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Two bills moving through the Hawaii legislature could phase out short-term rentals as the state tries to tackle rising housing costs and homelessness.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 夏威夷要开始限制非屋主occupied的AirBNB。多伦多和温哥华是不是也要跟上 +1
    Two bills moving through the Hawaii legislature could phase out short-term rentals as the state tries to tackle rising housing costs and homelessness.
    • 这是跟温哥华学的,温哥华早就这样了 +1
      • 温哥华应该还有很多漏网之鱼继续AIRBNB。看政府是否抓得紧啦。AirBNB肯定不会主动的
        • 很难漏网。温哥华短租需要申请牌照,没有牌照上不了airbnb
    • 早该如此,本来AIRBNB的创建宗旨就只限自住屋,跟传统BNB对接 +1
    • 太多无家可归的人了,市场上又太少长租屋的结果。