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不仅造成了巴勒斯坦难民, 还造成了阿拉伯犹太人难民,这是著名的以色列问题专家牛津教授Avi Shlaim的观点,他本身是阿拉伯犹太人,出生于巴格达,2岁随父母被迫迁移到新建的以色列,他服了兵役,后来来到英国。当然他的观点只能代表左翼进步派。感兴趣的可看看视频Wither Israel以色列何去何从
Whither Israel
Reflections on the past, present and future of Israel by Professor Avi Shlaim, University of Oxford and Göran Rosenberg, writer and journalist.Avi Shlaim is ...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 一家之言|阿以冲突—你不可不知道的十个基本事实 ——张平(以色列特拉维夫大学东亚学系汉学与东亚学终身教授) +3
    • 有时觉得,自诩历史长度越长,若存在纠纷,则互掐的时间也会更长,这样的不如直接放手,掐够为止
    • 他住在以色列,在以色列读书,又在以色列大学教书,他又是研究汉学的,不是研究中东历史,他写的很难说有什么公信力,因为立场已经明确了,找论据不难 +8
      • 他的话比你的话更可信。你研究啥? +5
        • 房产投资 +2
          • 不如他 +2
            • 不见得,我至少身处事外,没利益冲突,公平的可能性比他大 +9
              • 今天听到的笑话 +7
    • 最基本的事实是,犹太人离开这块地方已有1800多年了,<相当于秦始皇时期就已经离开了>,凭啥不经过邻居同意,在这里建国? +5

      • 那就打吧,不过不要对平民搞恐袭。 +4
        • 不打不来交情!平民要么逃走要么陪葬 +1
      • 那那,你这种逻辑把中国政府自古以来的南海主权,置于何处? +4
        • 去问中华民国,南海9段线是他们划的! +3
      • 纠正下,秦始皇是公元前200多年,差着四百多年呢。这么说,相当于说我们在崇祯的时候移民加拿大了。 +3
        • 你那么较真,你移民加拿大往前400年不是崇祯的时候啦 +2
        • 嗯,纠正的对。应该是公元150年左右,3国时代。现代人对那个时期,应该没啥感觉啊! +1
      • 错误。犹太人从来没有离开那块地方。一直居住在那里。 +5
        • 奥斯曼帝国人口统计,巴勒斯坦地区总人口约300,000人,穆斯林占87%、基督徒占10%、犹太人占3%(约1万人),1897年犹太复国运动开始,到1922年占11%,1931年占17%,1947年占30%,1948年犹太复国 +3
          • 我应该说,犹太人从来没有完全离开过那块地方。谢谢。 +2
            • 比如华人一直居住在马来西亚,能够在马来西亚建国吗? +3
              • 新加坡怎么产生的?我知道您老的立场和背景,还是要提醒一下这个低级错误。 +3
                • 新加坡是被马来西亚踢走的, 并不是主动要求独立建国的。李光耀那时痛哭流涕。 +3
              • The modern concept of country is not based on race. The best example is Singapore. It became independent from Malaysia. Although the first leader is a Chinese, we don't say it's a Chinese country. +3
                • 现在不是讨论现代国家的概念。是讨论应不应该在巴勒斯坦地区建立以色列国。一方同意,一方不同意的情况下, 怎么办? +3
                  • 是谁让以色列人在那块土地上复国,巴勒斯坦人应该去找谁评理。 +1
                    • 是联合国181号决议。巴勒斯坦人应该找谁去评理呢?谁又能代表联合国呢?5个常任理事国吗? +2
                      • 那就更没有理由指责、攻击以色列,他们是按联合国决议来建立国家的,并不是所谓的“入侵者”。 +6
                        • 事实上联合国没有重视周围阿拉伯国家的反对票。多伦多造房子,只要多伦多居民投票就可以了,并不需要温哥华的投票。联合国把其他国家拉进来,稀释了阿拉伯国家的投票数。 +3
                          • 你有一个建议提的很好,为什么不把德国划出一块让以色列建国?这恐怕不仅西方,连苏联也不会同意。都是考虑自己的利益,所以牺牲了巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯国家,但这决不是以色列的错。 +1
                            • 这不是我的建议,是沙特前国王说的。以色列建国是犹太复国主义和列强一拍即合的结果。完全忽视了阿拉伯国家的否决票。埋下了战争的种子。 +3
                              • 以色列与巴勒斯坦及阿拉伯国家之间的恩怨很难一句定论,实在太复杂,没有对错。但哈马斯的行为令人不齿,这帮恐怖分子实际上不仅绑架以色列平民,更绑架整个巴勒斯坦民族,巴以百姓都是受害者,必须要把哈马斯彻底铲除! +2
                                • 连英国人都主动放弃管理权, 说明两边都很难搞。哈马斯绑架了200个人质是可恶,但以色列绑架200万加沙居民, 算英雄?
                          • 多伦多造房子需要多伦多居民投票,开玩笑吧。
                            • 比喻而已
                  • One side were the Jews who just sufferred from persecutions and genecides; The other side were the kings and dictators. The answer is pretty straightforward. +1
                    • 对啊,谁迫害犹太人就让他们出地方补偿犹太人?阿拉伯人并没有迫害犹太人。阿拉伯国家习惯国王独裁,跟别的国家无关。 +3
                      • It's not a compensation. +1
                        There should be a land for a country where Jews would be able to live free of persecution. Their motherland was the natural and perfect candidate. The new country did not exclude Arabs living in that land. They were given the same rights.
                        • 居住和建国是两个概念。犹太人居住没有问题,但是建国, 需要四周阿拉伯国家同意。 +2
                          • 土共建国取得了哪个国家的同意?
                            • 中国一直在那块地方,只是换个领导而已,以前蒋介石换成毛泽东!
        • 一直有一部分犹太人居住在那里,但并不代表能够建国,居住区和建国是两个概念。 +2
          • The modern country of Israel is NOT only for Jews. There are Arabs, who account for 20% of the population. They enjoy all constitution rights of the country. +3
            • 以色列议会是有阿拉伯代表,那是建国以后的事情。现在讨论以色列建国, 周围11个阿拉伯国家通通反对。 +2
              • The Arab countries were not democracies. The objections reflected the stands of the kings/dictators only.
                • 国家的投票权和国家的体制无关。并不是说民主国家有投票权,专制国家就没有投票权。 +2
                  • Votes from non-democracies possess minimal legitimacy.
                    • 只不过是你个人意见而已。 +2
                      • Yes, it's my opinion. But such opinion has a solid rationale behind it. +1
                        • 也是你个人认为而已。 +2
                          • FYI: Is it true that UN votes from democratic countries are often seen as having a higher degree of legitimacy?

                            Yes, in international diplomacy, votes or positions taken by democratic countries at the United Nations (UN) and in other international forums are often seen as having a higher degree of legitimacy for several reasons:

                            1. **Democratic Accountability**: Leaders of democratic countries are typically elected by their citizens through a democratic process. This accountability to the electorate can provide a perception of legitimacy to their foreign policy decisions. Citizens in democracies have a say in choosing their leaders, which can make the leaders' actions and positions more representative of the people's will.

                            2. **Transparency and Rule of Law**: Democratic countries tend to have higher levels of transparency, adherence to the rule of law, and respect for human rights. These principles underpin the perception of legitimacy in international affairs. Their foreign policy decisions are often seen as being consistent with these values.

                            3. **Peaceful Conflict Resolution**: Democracies often seek peaceful means to resolve international conflicts and disputes. They are less likely to engage in armed conflict with other democracies, which contributes to stability and peace in the international system. This commitment to peaceful conflict resolution enhances the perceived legitimacy of their actions.

                            4. **Commitment to International Institutions**: Democratic countries tend to be more active participants in international institutions like the UN. They are more likely to adhere to international agreements, treaties, and conventions, and to cooperate with other countries through these forums.

                            5. **Alignment with Democratic Norms**: Democracies are expected to uphold democratic norms, such as free and fair elections, freedom of the press, and the protection of individual rights. When they advocate for these norms in their foreign policy, it is often viewed as consistent with broader international values.

                            6. **Diplomacy and Multilateralism**: Democracies tend to emphasize diplomacy, negotiations, and multilateral approaches to international problems. This commitment to diplomacy can enhance the legitimacy of their positions on the international stage.

                            • 这里讨论以色列建国的问题。你提出的问题,另外可以开一个贴 +1
                              • 哈马斯还是民主选举出来, 为毛美国不认账? 哈哈 +2
        • 以色列建国, +2
          不仅造成了巴勒斯坦难民, 还造成了阿拉伯犹太人难民,这是著名的以色列问题专家牛津教授Avi Shlaim的观点,他本身是阿拉伯犹太人,出生于巴格达,2岁随父母被迫迁移到新建的以色列,他服了兵役,后来来到英国。当然他的观点只能代表左翼进步派。感兴趣的可看看视频Wither Israel以色列何去何从
          Whither Israel
          Reflections on the past, present and future of Israel by Professor Avi Shlaim, University of Oxford and Göran Rosenberg, writer and journalist.Avi Shlaim is ...
          • 我们常有的观念“阿拉伯人和犹太人有千年的恩怨”的观念并不准确, +2
            矛盾肯定是有的,但以牛津教授Avi Shlaim的家庭为例,他认为他家首先是伊拉克人,其次才是犹太人, 那时候的伊拉克犹太人,在各个层面上都对这个国家做过很多贡献,是有认同感的。以色列建国后,被迫迁移到以色列
            • 谁逼的?美国犹太人可没有被逼去以色列。
      • 照你的说法,美国加拿大得散伙,墨西哥好像也是外来者,南美国家估计也多半够呛。 +3
      • 说谎张口就来,犹太人亡国1800年,大部分犹太人离开这个地方,一部分犹太人一直居住在这里从未离开。以色列建国之前,这个地方不属于任何一个国家,自己的故国为何不能建国? +2
        • 居住可以,建国要征求邻居已经。否则房子造好了,邻居搞破坏!
          • 建房绝对不是需要邻居同意,邻居可以提反对意见vs需要邻居同意不能混为一谈。去市里申请permit,如果有人反对可以举行hearing,但邻居如果敢违法搞破坏也是有合法渠道整治邻居的。 +1
            • 周围阿拉伯反对意见,通通忽略了。所以就打起来了