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Wish a victory for Ukraine in the year of 2023

Source: Live: Ukraine
2022 struck our hearts. We cried out all the tears. All the prayers were yelled. 311 days. We have something to say about every minute. But most words are superfluous. No explanation needed. Silence is needed to hear. Pauses are needed to realize

We don't know for sure what new 2023 will bring us. I want to wish all of us one thing – victory. And that's the main thing.

Let this year be the year of return. The return of our people. Soldiers – to their families. Prisoners – to their homes. Immigrants – to their Ukraine. The return of our lands. And the temporarily occupied will become forever free.

Return to normal life. To happy moments without curfew. To earthly joys without air alerts. The return of what has been stolen from us. The childhood of our children, the peaceful old age of our parents.

May the New Year bring all it. We're ready to fight for it. That's why each of us is here. I'm here. We're here. You're here. Everyone's here. We're all Ukraine.

Glory to Ukraine!
Happy New Year!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / Wish a victory for Ukraine in the year of 2023 +14
    Source: Live: Ukraine
    2022 struck our hearts. We cried out all the tears. All the prayers were yelled. 311 days. We have something to say about every minute. But most words are superfluous. No explanation needed. Silence is needed to hear. Pauses are needed to realize

    We don't know for sure what new 2023 will bring us. I want to wish all of us one thing – victory. And that's the main thing.

    Let this year be the year of return. The return of our people. Soldiers – to their families. Prisoners – to their homes. Immigrants – to their Ukraine. The return of our lands. And the temporarily occupied will become forever free.

    Return to normal life. To happy moments without curfew. To earthly joys without air alerts. The return of what has been stolen from us. The childhood of our children, the peaceful old age of our parents.

    May the New Year bring all it. We're ready to fight for it. That's why each of us is here. I'm here. We're here. You're here. Everyone's here. We're all Ukraine.

    Glory to Ukraine!
    Happy New Year!
    • 👍 yes!!! +6
    • Never doubt that +5
    • Watch the video. President Zelensky makes a very good speech.
    • 让我们不惜一切代价去争取最后的胜利✌️
      但谁庆祝胜利 谁是代价?政治太残酷了。
      • US didn't surrender to Al-Qaeda in 2001; Korea didn't surrender to Communists in 1950; UK didn't surrender to NAZI in 1943; China didn't surrender to Imperial Japan in 1937. +2
        • 🦾
        • China did not and will not surrender to US bullying. +1
    • 乌克兰人民战无不胜,无坚不摧~~
    • 愿望是美好的,国际政治是肮脏的 +1
    • 这事儿不能wish。我们从来都是wish对方新的一年身体健康万事如意,到了年尾回过头一看那就是个wish。 +1
      • 你是不是年年被wish,年年被失望?😂
        • 不如意事常八九。这就是个wish,好意领了,但不用当真。
    • 胜利都是献血祭奠出来的!你貌似修得了瑜伽的表象,而错过了其神韵。否则,应该祈愿世界和平吧? +11
      • 就是,至少是表面上持中立立场 +2
      • Peace through strength +4
        • 明说吧,大炮射程范围内都是真理 +1
          • Nope +2
            • 枪杆子里面出政权
          • 北约与华约的本质都是以联盟的形式扩大大炮射程的范围与距离......
            • Sailor 不同意,还会上裸照抗议
      • 只有打败和消灭独裁者疯子,才会有真正的和平 +6
        • 世界多极总比单极要好 +1
          • Nope +7
            • Too simple sometimes naive
        • 包括希特勒吗?
          • 当然,打败了恶魔希特勒,欧洲才享受了将近80年的和平:可惜在东方,没有消灭另外一个更加邪恶的恶魔毛泽东,导致中国人民受尽荼毒 +2
            • WOW ,口风改的快,赞
      • 似是而非。
      • 和平有代价。美国如果没有撤出阿富汗,现在阿富汗妇女不会失去受教育的机会。 +2
      • 高人,赞,祝新年好。
      • 假設有人為了搶佔你的家, 不惜進去殺人放火, 我是否也應祈願你們日子安好? +1
        • 啥事都感同身受不利于身心健康 +2
        • 大毛2毛都友好了300多年了,为啥会互殴? +1
    • 粉红俄粉真无法接受这个祝福😄 +3
    • 如果乌克兰占上风,战争会升级,所以乌克兰败是对全世界损失相对较小的一个结果。美国军火商肯定希望的是僵持
      • 中肯。只要战争继续,美军工复合体就会夜夜开party庆功会,老大的愿望也就只能是愿望了
        • 其实大毛二毛历史上都不是好东西,随便打死哪个我都觉得可以。只是俄罗斯藏私没拿出新式武器看着不过瘾
      • 我敢向列宁保证,当乌克兰兵临莫斯科城下时,老美一定全力支持普蒂的
      • 可美国的财政已经无力支撑了。军火商赚钱,可掏钱的是美国政府,是美国纳税人买单。美国富人又想尽办法不缴税,联邦债务不断创新高。最后国家还是整体亏的。
        • 那些可不是损耗,美国打伊拉克发行的国债全世界买单,估计中国贡献占大头
        • 呵呵,或许只看到了一面而忘了另一面:只有世界各处比如欧洲、亚洲战火纷飞,才能凸显美国的安全稳定,全球的美元才能源源不断的回流和涌入美国....美国深知财富的流向规律和操控手段...
    • I wish many victories,1 is hardly enough…