...
    • 显然的,中国电车有先发优势,有着足够庞大的市场,就算没有海外市场也能独立发展,靠市场保护是不可能打击中国电车行业的竞争力的,德国的方式是成为中国电车生产链一部分,在中国市场获取利润同时也让中国电车在德国获取利润,最后到下一定是美国电车
      • 除了特斯拉,其它美国车厂都得倒闭,时间早晚的问题。
    • 李书福说,中国汽车偷工减料.......前景不容乐观,为啥加拿大小粉红比中国的企业家都能吹。 +7
      • 日本靠偷工减料最后成为了汽车大国,苏联车很结实 +2