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Montreal police arrested billionaire Robert Miller, founder of the company Future Electronics, on Thursday to face sex charges involving 10 complainants, many of whom were minors when the alleged offences occurred.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这个80岁的老男人,亿万富翁,可是超级垃圾。在50-60几岁之间,性侵10几岁少女。在中国可以枪毙了?
    Montreal police arrested billionaire Robert Miller, founder of the company Future Electronics, on Thursday to face sex charges involving 10 complainants, many of whom were minors when the alleged offences occurred.
    • 如果是左派,没事。参见 Bill Clinton, Joe Biden. +4
    • 枪毙? 张高丽笑而不语 +7
      • 他离婚了。太寂寞可能。如果你有钱,最好不要离婚。男人年轻时候忙着赚钱顾此失彼,赚钱离婚。晚年比较辛苦一点。有钱应该去越南泰国去玩。以前那个时装大亨都是私人飞机去加勒比海自己的岛屿去玩,飞机离开了加拿大领空,飞机上才开始跳钢管舞。 结果还是被美国起诉 +1