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the Incredible Procession of President XI JINPING in Paris / May 2024
In this video you'll see, the Incredible Procession of President XI JINPING in Paris enjoy watching SUBSCRIBE BY CLICKING HEREhttps://www.youtube.com...

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 今上御驾亲临巴黎,法国佬真能整活,大马走一路拉一路,还得有兽医救护车跟着。 +1
    the Incredible Procession of President XI JINPING in Paris / May 2024
    In this video you'll see, the Incredible Procession of President XI JINPING in Paris enjoy watching SUBSCRIBE BY CLICKING HEREhttps://www.youtube.com...
    • 法国要办奥运会,肯定希望之前世界上别出乱子,奥运开完你们再继续打 +1
    • 那马儿一边走一边拉,马路臭气冲天,清洁工人得忙活了
    • 精明的法国佬1本万利啊。给1尊做个脸面秀、空客的百亿大单就稳了 +6