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Evidences are underway...

Investigation casts new doubt on Israeli narrative of al-Ahli hospital blast

A new investigation into photographic and audio evidence of the al-Ahli Arab Hospital blast conducted by Channel 4 News has cast more doubt on Israel’s account of the events.

An audio analysis conducted by a consortium of specialised NGOs concluded that the sound heard on a video right before the explosion was incompatible with the trajectory of a purported Palestinian rocket fired from southwestern Gaza, as argued by the Israeli army.

The Israeli army also released a video with a recording of a conversation between purported Hamas officials, where they appear to talk about the alleged misfired rocket that had caused the hospital blast.

The Earshot audio investigation group said that a forensic sound analysis revealed the audio was recorded on two separate channels, and then edited together, disqualifying it from being a credible source of evidence.

Al Jazeera’s Sanad verification team has also investigated the incident and found that Israeli statements seem to have misinterpreted the evidence to build a story that one of the flashes recorded by several sources was a rocket misfire.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 加沙医院500人被炸死真相:摩萨德因为哈马斯的偷袭而备受指责,被要求将功补过,解决以军即将进入加沙平民伤亡造成的国际影响,他们合计想出一个妙招:冒充哈马斯制造一个大新闻,这样再有平民伤亡的影响力就会大减,妙不妙? +2
    • Evidences are underway... +1

      Investigation casts new doubt on Israeli narrative of al-Ahli hospital blast

      A new investigation into photographic and audio evidence of the al-Ahli Arab Hospital blast conducted by Channel 4 News has cast more doubt on Israel’s account of the events.

      An audio analysis conducted by a consortium of specialised NGOs concluded that the sound heard on a video right before the explosion was incompatible with the trajectory of a purported Palestinian rocket fired from southwestern Gaza, as argued by the Israeli army.

      The Israeli army also released a video with a recording of a conversation between purported Hamas officials, where they appear to talk about the alleged misfired rocket that had caused the hospital blast.

      The Earshot audio investigation group said that a forensic sound analysis revealed the audio was recorded on two separate channels, and then edited together, disqualifying it from being a credible source of evidence.

      Al Jazeera’s Sanad verification team has also investigated the incident and found that Israeli statements seem to have misinterpreted the evidence to build a story that one of the flashes recorded by several sources was a rocket misfire.

      • 这个招式的妙处在于哈马斯说话的诚信度不高,属于低级红高级黑的操作,而且很容易证伪:谁都不信一个小弹坑能杀死500人 +1
        • 以色列命令,清空整个医院,这下证据就难找了? +1
      • 美国拒绝了联合国独立机构的调查 +1
        • 美国怎么拒绝的? source?
          • 在10月19日举行的记者会上,当记者问美国会不会支持国际调查的提问时,美国国务院发言人马修米勒表示:“我认为,现在这样做是不合适的。”显然美国不同意国际调查是害怕真相暴露 +1
            • 你说的这个?这是美国国务院认为目前不是调查的好时机,因为美国认为现在的信息已经足够了。美国国务院的表态不能阻止联合国的行动,除非美国行使了安理会的否决权。 +2
              US Says International Investigation Into Gaza Hospital Attack "Not Appropriate At This Time"
              "I do not believe that is appropriate at this time," said US State Department Spokesperson Mathew Miller when asked about international investigation into at...
              • 难道不是一回事?结果就是不同意调查,忘了美国是怎么使用否决权否绝了人道主义 +1
            • 你瞧,不管说什么,总有人能曲解
    • 多看看以色列轰炸加沙的视屏就知道了, 估计以色列和阿拉伯人心里都明白是怎么回事. 一堆歪果仁在这里无聊的闲扯, 还啥真相, 其实就是差实锤而已. +3
      • 约旦埃及黎巴嫩3国领袖,通通取消和拜登的会务,说明问题。他们都是本地人,知道怎么回事 +2
    • 难得小粉红蛤蟆丝配合默契 +3
      • 什么是蛤蟆丝? +1
        • 哈马斯
    • 你知道500人站一块要占多大的面积吗 ? +3
      • 一百人,叠5层,在医院停车场,演杂技时,或50人,叠10层。 +2
      • 联合国早就确认这次轰炸“killed more than 470 civilians”,
        加沙有各种联合国救援机构的人,人家都数过了,要不你们自己再去数一遍尸体吧。联合国还确认以色列对加沙的轰炸炸死了15个联合国的难民机构的人,还袭击了红十字会的救护车,炸死4个救护人员( Israeli bombardment on Gaza has also killed 15 staff of the United Nations Refugee Works Agency (UNRWA) and four Palestine Red Crescent paramedics in an ambulance. ),估计都是造谣吧。
        • This only proves that the UN is a clown. +3
          • 嗯,联合国是个小丑,那么以色列总不能根据一个小丑通过的决议建国啊,所以你推翻了以色列建国的法律依据了 +1
            • "is", not "was".
              • 微博金句 联合国和我一致, 听联合国的, 联合国和我不一样, 听我的. 没毛病. -killer(_)
                • The UN has been changed completely. It's no longer the UN of 1951, let alone 1948. In the 1950s and 1960s it got watered down badly.
        • 联合国那篇报道也扯蛋:1)暗示是以色列所谓;2)还有上千人在瓦砾中。 +2
          GENEVA (19 October 2023) – UN experts* today expressed outrage against the deadly strike at Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, which killed more than 470 civilians on Tuesday (17) and trapped hundreds under the rubble. The strike reportedly followed two warnings issued by Israel that an attack on the hospital was imminent if people inside were not evacuated. “The strike against Al Ahli Arab Hospital is an atrocity.
          • 妙啊,为了挺以,连联合国一起骂,你们几个肯定是在现场数过尸体了吧 +1
            • 只看这个报道来评论:瓦砾是建筑物受损;几千人在建筑物里,你要有大建筑物坍塌造成的;几千人在瓦砾中,存活率不会百分之百,四天了,还会有更多的人死在瓦砾中,看看他们怎么更新伤亡数字。自己有脑子,自己想问题。
              • 哈哈,你的脑子比联合国专家好,你的眼睛也比联合国现场救助人员好,你火眼金睛看穿表象找到本质,以色列最需要你这样的洗地义工了
    • 妙。摩萨德干没干不知道,媒体就是这么干的。 +2