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别盲目听主流媒体的,在伊朗发动导弹,无人机袭击后,以色列遭到了重大打击,禁止记者到被袭击地区,禁止被袭击地区的照片泄露到媒体上。US Marine Scott Ritter: "As an American I'm am SCARED over what's about to happen"

✅Videos we recommend: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZdhTWJ6YawrVRcYeuCmiK6BLnkSprAtpIsraeli officials now say they're going to strike deep inside I...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 别盲目听主流媒体的,在伊朗发动导弹,无人机袭击后,以色列遭到了重大打击,禁止记者到被袭击地区,禁止被袭击地区的照片泄露到媒体上。US Marine Scott Ritter: "As an American I'm am SCARED over what's about to happen" +1
    ✅Videos we recommend: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZdhTWJ6YawrVRcYeuCmiK6BLnkSprAtpIsraeli officials now say they're going to strike deep inside I...
    • 以色列地方那么小,落地的炸弹附近1-2公里没人看见? +1
      • 也许附近1-2公里的人都被炸死了。所以就没人看见了。
        • 很有意思
          • 你得会找借口。否则你就老和敌对势力站在一条战线上了。
    • The Iranian attack was wildly more successful than Israel is admitting. Iran has proven that the much vaunted cutting edge, world leading, Israeli-USA missile defence system is by no stretch infallible. It CAN be overcome. Iran CAN strike again. +1


      We're here.

      On the edge of WW3.

      So, quick catch-up ICYMI:
      Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus, senior Iranian officials and military leaders died. Iran responded by sending a wave of cruise missiles and drones to hit targets in Israel. Israel claimed to have successfully shot down 99% of the attacking ordinance. And now Israel is threatening a massive retaliation to Iran's retaliation.

      That's how things seem if you follow the news. But there's deeper truth and nuance here!

      The Iranian attack was wildly more successful than Israel is admitting. Iran has proven that the much vaunted cutting edge, world leading, Israeli-USA missile defence system is by no stretch infallible. It CAN be overcome. Iran CAN strike again. Next time, they CAN drop a nuke on Israel (for one extreme example).

      The Netanyahu coalition government was in deep political trouble before this whole mess. They are in much deeper trouble now but holding on to power because you don't change government in the middle of a war. And they now have very few viable strategic options. If they just back down an relative peace resumes they'll lose their coalition and be out of power. But they can't really press an attack without the USA in full military parnership. And the Biden administration has made it plain that they won't in fact automatically "stand with" Israel if Israel attacks Iran. So Israel is on their own. With few viable strategic options. And a desperate leadership on the brink of losing political power.

      It's hard to imagine what might happen next.

      I STRONGLY advise the below video for a more complete understanding of the situation.

      US Marine Scott Ritter: "As an American I'm am SCARED over what's about to happen"
      ✅Videos we recommend: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZdhTWJ6YawrVRcYeuCmiK6BLnkSprAtpIsraeli officials now say they're going to strike deep inside I...
    • 提供这个信息的是美军的中东武器核查员,在该地区呆了很长时间,并且有自己的独立消息来源。 +1
      • 美军武器核查员兼职做youtuber?
        • :-)感兴趣的话可以看看主贴视频,是对这个武器核查员的采访。
          • 回头我找个CIA卧底采访一下 +1
    • 美国媒体只是避重就轻说拦截了大部分导弹,那几个漏网之鱼让以色列遭到了重大打击 +1
      • 是,主贴视频解释得很清楚,拦截到的是诱饵弹头,诱饵弹头消耗完拦截弹后,真正的弹头攻击并击中目标。
    • 胡扯吧,以色列要是遭到重大损失,还不立刻马上报复?还能这么悠哉悠哉? +1
    • 核导弹假弹头和真弹头的比例是10:1,甚至20:1.另外导弹在最后会忽然加速,变轨,所以拦截核导弹只能是早期或中期拦截,末端拦截几乎没用。这次以色列的拦截是末端拦截,视频里提到了伊朗导弹的假弹头,末端变轨,可没见过哪篇主流媒体文章提到以色列的拦截系统是怎么区
      • In a missile the cheapest part is the warhead.
    • 没看里边,这大陆话也太搞笑了。自媒体,twitter就是在承包俄罗斯和大陆的假消息,从covid到疫苗,从俄乌战争到哈以战争,一次次证明大陆是个笑柄,大陆人的假信息一波一波的。不过以色列也是有意思,军事上帮助大陆,大陆帮伊朗,伊朗打以色列。
    • 99%的谎言快被美国戳穿了 。要是至少9枚导弹击中目标,拦截成功率99%的话,那伊朗要至少发射900枚导弹,可伊朗根本没发射这么多导弹呀 LOL