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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛历史总是很复杂的。Dominique Arel, chair of Ukrainian studies at the University of Ottawa, told CBC News on Sunday that the division Hunka was part of had attracted thousands of Ukrainian volunteers, many joining with hopes they could achieve Ukrainian independence. Only Germans from Germany itself were able to fight in the German army, Arel explained, so non-German volunteers who believed in Nazi aims or sought to use Nazi power for their own ends were organized into SS divisions. Arel said there was an extremely "complex, if not somewhat dark legacy" left by Ukrainian nationalist movements at the time of the Second World War that sometimes adhered to far-right ideologies and collaborated with the Nazis against the Soviet Union.

"For them, the ultimate evil was Moscow occupation," Arel said.

"They were ready to fight for what they believed to be their own independence. That's the take-away from between today and then. But the association with the SS and the constant use of symbolism to this day, that is highly problematic."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 是不是小袋子生气土豆赞美那个老人二战打苏联?道歉来了,小袋子是对的,那个老人是为纳粹而斗。 +3
    House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota is apologizing for honouring a man who fought with a Nazi unit in the Second World War, saying no one else was aware of his intentions to recognize the man.
    • 不用道歉,俺对弱智一向比较宽容。 +3
      • 更可恶的是土豆办公室推卸责任,全推给了speaker的办公室。
        • The Speaker is also a Liberal MP.
    • 应该不是,她生气的是司机任命的一个美女 +1
      • 哦,记错了。最近她忧国忧民,都要气坏了身子,心疼半秒钟😂 +1
    • 那个老人可能最终的目标是为乌克兰独立而战斗。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛历史总是很复杂的。Dominique Arel, chair of Ukrainian studies at the University of Ottawa, told CBC News on Sunday that the division Hunka was part of had attracted thousands of Ukrainian volunteers, many joining with hopes they could achieve Ukrainian independence. Only Germans from Germany itself were able to fight in the German army, Arel explained, so non-German volunteers who believed in Nazi aims or sought to use Nazi power for their own ends were organized into SS divisions. Arel said there was an extremely "complex, if not somewhat dark legacy" left by Ukrainian nationalist movements at the time of the Second World War that sometimes adhered to far-right ideologies and collaborated with the Nazis against the Soviet Union.

      "For them, the ultimate evil was Moscow occupation," Arel said.

      "They were ready to fight for what they believed to be their own independence. That's the take-away from between today and then. But the association with the SS and the constant use of symbolism to this day, that is highly problematic."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这种洗地是很苍白无力的,为虎作伥,为了自己的生存去残害他人。今天中国支持俄罗斯也是为国家利益,一样受到谴责。。。 +1
    • 真是蠢货,居然把纳粹当英雄赞美,还一起鼓掌欢呼。 +4
      • 难说哪天会给纳粹平反,现在欧美已经有民意基础
        • 那个"难说哪天"被他们提前整到来了,加拿大政府这回干了一把大事。
        • 是的,看看支持trump的白人极右就知道了。那一天的到来就离欧美华人给抓壮丁或者关进集中营的那一天不远了。可惜很多华人极右认同纳粹的ideology,替人家摇旗呐喊,跟乌克兰认同纳粹的nationalists 有异曲同工之处,很可悲。
          • 不要吓唬我们老实巴交的一代移民。
            • 好吧,也许不会被关集中营,但有可能被赶出去,如同苏联把波兰人乌克兰人赶到西伯利亚,当初的英法殖民者把原住民赶到加拿大的边远地区一样。
              • 那就让自己强大起来吧,白人现在多边缘呀
          • 中国人是应该关集中营,民间早点建档案,免得分不清楚
            • 我没搞清楚你这是说的反话呢,还是你确实是这个意思? +1
    • Rolia上的人现在都变成了惊弓之鸟,碰到敏感话题就像被刨了祖坟一样。反乌克兰不能这样反,把自己推到了极端分子那一堆里。Racist, Misinformation, Disinformation, Trump rapping. +2
    • 这如果还不算是天大的丑闻是什么?! 假如那老纳粹是因司机而进入议会殿堂接受英雄礼遇和致敬的,那就妥妥的证明了司机领导下的乌克兰确实是崇拜纳粹的.....且看为政治正确而挺乌的怎么洗和消毒消音吧 +6
      • 丢人显眼! +3
      • 要是文革的话因为这一件事所有挺乌的都得被抓起来吧。路线斗争太厉害了! +5
    • 议长傻冒不奇怪,问题是这老头也老年痴呆了吗?不知道自己身上有屎吗?
      • 问题是那个老人也许不认为他是为了纳粹而战,是为了乌克兰的独立。跟这个论坛上支持白人极右的华人极右是一样的。
    • 想知道这位老者的感受,这两天和做梦一样。
    • 二战后不光德国纳粹移民,各国纳粹伪军也大量移民怕被清算。加拿大很多那时候过来的乌克兰人,纳粹占很高比例,自由地好像也是此类后裔。不过东欧纳粹和大陆二狗子不一样,他们真杀,不是只图钱 +1
      • 问题是如何定义纳粹,二战时期亲德国的人不一定都是纳粹,只是选边站而已,没有纳粹理念。尤其是跟苏联对抗的,外有芬兰,内有爱沙尼亚人乌克兰人,都只是因为反苏才跟德国站在一起的。
        • 又不是没有纳粹的定义!是不是从犯,简单的来说关键是有没有杀其他族裔平民,就像大陆二狗子的消极抵抗,最后很少有被清算的,纳粹的死党很少不是血淋淋的,翻案还真难 +1
          • 你说的那些纳粹都是经过甄选的吗?
            • 查史吧,党卫军14师是乌克兰的志愿军!不是一般的伪军! +2
              • 不要帮他缩小范围,我谈的不是党卫军
                • 老头就是14师出身的!不是铁杆纳粹是啥? +2
                  • 我又没谈那个老头,我是接这个的#15680464@0
            • 现在靠曾经的纳粹英雄事迹来说反俄反苏是天经地义,也醉了。土豆丢人一个接一个。当初的小纳粹,也许当初不自主,现在拿纳粹行为当英雄事迹,出名了,就得搬家了 +1
              • 网红的特点, 就是容易翻车, 跟土豆关系不大. 别看人翻车, 但是人家有选票, 那些骂骂咧咧的网友请自重, 不要污蔑加拿大的民主制度. +1
        • 那时还有一只俄罗斯人的德国纳粹volunteer 队伍,是由在苏联被压迫的俄罗斯人组成的。
    • 应该怪美国和英国当初判断失误,二战援助苏联太猛
      • 再过几年,当时的西方同盟国领导人会不会因通共援苏被掘墓鞭尸?