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找那些有free compose pickup的locations,哪家离你近去哪家

Important notes: A safe motorized vehicle is required to drop off waste for disposal and all loads must be properly secured. Walk-ins, bicycles and manual transportation devices are not permitted. Any unsafe vehicles or unsecured loads will be refused entry. A deposit will be required before you are allowed to dispose of your material. Please […]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 明天有免费compost 拉吗?几点开始?


    • 7:00am +2
      • 请问是装好袋的吗? 还是自己需要带袋子装? 谢谢!
        • 自己需要带袋子装
          • Thanks!
      • thanks!
      • 请问在哪里啊
        • 多伦多有几个点,市政府的网站上应该能搜到,用 free compost没收到具体的, 用 Toronto Waste Transfer Station 能收到几个点,应该都有免费的。可以打电话确认。
        • 找那些有free compose pickup的locations,哪家离你近去哪家
          Important notes: A safe motorized vehicle is required to drop off waste for disposal and all loads must be properly secured. Walk-ins, bicycles and manual transportation devices are not permitted. Any unsafe vehicles or unsecured loads will be refused entry. A deposit will be required before you are allowed to dispose of your material. Please […]