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The West had been hoping that Ukrainian successes would force Putin to back down,

but instead he is doubling down. “Time and again we are seeing that Vladimir Putin sees this as a big existential war and he’s ready to up the stakes if he is losing on the battlefield,” Gabuev said.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / The West had been hoping that Ukrainian successes would force Putin to back down,
    but instead he is doubling down. “Time and again we are seeing that Vladimir Putin sees this as a big existential war and he’s ready to up the stakes if he is losing on the battlefield,” Gabuev said.
    • 普京赢了
      • 他如果就这样抢了别人四个州,然后文明世界还要和他坐下来谈判,那真还不能就说他输了
        • 所以炸管道,普京嫌疑最大。逼迫欧洲给压力上谈判桌,他最想拿着4个州结束战争。哪四个州有新发现大量石油和天然气。杜绝了以后西方不买他的能源,把这个新发能源业抢为己有,欧洲下次还得买他的,够坏够逻辑。栽赃瓦解,为了环保把能源命脉交给俄罗斯就是默克尔太天真
        • 谈个屁😂😂普京想得美

          • 拜登和普京的算盘都打错了,如果拜登真有什么算盘的话。现在就看谁比谁更能死磕 +1
            • 拜登总统明确表态,欧盟明确表态,联合国明确表态,乌克兰宣布加入北约,普京必须无条件投降,否则俄罗斯必将粉碎成泥
              • 头三个表态没问题,乌克兰进不了北约,普京不会投降,俄罗斯成不了泥。最后还是要谈判在国际社会监督下达成合约。
          • 赞心思缜密,后面居然有一句话等着找补。
        • 将来乌克兰历史书上会写着某年被忽悠最后失去了那些地方。